Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 99: 98 angels go to the guillotine?Too cruel!

Chapter 99 98. Angel goes to the guillotine?Too cruel!
Chu Bai's telepathy directly transmits thoughts to the hearts of others, without being affected by the transmission medium like sound transmission.

Therefore, after Chu Bai determined the location of Temarus underground, he told it all his tactical arrangements.

Underground, Litmarus was frightened after receiving his elder brother's thoughts.

To be honest, it came to Tokyo because it had no choice but to find a place to lie quietly for decades, sucking in exhaust fumes every day until it was full.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, a big battle would greet him...

Even the eldest brother feels that the enemy is a thorn in his side, why not become cannon fodder?
Lithmarus is a brainy monster, weighing the pros and cons.

After careful calculation, it would be the best option for him to help this unknown enemy to kill his eldest brother.

That way, no one will oppress themselves, force themselves to move, or do things they don’t want to do...

On the ground, Chu Bai, who was dealing with the Kirialodians, could probably guess what Litmarus was thinking.

So, he passed on another thought.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. One thing you should know is that the enemy this time is not my enemy, but the enemy of the entire earth."

"If you let him win, it will just be another person controlling you in the future."

"You can think about it carefully, am I really bad to you?"

Because he didn't have much contact with Litmarus, and the first time he came into contact, he beat him up.

Therefore, it is understandable for Chu Bai that the other party hesitates at this time and is willing to give him a chance.

Underground, Lithmarus thought for a long time.

If you think about it carefully, your eldest brother doesn't seem to treat you badly.

Even driving himself out of Totoma City was for his own safety.

And it was fully capable of killing itself at the time, but it didn't do that. The eldest brother really wanted to take him under his command...

As a giant beast native to the earth, Litmarus sees very few of its kind in his lifetime, so he doesn't think about beating around the bush like humans do.

Not long after receiving Chu Bai's thoughts, it chose to believe it and decided to follow the instructions of its elder brother.

On the ground, Chu Bai smiled crookedly after sensing Litmarus's activities underground.

now it's right.

Two against one, now the numerical advantage is on your side!

On the opposite side, Kirialodian II noticed the strange expression of the little monster, and his heart tightened for no reason.

What is this evil little thing planning?
The idea popped into his head.

Chu Bai caught his moment of absence and pushed forward with both hands!
High-temperature hellfire bullets shot out!

The fire bombs, exuding terrifying heat, reached the Kirialodians in an instant.

However, just before the fire bomb was about to hit, Kirielod II suddenly put his hands on his chest!


The hellfire bomb hit, and a burst of sparks exploded on the arm used by the Kyri Elod to block.

But that's all.

When the flames of the explosion dissipated, the Kirialodian's hands folded in front of him suddenly shook!

A coquettish green light lit up on his head!

The next moment, the gray-black giant's body changed.

The muscles all over his body swelled and became stronger, the sharp armor stood up, and the bulges on his wrists were like sharp blades.

This is the powerful form of the Kyriarodians.

After the Kirialodians transformed into powerful forms, Chubai became nervous.

The Kirialodians' powerful form can even crush Tiga's powerful form!
The power possessed by the opponent in this form may be stronger than his own.

Just after the form is completely transformed!


The Kirialodians suddenly took long strides and rushed towards Chu Bai. Judging from the situation, they probably wanted to end the battle as soon as possible so that they could deal with Tiga who was blocking the opening of the gate to heaven.

On the opposite side, after Chu Bai saw that the other party launched the attack first, he immediately conveyed his thoughts to Litmarus underground.

Under the dark night, the gray-black giant rushed towards the red giant.

at this time. "Keng——!"

The ground of the city suddenly cracked.

Next up!

"call out!"

A thick tentacle wrapped around the giant's forward leg.

With a sound of "Boom——!", the giant who was still fierce just now was tripped to the ground by Litmarus's tentacles.

After Chu Bai saw the opponent's flaws, he chose to attack head on!


Six Chubai clones appeared, forming a semicircle that enveloped the Kirialodians!



The clones opened their big mouths, and the blue petrified light slanted out as if it was free of charge, and all greeted the Kirialodians.

It has to be said that Kyriarodite II's physical fitness is indeed strong.

On his body affected by the petrifying light, the stone shell began to dissipate within less than two seconds.

However, no matter how fast he recovered, he couldn't stop the clones from attacking.

Therefore, as long as the petrification attacks of the clones continued, the Kirialodian's body was almost forcibly controlled in place.

At the same time, Chu Bai himself did not dare to be idle.

He wiped his right paw sharply.

"Ouch!" The tough horns rubbed against each other, and the sound sounded like the friction and collision between rough stones.

Then, Chu Bai slashed at the Kirialod man's neck with a powerful hand knife, slowly lifting the petrification.


There was a loud sound of a hard object colliding.

Chu Bai looked down and found that Kirialodian's neck had been cut deep into a deep depression, but it was not broken.

Chu Bai, who felt that his energy was running low, could only speed up the frequency of his attacks!


"Keng! Keng!"

The powerful hand knife struck one after another, with a crisp sound like striking iron, echoing in the night-shrouded Tokyo city, making everyone's teeth ache when they heard it.

"It's so cruel. You treat our Lord Angel like this. I can't bear to look at it!" A certain woman covered her eyes with unbearable expression on her face.

"Come on, Lord Angel! Stand up! Resist this devil!"

"Yes, stand up, Lord Angel, and kill this big devil!"

There were only a few simple sounds at first, and finally, all the sounds became unified.

"Come on, Lord Angel!" The voice became louder and louder than the waves.


With the final sound of "Kang! Click!", the head of Kirialoid II was completely chopped off by Chu Bai.

All those who supported the 'Angel' fell completely silent at this moment.


After a moment of dead silence, all the angel's believers were in danger.

"Oh my god, this world is going to hell! Angels have been killed by demons!"

"Run for your life!"

"Escape? Where can I escape now? I am willing to die with Lord Angel!"

"You are so stupid! Tiga and Monster No. [-] have always been here, why haven't you seen them destroy the earth?!"

(End of this chapter)

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