Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 197 196 Da Gu: Exposed

Chapter 197 196. Da Gu: Exposed

"The huge creature suddenly appeared and rushed out of the sea level!" Yerui team members reported.

"It is currently flying to Australia at a speed close to Mach 7..."

"Go over and stop the attack immediately!" Captain Hui Zhongjian made a prompt decision.

"As for this ruins..."


The mechanical door of the command room opened at this time, and Chief Yoshioka of the Security Bureau walked in with a folding fan in his hand: "Let the Dolphin go. The Dolphin with advanced diving technology will definitely be able to complete this exploration mission perfectly."

"Okay, then Xincheng and the well-digging crew will drive the Dolphin to the location where the ruins appeared..."

After the task was arranged, the highly efficient Victory Team quickly set off from the base.


At the same time, the mountains behind Hikoye Street.

Chu Bai looked at the TV screen in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Are the suddenly appearing underwater ruins brought up by the collision of continental plates?" Monk Civet analyzed.

"Who knows, the ruins look really evil." Master Ayan frowned slightly.

"Obik doesn't like it." The shadow in the pot had the same view as Master Ayan.

"Sir, what do you think?" The civet cat monk looked at Chu Bai beside him and asked, observing the changes in his expression.

At this time, Chu Bai was no longer as relaxed as he had been when he acted before, and his expression was more solemn than ever.

"Master Ayan, notify all monsters to assemble! The final BOSS is here!"

"Remember, it's all, not one is missing." Chu Bai ordered.

"The next task may be a bit hard, but after this time we can give them a long vacation."

"Are you going to this ruins?" The civet cat monk glanced at the location of the ruins broadcast on the TV and asked carefully.

Chu Bai nodded.

Monk the civet cat: "What exactly is in this ruins?"

Chu Bai: "Monsters, monsters that can destroy this world."

"I understand." The civet cat monk nodded.


TPC Far East Base.

The monsters under surveillance suddenly began to act collectively, immediately attracting the attention of the TPC.

"The last time these monsters acted in such a coordinated manner was when they faced the golden dragon..."

"Could it be that they sensed another huge threat?" The vice-captain frowned as he looked at the moving monster on the surveillance screen.

"It's that ruins..." Captain Hui Hui quickly figured out the connection.

"But I don't think that big bird with wings can make the monsters so nervous." The vice-captain held his chin with one hand, feeling that there was something weird about it.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Every monster enemy in TPC is very difficult to deal with." the captain warned.

"Member Yerui, contact the relevant departments, closely monitor the monsters' movements, and report them immediately if they approach human cities."

Ye Rui asked: "Don't you care now?"

Hui Jian struggled with his eyes: "Compared to the huge new creatures that appeared from the mysterious ruins, these monsters that we are familiar with and have helped us are more trustworthy."

"I understand." Team member Yerui nodded.

For the next half hour, the victory team's command room was in a state of high tension.

"who is it!"

Suddenly, the captain sitting on the command platform shouted.

Then, without waiting for the rest of the team members to react, the captain quickly rushed out of the command room.

"Captain, this is..." The frightened team member Yerui looked confused.

Before he could finish his words, deputy captain Zong Fang had already rushed out with the captain.

In the corridor of the base, Hui Dingding looked at the mysterious man in black robe in front of him.

The reason why she suddenly became so excited just now was because she noticed a black shadow suddenly passing in front of her... "Who are you?"

The female captain of the victory team narrowed her eyes with caution.

The mysterious man turned around at this moment and took off the huge hood covering his head, revealing his hidden head of white hair.

"You Lian?" Hui Jian's eyes trembled.

The mysterious man is none other than the projection that once appeared in the time capsule, the former captain of the Earth Defense Force who calls himself You Lian...

Reminiscent of the sudden appearance of strange bulges off the coast of New Zealand and the collective activities of monsters, and now even You Lian appears again...

The clever Jian Hui guessed: The earth may be in trouble!

"It's coming back to life."

You Lian said in his illusory voice.

"Who is it? The culprit that caused the demise of your super ancient civilization?"

Captain Hui Jian continued to ask nervously: "You appear at this time, is there a solution?"

"Youlian, you are the captain of the Super Ancient Earth Defense Force. Why didn't you lead your soldiers to resist..."

Before Jian Hui could finish speaking, You Lian's eyes were sad: "I'm just a program."

After that, she disappeared as if she had never appeared.

Hui Jian stared blankly at where You Lian was standing just now.

You Lian's sudden appearance confirmed his suspicion just now.

Facing the impending disaster, the wise Hui Jian felt at a loss for a while.

At this time, deputy captain Munakata appeared behind Megumi and walked slowly to the captain: "Captain, what happened?"

"Who were you talking to just now?"

"No, it's nothing."

Hui Jian took a deep breath and turned to look at the vice-captain: "Is there any news about Dagu and Lina who went to Australia to stop Zoga?"

"Is your mental state really okay?" Zongfang asked again with concern.

Hui Jian did not answer, but walked quickly to the command room.

"Humanity will never repeat the same mistakes."

She answered You Lian like this in her heart.

"This time, humans not only have Ultra Warriors as patron saints, but also gain the friendship of monsters."

"Tiga, Monster No. 1, and humans, we will definitely stop the darkness!"



Dagu and Lina piloted the Shengli Feiyan No. 1 and appeared on the monster flight path predicted by TPC.

While waiting for the monster to appear, Lina suddenly looked back at Dagu: "Dagu, I heard that you have been having nightmares recently."

"Yes, maybe I'm too tired from work during the day." Faced with Lina's burning eyes, Dagu felt guilty for some reason.

"Of course you are tired, because Dagu, you not only have to deal with TPC matters, but you also have to take the time to go to Hiko Street to meet the No. 1 monster." Lina pointed out directly.

"You and it must be very good friends."

Dagu's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bad feeling: "I..."

Lina continued at this time: "Monster No. 1 is indeed close to humans, but I have never seen it speak for any human being."

"Also, Dagu, you often disappear, and every time Ultraman Tiga appears, it's very suspicious, isn't it?"

Lina changed the topic and suddenly asked: "Why do you want to hide it from me? Why?"

Dagu was surprised and uncertain, and said calmly: "Lina, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Lina's eyes were blazing: "You understand, you are Superman, how powerful you are."

(End of this chapter)

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