Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 195 Chapter 194 Traveling to the future

Chapter 195 194. Traveling to the future

While Chu Bai was suppressing Ultraman, the three-minute extraction time finally arrived.

[Extraction successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining Ultraman ability - Eight-point Light Wheel]

[Eight-point light wheel: also known as Ultra Cutting. After acquiring this ability, the host can condense its own energy into a disc-shaped saw blade, which is extremely sharp]

"This skill...is very good!"

After learning about the new skills extracted this time, Chu Bai was very satisfied.

"Okay, my friend, I will let you go now, but you have to promise me not to attack me."

"Without my energy replenishment, you won't be able to stay on Earth for long, so you'd better leave as soon as possible."

"Believe me, I really don't mean any harm."

"When you go back, you won't call the Ultra brothers to come and surround me, right?"

After receiving Ultraman's assurance, Chu Bai let go of his tentacles.

The Ultra Warrior's character is still trustworthy.

After regaining his freedom, Ultraman looked at the little red monster in front of him with confusion...

I have seen Pigumon myself, but this is the first time I have seen such a big and powerful Pigumon...


The fact is just as Chu Bai said, after Ultraman lost his energy replenishment, the red light on Ultraman's chest began to flash rapidly again.


Taking one last look at the strange little monster in front of him, Ultraman took off and rushed out of the earth.

"We'll see you again."

Looking at Ultraman's flying back, Chu Bai waved goodbye.

In the universe of the Kingdom of Light, there are countless 'special individuals' that you can extract.

If you have the chance, you must go and give it a try.

After traveling for such a long time, Chu Bai's mentality has been subtly affected by various events and has changed.

Before, he just wanted to save his life in this world.

Now he understands that in the Ultraman universe, where the jungle prevails, only by becoming stronger than everyone can he gain absolute safety!

After waving goodbye to Ultraman, Chu Bai shrank his body.

Dagu came over at this moment and asked curiously: "Why did you tie up that giant for so long?"

"When you reach my age, you will understand." Chu Bai said perfunctorily.

After realizing that Monster No. 1 was unwilling to answer his question, Dagu didn't ask any more questions.

He turned his head, looked at the calm lake and the setting sun in front of him, and held his head comfortably: "Now that the alien has run away, Ultraman has also left, and the incident has finally subsided..."


Halfway through the words, Dagu's pupils suddenly dilated!

"No, we are in 1965 now, how can we go back?!"

"What's the point of panic? It's only been a few decades. It's not like you won't survive until then." Chu Bai spread his paws with a nonchalant look on his face.

"No, no, no..." Dagu paced back and forth anxiously.

"It's not a problem for you, a monster, to live for decades, but I will become an old man in a few decades..."

It seemed that there was a picture in his mind. Dagu collapsed and held his head in his hands: "When I was sixty or seventy years old, I met Lina in her prime. Oh my God, I can't even imagine that picture!"

Then, he nervously approached Chu Bai and put his arm around Chu Bai's shoulders: "You must have a way to go back? Right?"

Hearing this, Chu Bai thought for a moment: "It seems there is."

He can create a magnetic field in the space-time world, and the space-time world is distorted time.

I just extracted Chalika and gained a new 'time and space control' skill. Maybe now I can really try to travel through time!

"What can I do?" Da Gu, who had regained hope, was full of expectations.

Chu Bai did not speak, but silently distanced himself from Da Gu and looked at a towering tree by the lake. Then, he took out the magnetic field controller that Masaki Keigo had made some time ago, stretched out his paw, and snapped his fingers with a "pop!"


In front of Dagu, a golden field appeared!

The special golden magnetic field instantly enveloped the big tree!


In a magnetic field that is completely different from the real world, the leaves of the big tree begin to fall off rapidly.

The branches and trunks that were originally full of vitality began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Five minutes later, the good tree turned into a pile of rotten wood, as if decades had passed in an instant.

Da Gu, who saw this scene, was filled with surprise and uncertainty: "This is..."

Chu Bai: "The realm of time and space."


Dagu swallowed.

Now it is too late to think about why Monster No. 1 has such evil abilities. Instead, he asks expectantly: "Can you control the world of time and space?"

Chu Bai shook his head honestly: "No, but I am trying, trying to master the feeling of using instruments to control time and space, and then abandon the instruments and understand deeper methods of use."

"You..." Da Gu hesitated.

Chu Bai: "Don't disturb me."

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

In two days, Chu Bai became more and more proficient in controlling the world of time and space, and was finally able to accelerate time without the help of instruments.

But even so, there is still a long way to go before the space-time gate is opened.

At the same time, on the other side, at Tsuburaya Production Company, screenwriter Tetsuo Kaneshiro put pen to paper and wrote the name of the new script-"Ultraman".

A month later.

After throwing a passing squirrel into the realm of time and space and watching it disappear.

Chu Bai felt that time travel could be used for real-life experiments.

Facing the gaze from Monster No. 1, Dagu took two steps back: "Is it stable?"

"Of course it's unstable." Chu Bai answered without hesitation.

"After entering, you may turn into a gray-haired old man, or you may immediately turn into a pile of bones... There is about a one percent chance of successfully traveling through time and going to the place where you were originally a few decades later. era."

"Time is a very difficult thing to control."

Dagu was obviously unwilling to try: "This... probability is too small. When will it be stable?"

Chu Bai: "A few hundred years, otherwise you'd better wait a few years and get older."

Dagu: "No."

After hesitating for a few more seconds, Dagu felt a sense of pride in dying generously in his heart: "I'll go in!"

After taking two steps forward, he suddenly turned back and asked, "Will you come with me?"

Chu Bai pouted: "I'm not in a hurry to go to the future, why should I take this risk?"

"I'm the only one, so what if you send me hundreds of years in the future?" Dagu raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows twice.

"It's possible... so I will only wear less clothes during the time I set, not too much." Chu Bai replied.

"Actually, I can come with you."

"But you have to promise me something."

Even at this time, Da Gu was still clear-headed and did not blindly agree: "You say it."

Chu Bai came up to Da Gu and whispered something.

After listening to what Chu Bai said, Dagu nodded without thinking: "Yes, but you have to ensure that what you do will not endanger the earth."

Chu Bai: "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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