Chapter 110 Advanced Golden Elixir
At this time, bursts of exclamations came over.

Wanhua also looked up and saw a large number of black clouds appearing in the sky above their Lingshi Mine.

There are also terrifying thunders gathering among these black clouds.

"Foundation Building Thunder Tribulation?"

Wanhua's face became even more confused.

Some foundation-building monks will also experience thunder disasters when they are building foundations.

But the foundation-building thunder tribulations are very small.

It is simply impossible to surround their entire Lingshan Mine like this time.

After surrounding the Lingshan Mine, there were countless black clouds coming from the distance.

In just 10 minutes, the black cloud had covered the surrounding area thousands of miles away.

The entire mountain peak is wrapped in it.

Even many people from the nearby Lingshan Mine discovered dark clouds in the sky.


"Why are there so many dark clouds?"

"Is this someone making pills?"

"This is a spiritual stone mine, how could someone form a pill?"


The monks in the nearby Lingshi mine were very confused.

They didn't understand what was going on.

How could it be so, their spirit stone mine would be wrapped in dark clouds.

And within the dark clouds, there were terrifying thunder and lightning.


While these monks were wondering, a bolt of thunder fell directly from the sky.

He rushed straight towards Qin Feng's cave.

As the thunderstorm descended, Qin Feng suddenly woke up.

However, Qin Feng was not too worried.

He is of the Thor bloodline.

He also has thunder spirit beads on his body.

He is immune to all electrical spells.


Although the thunder calamity was very fierce, there was no reaction when it hit Qin Feng's body.

These thunderbolts just traveled around Qin Feng's body and then disappeared into Qin Feng's dantian.


Streams of thunder fell from the sky.

These thunders are the same as the previous thunder tribulations.

All of them traveled around Qin Feng's body and then merged into Qin Feng's dantian.

The thunder tribulation came and went very quickly.

When the ninth thunder tribulation fell, the dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated.

After the golden elixir thunder dissipated, a golden elixir as big as a basketball appeared in Qin Feng's dantian.

At this point, Qin Feng's golden elixir avenue has been opened.

Qin Feng's lifespan also increased by a full 500 years at this moment.

"First level of golden elixir!"

Qin Feng was very excited.

Back then, Qin Feng was just a small handyman disciple.

At that time, he just wanted to enter the outer sect, become an outer sect disciple, and no longer be bullied by the handyman disciples.

But who knows what fate can do to people.

However, Qin Feng entered the outer gate and then the inner gate in just 20 years.

Then build the foundation.

Now he has become a strong man of golden elixir.

Golden elixir monks are not only in Tianjian Sect.

Even in the Xishan Immortal World, he is still a strong person.

If Qin Feng joins some small sect, he may become the leader of that sect.

Qin Feng adjusted his breath and then looked at his attribute panel.

Name: Qin Feng

Age: 31 years old

Shouyuan: 18529 years

Cultivation level: Jindan first level

Spiritual roots: Xuan-level high-grade spiritual roots

Spells: Heavenly Sword Technique, Fireball Technique, Xuanyuan Immortality Technique, Thunder Sword Technique, Wind Chasing Footwork, Entanglement Technique, Breath Condensation Technique, Transformation Technique, Fire Technique, Brute Force Technique, Sword Flying
Bloodline: Thor’s Bloodline

Opportunity: None
Magic weapon: storage ring, innate futon, Xuanyuan red rope, Longyuan sword...
Looking at his attributes, Qin Feng felt even better.

Although he broke through the golden elixir, Qin Feng did not leave the cave.

He has just entered the golden elixir.

He must consolidate his cultivation.

"According to the tips from the golden elixir, the foundation-building monks who enter the golden elixir are only the size of a pea, the genius monks are only the size of checkers, and the genius monks are only the size of an egg!"

"But my golden elixir is as big as a basketball!" Qin Feng looked at the golden elixir in his dantian that was as big as a basketball and fell into deep thought.

At the beginning, he had studied the golden elixir for a long time.

I also know that even if Tianjiao has just broken through the golden elixir, their golden elixir is only the size of an egg.

Then slowly condense the golden elixir.

But even if it reaches the tenth level of the golden elixir, it is only the size of a goose egg at most.

But Qin Feng had just formed the golden elixir, which was as big as a basketball.

If it reaches the tenth level of the golden elixir, then Qin Feng's golden elixir will probably be bigger than his face.

Qin Feng didn't hesitate for long and looked at his own magic power again.

At this moment, Qin Feng discovered that his magic power was a hundred times more than when he reached the stage of Foundation Establishment.

When he reaches the perfection of foundation building, he can release dozens of dragnets in one breath.

Now Qin Feng's magic power can easily release hundreds of dragnets.

With so many traps, it is estimated that even if a cultivator of the tenth level of the Golden Core comes, Qin Feng can easily deal with them.

After checking his cultivation, Qin Feng checked his consciousness again.

Soon Qin Feng discovered that his consciousness had increased by more than ten times.

After making sure that nothing was missing, Qin Feng slowly walked out of the cave.

"Meet the guard!"

Wanhua saw Qin Feng coming out and ran over quickly.

"How long have I been in seclusion!"

Qin Feng asked.

"Reporting to the Lord Guard, you have been in seclusion for two and a half years!"

Wanhua was very respectful to Qin Feng.

Because Wanhua felt a terrifying pressure on Qin Feng.

This pressure is very powerful.

It doesn't look like the monk who just built the foundation.

On the contrary, it is similar to the pressure on Elder Ma Wenbin.

"What happened to the Lingshi Mine in the past two and a half years?"

Qin Feng asked.

"Reporting to the Lord Guard, several major events have occurred in the Lingshi Mine!"

Wanhua quickly replied.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Qin Feng said as he sat on the chair next to him.

"On the second day of the Lord Guard's retreat, one of our Tianjian Sect's spiritual stone mines was robbed by the Four Ghosts of Nanshan!"

"Although Chen Zhenshou killed many monks who were robbing, there is still no trace of the four ghosts in Nanshan!"

Wan Hua reported.


Qin Feng nodded slightly, but did not speak.

He knew this matter very well.

Because he was the one who stole the spiritual stones from the spiritual stone mine, and he was also the one who stole the centering stone.

But it was the Four Ghosts of Nanshan who took the blame.

"The second thing is that the sect's deacon has been to the Lingshi Mine several times!"

"He wants you to hand over the spiritual stones of the past two years to the sect!"

Wanhua said again.

"Well, I will go back to the sect with the spirit stone in two days!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

"The third thing is that the world of immortality has been very unstable recently!"

Wanhua's face was full of worry.

"Oh, why is it not peaceful?"

Qin Feng was very curious.

"Many small sects and small spirit stone mines have been wiped out recently!"

"And the souls and blood of those monks have been drained away!"

Wanhua's face was very frightened.

It seems that they are worried that those monks will come to the spirit stone mine.

"Have the soul and blood been taken away?"

Qin Feng suddenly thought of the demon clan.

Only people from the demon clan like blood and souls.

But what on earth do the demon clan want to do with so much blood and souls?
"The fourth thing is that our Lingshi Mine was attacked by a group of casual cultivators half a year ago!"

"It's just that the group of casual cultivators failed to break through the formation and retreated!"

Wanhua reported again.


Qin Feng nodded, and then looked towards the formation outside.

This formation is a third-level defensive formation.

Unless the Jindan monks come, it will be difficult for them to break through this formation.

(End of this chapter)

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