Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 180 179 Masaki Keigo: On board the pirate ship

Chapter 180 179. Masaki Keigo: On board the pirate ship

After that, Chu Bai didn't talk to Masaki Keigo anymore, raised his tentacles, and explored the giant stone statue in front of him.

[The evil Tiga stone statue is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for two minutes. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

During the two minutes of extraction time, Masaki Keigo looked at the little monster in front of him in confusion.

He asked: "With such an affectionate touch, do you know this stone statue?"

Chu Bai lied and did not draft: "Yes, I fought with him 30 million years ago."

"Did you see the monster next to me? That monster used to be my friend."

"Really?" Masaki Keigo looked surprised and a little surprised.

He collected and analyzed these stone statues, and the analysis showed that these stone statues were formed about 30 million years ago.

Now this little monster actually casually stated the conclusion he came to after his analysis.

Masaki Keigo felt that what it said was probably true.

Chu Bai left Masaki Keigo with enough suspense: "Of course, do you want to listen to the battle stories between me and my companions? When you finish helping me, I will tell you whatever you want to know."

Masaki Keigo: "What the hell is it that requires you to go to such trouble to come find me..."

Before Chu Bai could answer, two minutes were up.

[Extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the evil Tiga ability—Evil Eye]

[Evil Eye: Your eyes can instantly detect the location of the enemy, and have the ability to see through, easily discovering the enemy's weaknesses]

As the system beep ended, Chu Bai could clearly feel his eyeballs heating up.

Soon, this uncomfortable feeling disappeared. Chu Bai turned his head and looked at Masaki Keigo beside him.

It narrowed its eyes slightly and activated its clairvoyance ability!

Two seconds later, there was a hint of playfulness in Chu Bai's expression: "I didn't expect you to dress up like an elite, but you actually wear briefs with a strawberry pattern underneath. You still have a childlike innocence, boss."

When Masaki Keigo heard this, he first felt strange because he had no clue.

But soon, he was smart enough to figure out the joints and looked down at his crotch.

When he looked up again, Masaki Keigo's eyes were full of shock: "You..."

Chu Bai raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Little~oak~guo~"

"I'm not, please don't slander me, I'm super big, okay?" Masaki Keigo began to quibble.

After a few words of teasing, Chu Bai was very satisfied with the new ability of his eyes.

Then, he extended his tentacles to the monster stone statue next to him.

[The super-ancient Komon monster Gedi is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for twenty seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

[Extraction successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining Gedi’s ability—Arm of Power]

[Power Arm: Increase the strength of your arms, giving you the power to easily lift giants away]


After extracting both stone statues, Chu Bai smacked his lips and said.

"Okay, now it's time for us to leave."

After saying that, Chu Bai wrapped one of his tentacles around Masaki Jingwu's body, and then branched out two tentacles, wrapping around the Gedi stone statue and the Xediga stone statue respectively.

"What are you going to do?" Masaki Keigo asked in a panic.

Chu Bai had an innocent expression: "Take these two stone statues away. Didn't I show it clearly enough?"

Masaki Keigo felt that this little monster had no contract spirit at all: "But I found these two stone statues. You can't be so unreasonable, and you just promised me..."

"Did I promise you?" Chu Bai asked back.

"I promised you that I would not destroy the giant stone statue, but I also did not say that I would not take it away."

"Don't worry, I am the one who keeps my promises."

Seeing that he couldn't make sense with the No. 1 monster, Masaki Keigo chose to do the next best thing: "You can take away the giant stone statue, but can you leave one..."     If you can't become a giant like Tiga, you can have the next best thing. The ability to transform into a monster should be considered evolution...

As long as you are good enough, no matter what you change, you will definitely be better than Diga.

He has this confidence.

"No." Because he had read the original work, Chu Bai knew Masaki Keigo's ultimate desire for power.

After taking away the evil Tiga himself, he would also plan to target Gedi. This is why Chu Bai took away both stone statues.

"You can't be like this! I've told you the location of the temple, why are you so unreasonable! Even if you are a monster, you can't be so unprincipled!" Masaki Keigo became hysterical in anger.

Chubai's expression remained normal, as if Masaki Keigo was not accusing him.

"I just took these two stone statues away, it's not like I won't send them back."

"When you finish helping me, I will send the stone statue back."

"Not only that, I might even help you get Ultraman Tiga's transformer to thank you."

Masaki Keigo's expression became obviously relaxed: "Are you sure you didn't lie to me this time?"

Chu Bai nodded and patted his chest with his little paws: "Of course, you are not outside asking about my cosmic bully. You are a thorn in your mouth."

"OK then."

This scientist with a super high IQ finally chose to nod.

Of course, he had no other choice but to agree to Monster No. 1.


The hill behind Yanye Street.

in a rebuilt temporary residence.

Chu Bai appeared with Masaki Keigo.

To Chubai's surprise, the first person to recognize Masaki Keigo's identity was the dinosaur man Yiwu.

She looked at him in surprise: "Are you the boss of Sedic Company?!"

Chu Bai: "Yes, Masaki Keigo, he will be our partner from now on."

Next to him, dinosaur man Adamu had a strange expression: "Yi Wu, how do you know him?"

"I previously negotiated cooperation with a biotechnology company as a company representative. That company was Sedic, so I would know Mr. Masaki Keigo." Yiwu explained.

After saying that, she stretched out her hand, seemingly wanting to use human etiquette to shake Masaki Keigo's hand.

However, Masaki Keigo was stunned when he saw the dinosaur claw extended by the beautiful girl in front of him: "This glove of yours is quite unique."

Yi Wu explained: "It's not a glove, this is my hand."

Masaki Keigo: "..."

Chu Bai stretched out his little paw and patted Masaki Keigo on the back: "You should also be mentally prepared."

"You are the only human being in this room."

After saying that, Chu Bai walked out of the door first: "Okay, Adam, come here too. Let's tell your new colleague about the recent research."


On the dinosaur man's spaceship.

Masaki Keigo's eyes almost popped out of his head when he looked at the magnetic field of time and space created by Chu Bai.

"Is this what you call the space-time boundary that can affect time? (⊙o⊙)"

"It's unbelievable that this kind of magnetic field can be created by humans... No, it was created by animals."

Chu Bai was very satisfied with Masaki Keigo's rigorous attitude: "Do you have a clue? Can its influence on time be stabilized?"

Masaki Keigo's eyes were blazing: "I have no clue, but I am very passionate about research now!"

(End of this chapter)

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