Chapter 116 Ore Prospecting Technique

The main hall.

"Elder Wu, how could the demon clan do such a thing?"

"How could 30 people be captured by the demon clan all at once!"

Liu Guangjun looked at Wu Yong below with a smile.

"Master, this is absolutely true!"

"Please also ask the leader to kill the demon clan together!"

Wu Yong said again.

"Elder Wu, our Tianjian Sect is so powerful!"

"How could there be a monster attack on the city within the territory of Tianjian Sect!"

Liu Guangjun simply didn't want to believe Wu Yong's words.

After all, this is the Tianjian Sect he leads.

And Liu Guangjun has been preparing to seize the body.

There is no intention to deal with the demon clan at all.


Wu Yong seemed to still want to persuade.

But he was interrupted by Liu Guangjun: "Okay, no need to say any more!"

"You go back!"

Liu Guangjun waved his hand.


Wu Yong sighed.

He never understood how the ambitious leader could become like this.

Wu Yong remembered that Liu Guangjun hated the demon clan very much.

Why are the monsters attacking 30 people today?

Liu Guangjun was also indifferent.

Sutra Pavilion, somewhere in a secret room.

Jin Hu, Chen Haidong, the high priest, Zhang Han, Hu Tianmei, and many other senior members of the Monster Clan all gathered here.

"Chen Haidong, can you find the genius of our demon tribe's ore prospecting?"

Jin Hu looked at Chen Haidong.

"King Qi, my subordinates have brought those geniuses!"

After Chen Haidong finished speaking, he clapped his hands.

Soon seven monks walked in.

"I'll wait to see you, Your Majesty."

After the seven people walked in, they saluted Jin Hu.

"Everyone, please get up!"

Jin Hu saw these people with a smile on his face.

Because they are all masters of mining from the demon clan.

Everyone has a talent for finding spiritual minerals.

He believed that as long as these people took action, they would soon find the spirit stone mine.

"Thank you king!"

These people stood up quickly.

"The Demon Clan Festival is about to begin!"

"But we still lack the fire spirit stone. I wonder if you can find the fire spirit stone?"

Jin Hu asked.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will definitely find the Fire Spirit Stone within a month!"

The seven monks said loudly.

"it is good!"

Jin Hu's face was full of smiles.

Spirit Stone Mine.

Qin Feng has returned to the Lingshi Mine.

The first time he returned to the Lingshi Mine, Qin Feng came to the Fire Lingshi Mine.

This fire spirit stone mine had been picked by Qin Feng a year ago.

Relying on these puppets, Qin Feng obtained [-] fire spirit stones.

Qin Feng put these puppets into the storage ring with a gentle wave of his hand.

Qin Feng is going to take these puppets to the Earth Spirit Stone Mine to dig for Earth Spirit Stone.

He believed that in more than half a month, he would be able to easily dig out the earth spirit stone veins.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully adding friend Liu Huahai! 】

At this time, a system prompt came over.

[Friend: Liu Huahai]

[Friendliness value: -50]

[Cultivation: Fourth level of foundation building]

[Spells: Leopard Demon Art, Art of Change, Breath Condensation Art, Sword Flying, Ore Searching Art, Appraisal Art, Life Magic Weapon]

[Opportunity: None]

[Future Achievements: Monster Race General]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

Upon hearing the system prompt, Qin Feng's expression changed slightly.

Then he released his spiritual consciousness and looked at it.

Soon Qin Feng saw that there was a man in red robe standing outside the Lingshi Mine with a large group of demon monks.

"Senior Brother Liu, why did you stop?"

A little demon asked curiously.

"There should be a fire spirit stone here!"

Liu Huahai looked into the Lingshi Mine with excitement.

He had already sensed the breath of the Fire Spirit Stone just now.

Moreover, this fire spirit stone is very rich.

You can tell at a glance that it has been mined.

"Do you know who the guard here is?"

Liu Huahai looked at the monk aside.

"Senior Brother Liu, this spirit stone mine is the small spirit stone mine of Tianjian Sect!"

"The guard's name is Qin Feng, and he is a Qi-training monk!"

The little demon quickly reported.

"Hahaha, Qi training monk!"

Liu Huahai's face was full of smiles.

He didn't expect that he had only been searching for two days.

Then they found the fire spirit stone mine that their demon clan lacked.

King Jinhu will definitely reward him when he returns.

"Unexpectedly, I discovered the Fire Spirit Stone!"

Qin Feng's heart was filled with shock.

Less than a quarter of an hour after he opened the concealment formation, Liu Huahai sensed the aura of the fire spirit stone here.

【Seize the spell! 】

Qin Feng thought silently in his heart.

[Ding, please host choose the spell you want to capture! 】

[Choice [-], Leopard Demon Art]

[Choice [-], Sword Flying Technique] [Choice [-], Mine Search Technique]

[Choice [-], Identification Technique]

Look at the three options in your mind.

Qin Feng looked directly at the third one.

The Leopard Demon Art is a skill of the demon clan, and Qin Feng would never choose this skill.

Qin Feng already possesses the sword flying skill.

Compared to the identification technique, Qin Feng wanted to know how Liu Huahai found his Fire Spirit Stone.

As Qin Feng made his choice.

A golden light sank into Qin Feng's mind.

There was also an extra memory in Qin Feng's mind.

This memory is all about the skills and experience of prospecting.

At this moment, Qin Feng seemed to have practiced mineral prospecting for decades.

"It turns out that there is some special atmosphere in the fire spirit stone"!
"The dowsing technique is to sense the special aura and find the fire spirit stone mine!"

After accepting this aura, Qin Feng understood why Liu Huahai found this place.

At the same time, Qin Feng also made a decision in his heart.

That is to bury them everywhere in the world of immortality.

Let the people of the demon clan be exhausted.

But before that, Liu Huahai and many demon clan members must be killed.

Then use the concealment formation to hide the fire spirit stone veins.

Outside the Lingshi Mine.

Liu Huahai was just about to attack the formation when suddenly a black light landed.

Liu Huahai was shocked.

Then he looked at the spirit stone mine with a puzzled look.

"Strange, why should I attack this spirit stone mine?"

Liu Huahai's eyes were full of doubts.

I don't understand why I want to attack the spirit stone mine when I'm in good condition.

"Senior Brother Liu, why don't you attack?"

"There is a fire spirit stone in this spirit stone mine!"

A demon monk looked at Liu Huahai doubtfully.

"Fire stone?"

Liu Huahai frowned slightly.

He seemed unable to recall anything about the fire spirit stone in the spirit stone mine.

However, he still remembered that he wanted to find the Fire Spirit Stone for the Golden Tiger and the Demon Clan.

"Everyone, attack with me!"

Liu Huahai took out his magic weapon and smashed it against the third-level defense formation.

Other monks also took out their magic weapons and threw them at the formation.

What confused Liu Huahai and many demon monks was that this formation was very strong.

They attacked for a long time without breaking through.

"Fellow Taoists, why do you, so good-looking, want to attack the formation?"

At this time, a loud shout came over.

Liu Huahai quickly looked up and saw a monk in white clothes slowly walking towards here.

"Senior Brother Liu, this person is Qin Feng, the guard of the Lingshi Mine!"

The demon monk pointed at Qin Feng and said.


Liu Huahai nodded slightly, and then said to Qin Feng: "Nephew Qin, I am the deacon of the Tianjian Sect. I am here to inspect the Lingshi Mine. Please open the formation!"

"Deacon of Tianjian Sect?"

Qin Feng stopped and looked at Liu Huahai curiously.

Although Tianjian Sect has many deacons.

But Qin Feng had stayed in Tianjian Sect for more than ten years.

Qin Feng knew most of the deacons.

But there is absolutely no demon monk named Liu Huahai.

"Senior Nephew Qin, this is my token!"

Liu Huahai waved his hand, and a token flew directly over.

Qin Feng took the token and looked at it carefully.

Qin Feng soon discovered that this was a new token.

"It turns out to be Deacon Liu!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and streaks of thunder appeared in his hand.

"Hurry up and open the formation!"

After Liu Huahai finished speaking, he winked at his confidant behind him.

The confidant instantly understood what Liu Huahai meant.

That was when Qin Feng opened the formation, he took action and killed Qin Feng.

"I'll open it now!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and these thunderbolts instantly formed a huge net.

The moment this giant net was formed, it surrounded Liu Huahai and many demon cultivators.

"Senior nephew Qin, what do you mean?"

Liu Huahai's expression suddenly changed.

He never thought that Qin Feng would take action first.

And it's such a terrifying spell.

Even he felt the breath of death in this spell.

"Hehe, what do you mean?"

"You monsters came to me to find the Fire Spirit Stone!"

Qin Feng asked with a smile.

"Fire stone?"


Liu Huahai's face was full of confusion.

He never understood how Qin Feng knew so much.

Not only do they know that they are demons.

I also know that their demon tribe needs fire spirit stones.

"How are you preparing for the demon clan's festival?"

Qin Feng asked again.

"Who exactly are you?"

Liu Huahai's expression changed drastically again.

He never thought that Qin Feng knew so much.

They even know the festivals of their demon clan.

"Go down and ask Hades!"

Qin Feng shook his hand forward.

The terrifying thunder and lightning network quickly shrank.

Liu Huahai and others all struggled wildly in the big net.

Just struggling is in vain.

In just three breaths, Liu Huahai and others turned into ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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