Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 65 Chapter 65 The hunted girl!

Chapter 65 65. The hunted girl!

C21 region.

This is a very large industrial area.

At this moment, in the factory area with noisy machinery, a girl ran out.

The girl is wearing shorts and a midriff-baring top. She has a beautiful appearance and a slim figure.

However, at this moment, her expression was very frightened. While she was running forward in a panic, she was looking back in fear, as if she was worried that something was about to catch up.

On the side of the road, the Drum stopped.

The well-digging team member with the detector in his hand got out of the car, met the girl head-on, and asked curiously: "Excuse me, have you seen the UFO that landed here?"

The girl had no time to reply to his words, and passed by him like the wind.

Chujing froze on the spot, scratching his head in confusion: "I don't want to strike up a conversation, why do I need to run so fast?"

"It seems that next time we should let Dagu and the others do this kind of investigation..."

Dijing said somewhat dejectedly.



A terrifying explosion appeared from behind him.

Dijing looked back and saw a man wearing a leather vest and slicked back hair appearing next to his car.

At this moment, the man's back was turned to him, but his eyes seemed to be staring at the girl running very fast in front of him.

"Sir, have you seen any strange flying objects crashing nearby?" Dijing, who was on a mission, hurried forward and asked.

The man turned around after hearing his words...

Dijing was stunned when he saw the man's face.

This was obviously a very ordinary face, but Dijing felt that there was something evil about this face.

The widened eyes revealed cruelty and bloodlust.

This kind of look is something no murderer in prison has ever seen!
The alert Zujing hurriedly put his hand to his waist, squinted his eyes and asked: "Sir, have you seen any unidentified flying objects nearby..."


Before he finished asking the question, the man's whole head suddenly changed.

His entire head seemed to be suddenly wrapped in a black carapace, his face became ferocious, his mouth was like the mouthparts of an insect, and even the top of his head had weird tentacles extending out like a scorpion's tail.

Just after the mutation was completed, the tentacles above the man's head suddenly shot out a blue-green light.

call out! ——

Fortunately, Dijing reacted quickly enough, and the light flew past his body.

And at the same time as he was dodging the light, Chujing pulled out the gun from his waist and pulled the trigger.

"call out!"

The light bullet of the Victory Hypa Gun shot straight towards the man's head.


Because he did not dodge in time, the man's face was scratched by the light bullet of the Hypa gun, and a burst of sparks appeared.

Digging the well saw that the hit hit, and quickly and "click-click" pulled the trigger of the Victory Hypa Gun, firing a series of light bullets.

Only this time, before the light bullet hit, the man with the strange head disappeared!

Afterwards, I dug a well and walked around the area again, and finally confirmed that the unknown man was really gone.

"That guy is an alien, right?"

Dijing, who was covered in cold sweat, got into the car and said with lingering fear.

Afterwards, he turned on the communicator and reported the series of events he had just encountered to the headquarters.


TPC Far East Base.

Commander's room. "We just sent away the Standel aliens, and now another unknown alien appears. These aliens don't really regard the earth as their second home, right?" Xincheng shook his chair unhappily and said irritably.

"With the development of science and technology, humans have launched many surveyors into the universe in recent years. Although this can help us understand the universe, it also exposes to the universe the fact that intelligent life exists on the earth... I am afraid that aliens will become more and more different in the future. The more." Yerui team member analyzed.

"Perhaps aliens have always come to the earth, but the technology was not developed before and there were no detection methods like now, so the ancients could not detect it." Dijing speculated.

"What you guys said makes sense, but now let's discuss the mysterious alien that appeared in the industrial area." Hui Jian brought the topic back on track.

"Unlike the Standel aliens, this time the aliens showed their intention to attack as soon as they appeared, so we don't have to hold back."

"Member Yerui, please follow the description of digging the well and check the surveillance cameras in various locations."

After hearing the captain's instructions, Yerui immediately immersed himself in work.

At this moment, Dijing suddenly remembered: "Before the alien man attacked me, a beautiful girl ran past me. Looking back now, the girl looked panicked at the time and looked back from time to time. Is it possible? She is on guard against the alien man, fearing that he will be caught..."

"It's very possible that C21 is an industrial zone. Unless there are special reasons, normal people would not run around in casual clothes." Vice Captain Munakata looked solemn.

At this moment, the Ye Rui team member who was ordered to check for the alien man looked up: "The man was only found in the surveillance of the C21 Industrial Zone, but not elsewhere..."

"However, I found the UFO that was detected earlier."

With that said, the Yerui team members uploaded the video to the big screen.

The environment in the video was a grassland. After a while, the UFO landed, the grassland was destroyed, and a cloud of smoke burst out.

Soon, the smoke dissipated, and a woman in blue clothes ran out of the smoke, looking panicked...

The video ended, and everyone in the victory team fell into deep thought.

"So, the girl I saw when I dug the well came to Earth with the meteorite?"

Lina was the first to react.

"She's an alien too?"

"Now it seems that there is a high probability that it is." Vice Captain Zongfang nodded.

"Member Ye Rui..."

Captain Hui Jian shouted.

Without waiting for the captain's instructions, Team Yerui said without raising his head: "Copy that."

Soon, the Yerui team members found the information everyone needed.

"found it!"

"That girl last appeared in area C22, with Monster No. [-]!!"

"Ah? Another monster No. [-]? Why is it always one step ahead of us?" Dijing looked confused.

Captain Jian Hui chuckled and said: "Okay, now is not the time to complain. Dagu and Xincheng, you two fly the Victory Feiyan No. [-] over to investigate."

"You have to move quickly... If it is as expected by Dijing, the bug-headed alien is probably looking for the girl too!"

Dagu and Xincheng: "Yes!"


C22 region.


Hellfire bullets appeared in the palm of Xiaopi Gumeng Chubai's hand, which was used for lighting.

Then, he put his big face towards the girl in front of him and used telepathy to communicate with her: "You are Lucia, right?"

Opposite, the girl wearing a blue navel-baring outfit had a wary and shocked expression on her face.

I was shocked because the other party was able to ignore the language barrier when communicating with me.

And he was on guard because, as soon as this little monster saw him, he pulled him underground. It didn't look like a good beast!

"Don't panic, I'm a good beast, I'm here to help you."

Chu Bai opened his mouth and showed a kind smile.

"I know you are being hunted by the Muzhen Planet. I can help you fight back against the Muzhen Planet!"

(End of this chapter)

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