Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 64 64 'Stars' fall, an ominous premonition!

Chapter 64 64. The 'star' falls, an ominous premonition!
"Raeder must be very sad when he leaves; one is a monster and the other is an alien. In people's eyes, they are aliens, and this kind of friendship that transcends races, they cherish each other..."

Dagu looked at the lonely back of Monster No. [-] and suddenly felt emotional.

When he became Ultraman, in the eyes of humans, wasn't he an 'alien'?
Sometimes, he also wants to have a 'different' partner with whom he can talk to each other.

It's a pity that he can only walk on Ultraman's path alone.

Next to him, Tunjing, who had never said a word, looked a little sad in the atmosphere. He suddenly turned to look at Zongfang and changed the subject and said: "Vice Captain, I failed to protect you this time, please punish me."

Although Monster No. [-] and Redel left, not only were they not harmed, but they also helped their victory team defeat Abbas.

But it is true that he did not take good care of the well digging, so he did not complain when he was punished.

"It's okay, I don't blame you for that kind of thing."

Vice-captain Munakata patted Tsui's shoulder with his hand.

"Yes, Leidel told me when he came here that you ran out after they knocked you unconscious." Dagu said as he helped dig the well.

The Xincheng team members also lamented: "It's true, no matter how advanced the technology is, how can humans be the opponent of a monster and an alien? You can't stop them from leaving."

"So, Team Horii, you don't have to blame yourself."

After hearing what his teammates said, Dijing was stunned.

However, when Redel and Monster No. [-] left, they did not attack him.

It was grandma who delayed herself by taking a bath...

Thinking about it, Tujing suddenly understood the good intentions of Redel and Monster No. [-].

They are exonerating themselves!
If they were able to leave because of their carelessness, then the entire responsibility lies with their own negligence.

However, if they took advantage of themselves and took advantage of them, then their guilt would be much smaller.

After all, everyone knew that it was impossible to stop the two of them with human bodies.

It was Redel and Monster No. [-] who took the blame for themselves...

"Those two guys are really..."

Digging the well and looking at the lonely back of little Pigmon by the lake, he felt moved and tears filled his eyes.

However, although the other party had good intentions in order to help him escape the crime.

However, as an upright member of the Victory Team, Dijing knew that he was wrong when he was wrong.

If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and you must stand upright when you are beaten.

"Vice Captain, actually the real situation is not like that..."

Dijing opened his mouth to explain clearly.

But mid-sentence, the vice-captain raised his hand to stop him.

"Just be careful next time."

"Don't betray their good intentions."

Dijing's pupils trembled: "Vice Captain, you..."

Vice Captain Munakata had no intention of continuing this topic. He clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention: "Okay, now that all the missing persons have been found, it's time for us to go back."

"Then, what should we do with that guy?"

Xincheng suddenly pointed at Monster No. [-] sitting by the lake.

"Which guy? Why didn't I see anything there?" Vice Captain Zongfang showed a meaningful smile and said pretending to be confused.

"Yes, are you dazzled by the new city? There is obviously nothing there." The smart Lina understood instantly and followed the vice-captain's words.


Xincheng hesitated to speak, but before he could speak, he was blocked by Dagu: "Okay Xincheng, you will drive the Carrot today."


Seeing the attitude of his teammates, Xincheng understood that they had made up their mind to let the No. [-] monster go, and could only helplessly show a wry smile.

Soon, everyone in the Victory Team drove away in Carrot and Dram cars.

During this period, Monster No. [-] has been sitting motionless by the artificial lake.

Doves and birds kept flying in front of him, and there were even many bold birds that landed on his red back and shoulders.

As time goes by, dawn comes and the sun rises.

There are more and more people in Ueno Park.

Young people jogging in the morning, adults and aunts getting up early to exercise... At a certain moment, there was a wave of fluctuations on the surface of the artificial lake.

Chu Bai also stood up at this time.

"Oh no, some dead bird is on my back!!"

After cursing, little Pigumeng Chubai slowly walked into the lake and washed his body with water under the surprised gaze of many morning exercisers.

Clean yourself up and go talk to grandma.

Chu Bai thought so.

By the artificial lake, the residents watched this scene with strange expressions.

Finally, a man who was jogging in the morning couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Then, that's a little monster, right? I saw it right."

"Uncle and aunt, won't you run away when you see it? Aren't you afraid?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of. Ah Da often appears on the streets of Tokyo. There are quite a lot of sightings. He has never hurt anyone." A certain uncle said nonchalantly.

"Ah Da? I remember that the official name of this monster is Monster No. [-]. It has not been named, only has a code name." The young man looked confused.

"It's the name given by the old lady from Gao Feng's family." A certain grandmother hung her head on the rope like a hanging, and stretched her cervical vertebrae while saying.

After the exercise, grandma stretched her neck: "The exercise method from the next country is really effective. Stretching the cervical spine makes me feel refreshed!"

"Grandma, if you exercise like this, it's really easy to get into trouble." The young man who didn't see it tried to persuade her with his face covered.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, I have lived enough." Grandma didn't care.

young people:"……"

Just while everyone was chatting.


Chubai washed up, walked out of the lake, and walked along the running track of Ueno Park towards the outside of the park.

During this period of time, the water droplets attached to his body turned into thick water vapor rising upwards.

This is Chu Bai spreading the heat of the Hellfire Bomb to the surface of his body. The temperature is not very high and cannot harm the enemy, but it is enough to dry himself.

In the back, the elders and aunties watched the little monster leave and said with a smile: "It's very awesome, Ah Da."

"It really doesn't hurt anyone. It's amazing."

The young man who was running watched Monster No. [-] leave and was amazed.

"Didn't you see the battle last night?" The uncle felt that young people today are too short-sighted. "Ada protected the city of Tokyo."

"Really? My family lives three kilometers away. I felt some vibrations last night, but I couldn't see clearly..." The young man scratched his head.

"Hey! Take a look!"

The aunt who was stretching her cervical spine seemed to have good eyesight. She suddenly raised her hand and pointed to the sky: "Is there a shooting star in the sky?!"

"Really, but this meteor seems a bit close to us..." The uncle squinted his eyes.

"Something's wrong, it feels like some strange flying object!"

The young people seemed much more alert than the elders and aunts, and their expressions became alert.


At the same time, at the entrance of Ueno Park.

After seeing the 'stars' sliding across the sky, little Pigu Mengchubai kept staring at the direction in which the flying object fell, looking a little excited.

"It looks like I can only go see grandma later. This thing that fell from the sky seems to be something extraordinary!"


near Tokyo Bay.

On the patrol car, the well-digger who was punished for patrolling turned on the DBI communicator.

"What's wrong, Yerui?"

In the communicator, team member Ye Rui had a solemn expression: "A UFO just landed in area C21. Team member digging the well, you are the closest there."

"I understand."

Dijing nodded, thoughtfully: "The flying object, could it be Redel flying back again..."

(End of this chapter)

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