Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 95: 94 First destroy the No. 1 monster, and then destroy Tiga!

Chapter 95 94. Destroy monster No. [-] first, and then destroy Tiga!

Another week passed.

The monster circus car drove into Tokyo.

Chu Bai didn't know whether the demon could use the cracks in the dimension to spy on the world.

In short, during the time he was operating with the Monster Circus, the Demon God Enomina did not appear again.

Arriving in downtown Tokyo, the circus director knew that it was time to part ways with Monster-kun.

At this moment in Tokyo Bay, the group leader patted his chest and said, "Monster-kun, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of Durban."

Chu Bai believed in the leader's character, nodded slightly as a greeting, and then disappeared under the ground.

The group leader looked at the hole dug in the ground when Monster King left, feeling disappointed.

The same goes for the little monster next to it, Durban.

Its big eyes blinked twice, and sad tears of farewell appeared in the corners of their eyes.

Although when she was with her eldest brother, he always ignored her and seemed to think she was stupid.

But Durban knows that the eldest brother is a good beast and is always thinking about himself.

The troupe leader made some determination at this time: "I have decided that half of the income from the circus's future performances will be donated to TPC, as a way of repaying the kindness Mr. Monster has shown to us."

The remaining two members were stunned at that time: "Captain, without the support of Mr. Monster's fame, the money we earn is not enough for daily life. Commander, calm down!"

The leader looked determined: "If you give up, you will gain. Mr. Monster's fame should still affect our circus for a while. If not, we still have Durban. We can turn Durban into a star monster, and Durban also has this condition..."

"We should also improve. We can't always rely on monsters. It's time to practice new eye-catching projects."

"You two try walking through a fire ring and walking on a tightrope. I'll go to the zoo in two days and ask if I can buy a bear and a lion..."

The two team members felt a chill go down their backs: "Captain, calm down!"

"Okay, let's take action now!" The group leader was very efficient in his work and planned to go to the zoo as soon as he got in the car.

At this moment, his eyes locked on a Tokyo man dressed strangely.

"To say the least, Tokyo is a big city. It's very tolerant. No one would think it's strange to wear fancy clothes."

"Yeah, it has two big wings on its back. I've heard that it's called cosplay." Member A had a little envy in his eyes.

It feels so good to think about not having to run around for a living.

"No, why do they each have big wings on their backs? Are they cosplaying with some kind of group?" Member B was a little confused.

"They seem to be still talking about something..."

The leader squinted his eyes, listened carefully, and repeated word for word: "The humble people are burned with flames... The fallen cannot be forgiven..."

"The holy fire will cleanse you?"

"This is nothing."

"I thought it was cosplay, why does it sound like a true believer?"

Suddenly, member A raised his finger to the sky: "Captain, look at the sky!"


the other side.

Chu Bai emerged from a sewer opening. The moment he raised his head, he noticed the strange-shaped clouds above Tokyo.

"Hey, the shape of this cloud is so strange. It really looks like a person with wings."

Chu Bai said to himself.

There were many pedestrians around Chu Bai at this moment, and many of them cast surprised and fearful glances at this little monster that suddenly appeared.

We can all understand this, it is human nature.

The only thing that puzzled him was that he could still feel the strong hostility.

In fact, this hostility is more than fear.

Chu Bai thought that since he had been active in Tokyo all year round and helped the people of Tokyo defeat monsters several times in public, the citizens of Tokyo should have adapted to his existence.

Even if you don't adapt, you shouldn't have so much hostility. "Monster No. [-] is the ugly monster No. [-]!" At a certain moment, a loud roar suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"Lord Angel said, Monster No. [-] is a sinner! It is a real evil beast! If it continues to stay in human cities, it will bring disaster to us!"

Little Pidgeon Chubai frowned: "Angel?"

Before Chu Bai could react to the shouts, waves of resistance erupted from the crowd.

"Monster No. [-], get out of Tokyo!"

"Monster No. [-], get out of the city, get out of our world!"

"Forget it, don't let him go, just put him to death once and for all!"

"Yes, the angel will wash it with holy fire!"

"Is such a despicable monster worthy of letting Lord Angel take action?!"

"It's just an ugly big-mouthed monster with a horn on its head and a body like a potato. Looking at it makes me sick!!"

Chu Bai: "???"

These humans used to call themselves 'Ada' when they were on good terms with them.

There are also many people who show their eyes and call themselves "Dabao".

Why is it that I have only been away for more than half a month and my reputation is so bad?
Humans are really transformed into eels!

After that, Chu Bai raised his head and looked at the huge angel-shaped white clouds in the sky, and suddenly had a suspicion in his heart.

In the entire Ultraman Tiga series, the only ones who know how to manipulate people's hearts, guide public opinion, and are bound to angels are the hateful Kirialoids!

As expected, they are obsessed with the earth.

But... shouldn't the biggest obstacle to the Kirialodians' occupation of the earth be Tiga? Why are humans now pointing the finger at themselves?
Isn't it the one he killed by smashing it to death? What message did it send to them?

Just when Chu Bai was thinking about how to deal with the enemy, the humans, whose hatred of monsters had reached its peak, rushed towards Chu Bai with their fists raised.

As they ran, they cursed extremely vicious words.

Chu Bai turned his head and looked at this group of ignorant people with a sad expression.

When will humans learn not to follow the crowd and establish their own clear understanding of the world?

Finally, Chu Bai, who was too lazy to conflict with humans, got into the sewer again.

The rioting humans refused to give in, and many even lifted manhole covers and chased them down...

However, when they went down, the little Pigumeng Chubai disappeared early.

After it was confirmed that Monster No. [-] was gone, people were still angry.

"Damnable monster No. [-], let it escape again!"

"Call the TPC and put pressure on them!"

"What do those people do for a living? They drive around the city every day and do nothing!"

"I have the same idea!"

"Monster No. [-] must die!"

"Destroy monster No. [-] first, and then destroy Tiga. They are both sinners of the earth!"

"After the evil is eliminated, let the angels take over the world!"

"Only the angel is the salvation of this world. He can create an ideal world where everyone can live happily."

"The angel didn't even show up. Is that really okay?"

"Why haven't you shown up before? Isn't that the one in the sky?"

"Those who don't believe in angels...don't you want to associate with the devil?"

"No, no, how dare I."

(End of this chapter)

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