Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 63 63 Chu Bai: Brother, goodbye.

Chapter 63 63. Chu Bai: Goodbye, brother.

Because the news reminds everyone to avoid going out at night, the city of Tokyo is particularly quiet tonight.

Even bars, which are open at night, are closed.

Everyone wants to make money, but no one wants to die.

In this quiet and oppressive darkness, a huge black shadow appeared in the sky, which was Abbas's spaceship.


The spacecraft suddenly began to shake violently.

Soon, the shaking was over.

Blue light descends on the city.

The gigantic Abbas appears!

The giant object fell to the ground, waking up the sleeping people in the city.

Residents who heard the noise quickly came to the window and looked at the source of the loud noise.

"Is it a monster? It looks like a bat!" An innocent child pointed at Abbas and said.

"What kind of bat? I think he looks like a birdman, and the things on his shoulders look like wings." Beside the boy, the father wearing glasses analyzed carefully.

On the other side of the bed, my mother had packed her things and was preparing to escape.

"Why are you standing there, run away! That huge creature is less than 1000 meters away from us! It's just two steps away from our door!"

"Honey, don't be anxious. If you die, you can't escape. If you don't deserve to die, you won't die no matter what." The man said in a very Buddhist tone.

Hearing this, the woman became angry and said, "It's okay if you're usually not motivated, but you still have this kind of attitude at this time? Do you want your child to die with you?"

"Get up quickly!"

When his father was reluctantly pulled up by his mother, the little boy was still lying in front of the window.

At a certain moment, his eyes widened, as if he was trying to see something clearly: "Mom, dad, look! There seems to be more than one!"

"More than one giant creature appeared?!"

Dad heard the sound, put on his pants and rushed to the bed: "It's true, there is a monster behind the huge creature!"

"But this shape looks like a sprouting potato. Is the thin protruding thing on the top of the head a horn? It's nondescript!"

"It's Monster Number One!"

The boy who likes to read all kinds of novels for primary school students suddenly shouted.

"It's the No. [-] monster, the only officially known monster that is close to humans. It is often active in the Kanto region and has helped TPC defeat powerful enemies several times..."

"I heard that the Xuna ghost on Xuna Mountain was defeated by Monster No. [-] some time ago."

"Some monster scholars even regard Monster No. [-] as the patron saint of the earth, just like Ultraman Tiga!"

The boy looked excited.

"Son, next time I'll lend you that magazine for dad to read." The man joked after discovering that his son's knowledge was broader than his own.

"How could the monster be the patron saint of the earth? It looks so stupid and cute, and it can't defeat that huge alien at all."

Mom curled her lips: "Okay, pack your things quickly and get ready to escape!!"


Tokyo city center.

Chu Bai appeared together with the giant Abbas.

Abbas lowered his head and glanced at the tentacles tied to his body, and then at the strange-looking monster not far away...

He has grown huge, so why are its tentacles still tied to his body?
You really can’t get rid of it? !

Opposite him, Chu Bai looked calm.

Just now on the spaceship, he noticed that Abbas was showing signs of becoming gigantic. He immediately used the gigantism simultaneously to maintain the strength of the tentacles and prevent Abbas from getting out of trouble.

At the same time, it is also to prevent the extraction progress from being reset.

The 15 seconds have just taken a few seconds on the spaceship, a few seconds have taken to become huge, and now they are about to arrive.

On the opposite side, Abbas didn't expect that after becoming huge, he still couldn't break free from this weird tentacle!
"Who are you? Why are you helping Redel and humans!"

Abbas, who kept twisting his body and trying to break away, used his telepathy to ask Chubai.

Immediately afterwards, a voice that was so bland that there was no emotion, with a vague sense of pretentiousness, appeared in Abbas's mind.

"Just an ordinary monster passing by."

A very ordinary sentence, but it made Abbas feel like he was struck by lightning.

The other party actually has the ability to communicate mentally? !
Across from him, Chu Bai seemed to like Abbas's shocked expression.

"Thank you also."

That's right, the new skill Chu Bai spent 15 seconds to draw from Abbas was telepathy!

[Telepathy: The ability to directly transmit one's thoughts to a designated target without the use of vocal organs. The transmitted thoughts are not restricted by language. "Finally, other creatures besides monsters can understand my words!" Chu Bai happily gestured with his little paw.

At this moment, a shining light appeared in the darkness.

Dagu transforms into Tiga and appears!

After Chu Bai saw Diga, he used telepathy to communicate with the giant of light: "Abbas is afraid of light, so you can destroy it directly with strong light!"

Under normal circumstances, Chu Bai would have left after extracting the target's skills.

He is not willing to do any unnecessary things.

But this time is different. This time the enemy is Redel's enemy.

And Redel, the 'A'er' appointed by grandma, is his brother.

Just think of it as a small favor for your brother.

Not far away, Diga's expression became obviously frightened, and he glanced left and right in a panic.

Finally, he set his sights on Chu Bai.


Diga tilted his head.

Otto tilted his head, his big head, full of doubts.

Was it you, the little monster, talking to me just now?

"There is no doubt, it's me, hurry up and kill Abbas." Chu Bai used telepathy to prove his identity a little impatiently.

Only then did Diga dare to confirm that the one who had just conveyed the message to him was really the No. [-] monster!

Monster No. [-], who has always been a beast at heart, actually conveys quite logical ideas.

Clearly, it possesses considerable intelligence.

I had underestimated it before.

"Why are you still standing there? Take action..."

Chu Bai saw that Dijia hadn't moved yet, and even prepared to do it himself.

After reacting, Diga nodded, suppressed the surprise in his heart, gathered energy in his chest, and released a strong light...


In an instant, the entire city of Tokyo was as bright as day!

"Whoa whoa-"

Abbas, who was extremely photophobic, gradually melted under the bright light.

Until finally, completely disappear!

Abbas, died.

No need to fight if you find the right method.

At the same time that Abbas disappeared, a dense blue light appeared on the huge spaceship in the sky.


The light fell on the ground like raindrops, and then slowly dissipated, revealing the humans wrapped in it.

Obviously, Redel rescued all the people captured by Abbas.

After that, the spacecraft disappeared without stopping over the city.

In the city, Chu Bai looked up at the sky and murmured: "I know, I will take good care of grandma."

"Goodbye, Ah Er."


After counting all the rescued people, it was already early morning and the sky was bright.

Next to the victory team's Carrot car.

The vice-captain put his hands on his hips: "I heard from Da Gu that it was Monster No. [-] and the alien who saved us."

"I really want to thank them this time." Xincheng said with a relaxed smile.

"I guess there's no chance, he's gone." Dagu replied.

"How do you know he said goodbye to you?" Xincheng asked.

"That's not it."

Dagu shook his head and turned to point at the lonely No. [-] monster sitting by the lake.

"But I guess it's time to say goodbye to it."

(End of this chapter)

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