Chapter 111 Special Monk


Somewhere in a secret room.

Jin Hu, Chen Haidong, Hu Tianmei, Hu Xinliang, the high priest, Zhang Han and many other high-level officials gathered here.

"General Chen, when will you form the elixir?"

Jin Hu looked at Chen Haidong below.

"Your Majesty, my subordinates will form elixirs after our demon tribe's ceremony!"

Chen Haidong's face was not very good.

He originally planned to form a pill two years ago.

But at that time, he was seriously injured by a mysterious figure.

Even the centering stone given to him by Elder Jinhu was stolen.

This delayed the time for him to form an elixir for several years.

"Zhang Han, how are you preparing the souls and blood for the ceremony?"

Jin Hu looked at Zhang Han below.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the soul and blood are almost ready!"

"We only need to massacre two human cities and a few spirit stone mines to prepare the souls and blood!"

Zhang Han said with a respectful look.

"Okay, let Chen Haidong accompany you to collect the remaining blood and soul!"

"We must not make any mistakes in the demon clan's festival!"

Jin Hu's face was full of excitement.

"Deacon Hu, are there any talented monks in Tianjian Sect recently?"

Jin Hu looked at Hu Xinliang below.

"Your Majesty, a Xuan-level high-grade spiritual root cultivator has emerged from Tianjian Sect, but I have already dealt with him!"

"Recently, three monks in the Tianjian Sect successfully built a foundation, but they were also dealt with by their subordinates!"

Hu Xinliang said with a smile.

"it is good!"

"Good job!"

Jin Hu's face was full of smiles.

As long as the human race has no genius, the demon race can dominate the Xishan Immortal Cultivation World.

"Which spiritual stone mine has not handed over its spiritual stones recently?"

Jin Hu asked suddenly.

"Your Majesty, there is still a small spiritual stone mine that has not turned in its spiritual stones for three years!"

The high priest came out and said.

"Three years?"

Jin Hu's mind suddenly became active.

A small spiritual stone mine can earn 20 spiritual stones a year.

At least 60 spiritual stones must be handed over in three years.

If the guard of this small spirit stone mine is killed.

Then they can get 60 spiritual stones.

Although Jinhu has already reached the ninth level of Jindan.

But 60 spirit stones is also a considerable income for Jin Hu.

"What is the cultivation level of this guard?"

"Is there a backstage within Tianjian Sect?"

Jin Hu asked again.

"King Qi, this person's name is Qin Feng, he is just practicing Qi Perfection!"

"There is no backstage!"

replied the high priest.

"You arrange for someone to go to the Lingshi Mine immediately!"

"Let this guard return to the sect with the spirit stone, and then kill this person!"

Jin Hu looked at the high priest.

"As ordered!"

The high priest bowed his hands.

Inside the Lingshi Mine.

Qin Feng is patrolling the Lingshi Mine.


At this time, a loud noise came from outside.

"Guard, it's bad, there are a lot of casual cultivators outside!"

"They are preparing to attack the spirit stone mine!"

Wanhua hurried over.

"Go, go and see!"

Qin Feng's figure moved and he quickly walked towards the outside of the Lingshi Mine.

Soon he arrived at the entrance of the Lingshi Mine.

I saw more than a dozen monks standing outside the Lingshi Mine.

These monks were all wearing strange costumes, and it was obvious at first glance that they were not decent monks.

"Boy, open the spirit stone mine quickly!" "Otherwise, we'll make you look good when we break through the spirit stone mine!"

"Hand over the spirit stone, and spare your life!"


Seeing Qin Feng coming out, these monks shouted loudly.

They were all trying to intimidate Qin Feng, wanting Qin Feng to open the formation of the spirit stone mine.

Qin Feng frowned slightly and was about to speak when suddenly a system prompt came over.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully adding puppy stupid Saburo as a friend! 】

[Friend: Dog Saburo]

[Friendliness value: -30]

[Cultivation level: First Level of Foundation Establishment]

[Spells: Japanese Qi Condensation Technique, Shadow Clone Technique, Shadow Ninja Technique, Escape Technique, Japanese Poison Technique]

[Opportunity: None]

[Future Achievement: Japanese General]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

"East Ying Kingdom?"

Qin Feng frowned slightly when he saw the system prompt.

There are many empires near Tianjian Sect.

This was the first time he had heard of Japan.

"Lord Guard, Japan is a country on a small island to the north of Tianjian Sect!"

"Every year, many monks from Japan come to the Lingshi Mine to rob!"

Wanhua on the side quickly explained.


Qin Feng nodded slightly.

No wonder he had never heard of Japan.

It turned out to be just a country on a small island to the north of Tianjian Sect.

But Qin Feng didn't understand, how could the monks from Japan dare to come to Tianjian Sect's spirit stone mine to rob?
【Seize the spell! 】

Qin Feng directly chose the plunder spell.

[Ding, please choose the spell you want to capture! 】

[Choose one Dongying Qi Condensation Art,]

[Choice [-], Shadow Clone Technique]

[Choice [-], Shadow Ninja Technique]

[Choice [-], Escape Technique]

Looking at the system prompts in his mind, Qin Feng frowned slightly.

Then he directly chose the first one.

The spells of this Japanese country are all unheard of spells.

At first glance, it doesn't look very powerful.

So Qin Feng directly chose the first one.

As Qin Feng made his choice, a golden light suddenly appeared on Qin Feng's body.

At the same time, an additional piece of information appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

This information is all based on the experience and skills of the Japanese Condensation Qi Jue.

After accepting this memory, Qin Feng discovered that the Japanese Qi Condensing Art was exactly the same as the Qi Condensing Art.

There is no difference at all.

This Japanese Condensing Qi Jue was stolen from a sect in the Xishan Immortal World by a monk from Japan.

After returning to Japan, he added the word "Japan" to this Qi Condensation Art.

"This little devil is so shameless!"

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly turned cold.

At this moment, he has decided to kill these little devils here.

If you don't kill these little devils.

They will definitely become Japanese pirates and rob the people along the coast.

At this time, Little Dog Stupid Saburo nodded slightly, took a step forward and said, "For this guard, the spirit stone only belongs to the Tianjian Sect, and your life is your own!"

"As long as you open the formation, we will never make things difficult for you!"

After the words of Little Inu Saburo fell, the surging mana around him surged.

The pressure of the foundation building period is fully revealed
It seemed that he wanted to scare Qin Feng.

Ask Qin Feng to open the formation obediently.

What confused Xiao Quan San Lang and many Japanese masters was that Qin Feng, who was standing in the formation, didn't seem to make any moves.

There was no intention of opening the formation at all.

"How dare you, a mere qi-training monk, ignore Lord Saburo and seriously seek death?"

"Yes, if you don't open the formation, we will kill you."

"My child, those who know the current affairs are heroes. This spiritual stone has nothing to do with you."

"You only have one life. When we break through the formation, it will be your death!"

Seeing that Qin Feng turned a blind eye to them, the faces of many Japanese strong men were very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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