Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 196 195 Nightmare Comes True

Chapter 196 195. Nightmare Comes True


A golden magnetic field wave appeared near the lake.

Then, a man and an animal walked into it.

Although he was the creator of the space-time world, Chu Bai entered this magnetic field for the first time and was quite surprised by the impact of the magnetic field on his body.

"I feel like my body has become lighter. Every cell has its own idea and wants to escape from my body..." Dagu murmured next to him.

"In order to cope with time and space travel, your body cells have entered a high degree of activation." Chu Bai explained matter-of-factly, raising his paw and pointing forward: "Get out quickly, your human body cannot last long in this magnetic field. .”

Dagu asked as he took a step forward: "After we go out, will we be able to return to the time we were originally at?"

Chu Bai: "I told you a long time ago, I can't guarantee this kind of thing..."

Soon, a man and a beast walked out of the time and space realm.

The city in front of us has entered modernization, and the cars running on the road have also changed from the angular and square shapes of 1965 to become more aerodynamic.

"Come back, really come back?!"

Dagu opened his PDI communicator in surprise and connected to the victory team headquarters.

After seeing the familiar people in the picture, Da Gu was so excited that he almost cried.

"Captain, great, you are all still alive!"

He excitedly greeted everyone in the command room.

"What are you kidding about? Aren't you dating Lina? Why do you look like you are surviving the disaster?"

"It's a long story..." Dagu sighed.

For the captain and the others, half a day has passed, but for me, more than a month has passed!

A successful time travel was something even Chu Bai had not expected.

Seeing Da Gu excitedly telling his colleagues about his recent experiences, Chu Bai, who felt bored, said "Then I'm leaving." and prepared to leave.

Dagu suddenly raised his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute!"

Chu Bai turned around: "What?"

Dagu hung up the communication with his teammates, reached into his arms, took out the divine light stick, and brought it to Chu Bai: "This is what I promised you."

Chu Bai was surprised: "So keep your promise?"

When he and Dagu entered the world of time and space together, one of the conditions he proposed was to obtain the Divine Light Rod and use it to help Masaki Keigo transform and train, so that he could have more help when fighting Gatanjie.

I originally thought about discussing this matter later, but I didn't expect Dagu to be so straightforward.

Dagu's expression was calm: "It's not difficult to do this kind of thing."


city ​​street.

Lina sat alone on a bench by the roadside, her beautiful eyes full of anger: "This guy Dagu is so unreliable, he actually made me wait for so long!"

"Da Gu will be back soon, don't worry." The voice suddenly appeared in Lina's mind.

"Monster number one?"

Lina stood up and looked around in surprise: "Are you talking to me? Are you with Dagu?"

Unfortunately, Lina's subsequent questions did not receive any response from Monster No. 1.

Underground, Chu Bai, carrying the divine light stick, rushed to the back hill of Yanye Street as quickly as possible.

"Dago, I can only help you so far with comforting the girl."


The hill behind Yanye Street.

Chu Bai appears in the dinosaur man's spaceship.

"How is the research on time regression going?" Chu Bai asked.

The two researchers were busy conducting various experimental observations while answering: "It's difficult."

"Then let's put it away for a while, Zhengmu, and let's see what good things I bring you."

With that said, Chu Bai waved the divine light stick twice in front of Masaki Jingwu.

And Zhengmu, like a dog who could see bones after seeing the divine light stick, his eyes lit up: "What are you..." Chu Bai: "I told you some time ago."

Masaki Keigo: "Okay, I understand! I will definitely live up to my trust!"

"Just let me get that power! I'll do whatever you want me to do!"

"Okay, there's no need to pretend to be loyal to me here. I want you to help me when the time comes." Chu Bai handed the divine light stick to Masaki Keigo and warned.

Masaki: "Yeah, yeah! (ω`)"


Two months later.

The earth has been surprisingly peaceful in the past two months, and no new monsters have appeared.

Dagu would occasionally come to the back mountain to give away the divine light stick, and by the way, he would tell Chu Bai about his latest dream.

Although Chu Bai is a monster in Dagu's eyes, in his heart, he regards Monster No. 1 as one of the few confidants in this world.

He is an alien among humans, and Monster No. 1 happens to be an alien among monsters.

"I saw overwhelming darkness and wailing people, and flames destroying the world, burning everywhere..." Dagu described his terrifying dream.

Chu Bai: "What you saw may not be a dream, but the past in your genes."

At this time, Kirino walked into the temple and interjected: "You are Ultraman, and you can be considered a person with super powers. Maybe you, like me, see the future. After all, the environment is similar."

"This is..." Dagu looked at Kirino in confusion.

Chu Bai introduced: "Kirino Makoto, a human superpower, has the ability to read minds and predict the future."

Dagu looked shocked: "Why..."

Kirino waved his hand: "No need to be surprised. In the eyes of ordinary people, I am a monster, so it is better to stay with a real monster."

Saying that, Tong Ye looked at Chu Bai: "Are you ready? Darkness is coming."

Chu Bai's eyes were as wide as copper bells: "So fast?"

Facing the dark future, Kirino twitched the corners of his mouth with difficulty: "It's slow enough. It gave us two months of peace."

Dagu: "You all know?"

Then, Dagu remembered what the super-ancient human he met said during the Chigera incident: "The ruler of darkness, the terrifying nightmare demon..."


The PDI communicator rang at an inappropriate time.

Turning on the communicator, Captain Hui's anxious face appeared inside: "Team Dagu, return to the team immediately. There are violent undersea activities in the South Pacific."

Kirino then curiously interjected: "Are undersea activities also under the control of the TPC?"

The captain obviously heard Kirino's words, but instead of replying, he hung up the communication.

At this moment, Dagu hurriedly picked up the helmet on the table and at the same time opened his palms to Chu Bai.

Chu Bai didn't hesitate and walked quickly into the darkness, using darkness to sneak!

As the little monster's body disappeared and reappeared, a strange-looking prop appeared in his hand.

After passing the divine light stick to Dagu again, Chu Bai added: "Be careful, your nightmare will come true this time."


TPC Far East Base.

Yerui team member: "There is a seafloor uplift in the waters of New Zealand in the South Pacific..."

"This is a video transmitted in real time by the coast search team..."

After seeing the scene on the big screen, the well digging team members were surprised: "Oh my god, is this an ancient city? Is there a city in the sea?"

Xincheng squinted his eyes: "In the dim sea water, I feel like something is about to jump out at any time..."

The next moment, the screen shook violently!

A huge shadow passed in front of the camera!

(End of this chapter)

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