Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 98 97 Chu Bai: Come here and lick my feet!

Chapter 98 97. Chu Bai: Come here and lick my feet!
The sky is getting dark, and thousands of lights are on in the dim Tokyo city.

In the center of the city, countless angel believers looked at the sky, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the god they believed in.

The dark sky made them gradually unable to see the clouds in the sky.

At a certain moment, an exclamation suddenly appeared from the crowd: "Look, the Gate of Heaven has appeared!"

This call immediately ushered in unanimous approval from everyone.

"Yes, in the middle of the dark clouds, there is the huge gate to heaven!"

"Amazing, great angel, I am here to welcome you!!" Someone shouted and knelt down devoutly.

After that, more and more people followed suit.

Soon, a large number of people in the city who had been waiting for the angel fell to their knees with a "hurrah".

Although they were ignorantly bewitched, their voices sounded like mountains roaring and tsunami roaring.

"Great angel, great God, we are here to welcome you!"

At the back of the crowd, Vice-Captain Munakata, who remained rational, said on the victory team's internal communication channel: "This is not a good sign."

"Yes, we don't know yet whether they are praying for angels or demons." Xincheng said with a cold face.

"Lina, you fly Shengli Feiyan No. [-]. Xincheng, you fly Shengli Feiyan No. [-]. Take off and be on standby. If there is any unusual movement at the 'Gate of Heaven' in the sky, attack immediately!" said the team communication channel! , Captain Hui Jianzhong ordered with an ominous premonition in his heart.


Soon, two planes of the Victory Team took off.


On top of the layers of dark clouds.

The approximately 100-meter-high 'Gate of Heaven' is engraved with mysterious runes and pictures, which is sacred and solemn and full of primitive texture!


This huge door made of unknown metal slowly opened.

Just when the door opened a gap, everyone was expecting what was inside the door to appear.


A dazzling white light suddenly lit up in the city!
Then, the ray of light flew above the clouds and stopped in front of the huge 'Gate of Heaven'!

Soon, the light materialized into a giant composed of red, purple, and silver.

The giant pressed his hands on the door and struggled to close the door of heaven that was open to the outside.

"It's Diga, he's preventing the door from opening!" Lina, who was flying the Shengli Feiyan No. [-], exclaimed.

"I knew there must be nothing good in this door!" On the ground, the vice-captain cursed.

However, before he even gave the order to 'Assist Diga', the people who had been kneeling down devoutly just now became excited!

"Damn Tiga, I knew Tiga was a devil!"

"That's right, look at how many troubles occurred in Neon after Tiga appeared. Monsters appeared one after another!"

"Tiga is the devil. Devil, get out of here and don't stop us from welcoming the angels!"

"What are you doing, Team Victory? Hurry up and attack that demon!"

"Is it possible that the devil is behind the door? Look at how crazy you are now?"

"What did you say? You questioned us and our angels? Defeat him!!"


some corner.

The two men in black robes looked at each other after seeing Diga appear, and spread their hands at the same time.

The next moment, the giant Kirialoid II appears!

Compared with the Kirialodian who appeared last time, Kirialodian II's body patterns are sharper, the color of the whole body is darker, and the overall shape is full of power.Not only that, his facial appearance has also changed from the 'crying face' at the beginning to the 'evil smile' now!
After appearing, the giant Kirialodians rushed towards Tiga immediately.

Behind the 'Heaven's Gate' is connected to the world of the Kirialodians.

As long as that portal can be opened, countless Kirialodians will completely occupy this planet.

No matter how strong Tiga is, he will still be defeated by his own terrifying numerical superiority.

By then, occupying this planet will be as easy as swiping your fingers!
Behind a certain building in the city.

After seeing the appearance of Kiri Elodian II, the little Pidgeon Chubai synchronized the use of gigantism: "The big experience pack has finally appeared!"

The first time after becoming huge, Chu Bai threw out his tentacles!


The strong tentacles instantly bound the body of the Kirialodian as it surged upward!
Then, Chu Bai forcefully smashed down the Kirialodian restrained by the front end of the tentacle.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Kirialodian II was thrown heavily to the ground.

Two seconds later, the thick-skinned Kirialoid II climbed up from the ground and looked at the little monster not far away with a wary face.

The other party is the wretched little monster that appeared in the message sent back by the senior!

According to the information sent back by the seniors at that time, this little monster was not very capable in combat, but it was extremely insidious.

Why do you dare to appear in front of me so openly now?
After the Kirialodian II regained consciousness, Chu Bai said harshly: "Come here and lick my feet."

Kyriarodite II: "??"

Such an arrogant beast is nothing like the beast described by the seniors!

No, senior specifically mentioned that this little monster is extremely sinister.

Maybe it wants to deliberately anger itself!
The more Kyriarod II thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Therefore, he kept a safe distance from Chu Bai, wandering around cautiously while looking for suitable attack opportunities.

At this point, the pattern of the battlefield at night became strange.

In the sky, Diga laboriously pressed the door of heaven alone, preventing it from opening.

In mid-air, two planes of the Victory Team circled, launching harassing attacks on the Kirialodians from time to time.

On the ground, Chubai and the Kirialodians were wary of each other and kept spinning in circles.

In the center of the city, people who believe in angels continue to verbally attack Chu Bai and Diga.

After two more turns, Chu Bai was probably a little dizzy. He raised his head and glanced at Diga who was holding the gate of heaven in the sky.

In the sky, the huge gate to heaven made loud collisions of "哐哐哐!" from time to time, which made him uneasy.

Chu Bai raised his little paw and scratched his head. He remembered that in the original work, Diga left the door alone for a long time, but the door did not open.

Why is it like there is some kind of monster locked inside this door now? It keeps pushing outwards, and even Diga can barely hold it down.

Chu Bai could almost predict that as soon as Diga let go, the things closed in the gate of heaven would swarm into the world in an instant.

So now Tiga can only be welded to death in front of the door.

In this way, Diga needs to suppress the Gate of Heaven, and the two-on-one battle plan he originally envisioned will not work...

"Can I only rely on myself..."

Chu Bai murmured.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something and looked towards the ground!

My helper is here!
Litmarus, Chubai and he parted ways in Totoma City a week ago and agreed to come to Tokyo together.

Chu Bai originally thought that this guy simply refused to come because he was afraid that he would come late or take risks.

Unexpectedly, it arrived at this critical moment!
(End of this chapter)

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