Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 94 93 Chu Bai: Follow big brother, we monsters will become bigger and stronger in the future

Chapter 94 93. Chu Bai: If we follow big brother, we monsters will become bigger and stronger in the future!

"Originally I wanted to persuade you to come, but you didn't listen to me no matter what."

After giving Lithmarus a fat beating, Chubai was probably a little tired, so he put his paws on his hips.

"Then you can't blame me."

At this time, Lithmarus, who was riding under him, was like an angry little daughter-in-law, with no complaints at all.

Now it finally knows what this monster just said, "You can't continue to live here, or someone will come and kill you."

The little red-skinned monster of emotion is here to kill you!
On the other side, Chu Bai remembered that he still had something to do.

So he laid his paw on Lithmarus's head.

[Monster Litmarus is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for 15 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Litmarus ability - increased tentacle toughness]

[Tentacle toughness improvement: Greatly improve the host's tentacle toughness. 】

After the electronic sound of the system ended, Chu Bai put his face in front of Litmarus's face at the bottom of the body: "We are both monsters. This time, you are ignorant of appreciation. You can't blame me."

"Want to live?"

"I think so. If you think so, run away."

"I remember that you kid likes to inhale exhaust, right? Go in that direction. There is a bustling metropolis in that direction with many cars. And I live nearby. If you need anything, come and see me." Chu Bai pointed his finger at me as he spoke. Towards Tokyo City.

"No, if I tell you that, why don't you go there? Look at how cowardly you are."

After saying that, Chu Bai's eyes widened a bit, and a faint red light appeared in his eyes.

"Well, if I can't see you over there, I will find you by searching all the neon lights, and then I'll give you..."

As he spoke, Chu Bai made a gesture of wiping his neck.

When you encounter a monster, don't throw it away in a hurry after extracting it. Only by taking it under your command to do things for you can you maximize your power.

Bigger and stronger!

This is a new method of placing monsters that Chu Bai just thought of during this period.

This method is more centralized and large-scale than the previous free-range farming.

In the future, if I have to encounter powerful enemies in Tokyo, my monster brothers will come to help.

After Litmarus heard Chu Bai's threat, his huge body shook like chaff and he quickly let out a weak roar.

Chu Bai smiled crookedly: "Hey~ That's right."

"Follow me carefully, and I won't treat you badly. I'll make sure you get enough exhaust fumes."

"But there is one thing. After all, we live with human beings on our backs, so try not to hurt others."

"Okay, I've shown you the way. You can go there by yourself."

"Don't forget what I just said."

After saying this, Chubai stood up from Litmarus.

After Litmarus glanced at Chu Bai in fear, he got into the ground and started moving in the direction of Tokyo City pointed by Chu Bai...

After watching Litmarus leave, Chu Bai shrunk his body with satisfaction and returned to the road.

Just a few steps back, there was a harsh sound in the sky.

Chu Bai looked up and saw the dazzling Shengli Feiyan Units [-] and [-].

"It's strange. Didn't they say there are monsters around here?" Dagu, who was piloting the Shengli Feiyan No. [-], looked around and didn't even see the shadow of a monster.

"Well, just as Zujing guessed, the red one down there is not the No. [-] monster." Xincheng pointed toward the window of the machine.

"No abnormal electromagnetic waves were detected nearby. It seems that Monster No. [-] has taken care of the monster before us this time." Dijing said with a smile.

"Another trip in vain." Xincheng sighed.

Lina: "What's there to sigh about? Isn't this supposed to be a good thing?"...

Road on the mountain side.

When Chu Bai came here, the circus car had already driven away.

A few naughty kids happened to be standing by the roadside.

Xiaopang was the first to notice Chu Bai's arrival, and he was frightened. At the same time, he whispered to his friends: "That little monster is coming."

Hearing this, the other three children turned around at the same time, all of them pale with fear.

Chu Bai liked the fearful expressions on these children's faces when they looked at him. He used his telepathy to show off and said, "That monster was so weak that I defeated it and ate it in just a few clicks."

"Then, are you full now?" Xiaopang asked bravely.

Chu Bai touched his round belly: "It's okay, but a few more children can still swallow it."

After saying that, Chu Bai quickly ran towards the children with "Teng Teng!"

Several naughty children were instantly frightened to the point of peeing, and ran around in a panic.

When Chu Bai saw this, he laughed from behind.

Those who play pranks on others will eventually be punished by playing pranks on others.

A little while later.

Probably because of the report from the high-voltage electricity staff, the police from Toma City arrived and caught several children who were frightened into a trance.

"What did you see? Are you so scared?"


"Monster! That monster is going to eat us!" Aren complained in horror.

"Yes, its teeth are so long, and there are still flesh and blood embedded in the teeth. When we open its mouth, we can smell the smell of blood. It almost chewed us as snacks!" The frightened little fat man told the story vividly.

"But it didn't really hurt us." Xiongya, who was holding his sister, was the calmest at this time.

"It feels like it's deliberately trying to mess with us. This is a prank. If it really wanted to eat us, we would have died long ago."

"It's guiding us."

"It sounds so scary when it talks, how could it be a prank!" Xiaopang was extremely dissatisfied with Xiongya's attitude.

"That's right, and it's disrespectful to play pranks regardless of the occasion!!" Aren said plausibly.

"It turns out you understand this." When the police heard this, they pinched Aren's ears.

"Then you usually report false police reports to increase the workload of our police officers. You also graffiti on police cars and throw firecrackers on passing cars. These pranks are based on different occasions?"

"Last time, I stole my neighbor's underwear and threw it in my room! I was treated as a pervert for a long time! It's simply too much!" The little policeman next to him twisted his face in anger.

"I..." Aren lost his voice for a moment.

"Okay, come with us to the police station. Your parents will take you there later." The police said no more and took several children into the car.

Soon, the police car drove away, and Chu Bai emerged from the ground beside the road.

He had no hope of educating these naughty children, but after hearing Yuya's reflection just now, he still felt a subtle sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"These little brats are not hopeless."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of an engine appeared again at the corner of the road ahead.

Chu Bai was very familiar with the sound of the engine, so he didn't hide.

Soon, the group leader appeared in Chu Bai's sight driving a small truck with a big hole in the front windshield.

"Monster-kun, we are here to pick you up!"

(End of this chapter)

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