Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 117 Discovery of Tuling Stone Mine

Chapter 117 Discovery of Tuling Stone Mine
On the outskirts of the Monster Forest, somewhere outside the valley.

A sword light fell from the sky.

As the sword light disappeared, Qin Feng's figure appeared here.

"The earth spirit stone should be here!"

Qin Feng looked at the valley ahead with excitement.

He could already feel the strong earth element.

Along the way, Qin Feng has buried fire spirit stones in many places.

At the same time, a third-level defensive array was set up in front of the Fire Spirit Stone.

With this third-level defensive formation, the demon clan will definitely spend too much time to break through this defensive formation.

I don’t know what those people’s reaction was when they discovered that there was only one Fire Spirit Stone.

"at East!"

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and a magic weapon quickly flew towards the valley to the east.


There was just a loud noise, and a large piece of the stone wall on the east side suddenly fell off.

As these stones fell, the earth spirit stone mine inside was also exposed.

"It's really the Earth Spirit Stone Mine!"

Qin Feng was very excited.

At that moment, Qin Feng waved his hand, and more than 30 puppets appeared here.

These puppets were specially bought by Qin Feng to dig out the earth spirit stones.

"go with!"

Qin Feng pointed towards the Earth Spirit Stone, and immediately these puppets took the magic weapons and walked towards the Earth Spirit Stone Mine.

"Set up a concealment formation and a defensive formation!"

"Then put a few earth spirit stones in other places!"

"This way we can definitely dig out all the earth spirit stones before the demon clan discovers this place!"

Qin Feng stretched out his hand, and many materials and formation flags appeared there.

Monster Forest.

In an ancient tomb somewhere.

Qin Feng slowly put the earth spirit stone in.

As long as the people from the demon clan looking for the earth spirit stone appear nearby, they will definitely be able to feel the breath of the earth spirit stone.

After placing the Earth Spirit Stone, Qin Feng set up a third-level defensive formation in front of the Earth Spirit Stone.

With this third-level defense formation, those looking for ore will need at least more than a month to break through the formation.

In this way, Qin Feng can easily harvest the earth spirit stones.

"Leave some more mechanisms for these monsters!"

Qin Feng looked through the materials and finally decided to leave some more mechanisms for these demon monks.

Outside the monster forest.

Yang Chengbing was running quickly with a large group of demon monks.

Yang Chengbing's face looked very bad at this moment.

He has been searching for a long time on the outskirts of the Monster Forest.

But they couldn't find the earth spiritual stone mine.

"Damn it, where is this earth spirit stone mine?"

As Yang Chengbing spoke, he released the ore-seeking technique.


Also this time, Yang Chengbing suddenly felt a strong earth element.

"This is the earth spirit stone!"

Yang Chengbing's face was full of excitement.

"The earth spirit stone was found!"

"Come with me everyone!"

Yang Chengbing quickly ran forward.

Soon after, he came to an ancient tomb.

"Senior Brother Yang, is this earth spirit stone in the ancient tomb?"

The confidant looked at the ancient tomb in front of him in confusion.

"It can't be wrong!"

"I can already feel that there is rich earth spirit stone underneath!"

Yang Chengbing said solemnly.

He has used the ore-seeking technique several times just now.

Every time she sensed that there was a strong earth element in this ancient tomb.

"Follow me into the ancient tomb!"

Yang Chengbing took the lead and jumped into the ancient tomb.

The confidants and many monks also jumped into the ancient tomb.

Two hours later, Yang Chengbing finally arrived at the deepest part of the ancient tomb.

But at this moment Yang Chengbing was in a very embarrassed state.

Not only was his body injured, but his clothes were also torn.

There were only two demon monks following him.

Moreover, the two demon monks had injuries on their bodies.

"Level [-] formation?" The smile on Yang Chengbing's face disappeared.

He never thought that there was a third-level defense formation in the deepest part of the ancient tomb.

Although Yang Chengbing was able to break through this third-level defensive formation.

But this will take at least more than a month.

Yang Chengbing waved his hand, and a golden talisman appeared in his hand.

This talisman is a teleportation talisman.

The sound can be easily transmitted from here to the Tianjian Sect.

"go with!"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, and the golden talisman rushed forward quickly.


Somewhere in a secret room.

Many high-level officials from the demon clan are all gathered here.

"General Chen, do you have anything important to report?"

Jin Hu looked at Chen Haidong below.

"King Qi, someone just sent word that the Fire Spirit Mine was discovered!"

"But it was blocked by the third-level defense formation!"

Chen Haidong quickly reported.

"Is there a third-level defense array in front of the Fire Spirit Stone Mine?"

Jin Hu frowned slightly.

If a third-level defensive formation is set up, this fire spirit stone mine must be occupied by monks.

"Do you know who set it up?"

Jin Hu asked again.

"I don't know!"

Chen Haidong shook his head slightly.

"Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, you two take people there and make sure to capture this fire spirit stone mine!"

Jin Hu shouted.

"Follow orders"!
Chen Haidong and Zhang Han walked outside.

At this time, a golden light flew in from the outside, and then fell into the hands of the high priest.

After the high priest looked at the golden light, his face was filled with joy.

"High Priest, what happened?"

Jin Hu looked at the high priest.

"Your Majesty, Yang Chengbing discovered an earth spirit stone in an ancient tomb!"

The high priest's face was full of excitement.

"Okay, let Yang Chengbing mine the earth spirit stone immediately!"

Jin Hu's face was full of excitement.

The Fire Spirit Stone was discovered not long ago, and now the Earth Spirit Stone has been discovered.

Just gather three thousand fire spirit stones and three thousand earth spirit stones.

Their demon tribe can hold special festivals.

"Your Majesty, there is also a third-level defensive array in this ancient tomb!"

The high priest reported.

"There is also a third-level defense formation in the ancient tomb?"

Jin Hu's brows wrinkled slightly.

He never understood that there was also a third-level defensive formation in front of the Tuling Stone Mine.

"High Priest, go to the ancient tomb and destroy the third-level defense formation!"

Jin Hu ordered.

"As ordered!"

The high priest quickly retreated.

Not long after the high priest retreated, Hu Xinliang and Hu Tianmei hurried over.

Their men also discovered the Fire Spirit Stone.

They were also blocked by the third-level defense formation.

"Another third-level defense formation?"

Jin Hu's frown deepened.

He doesn't understand why there are third-level defense formations in front of these fire spirit stone mines?
Are all the third-level defensive formations in the Xishan Immortal Realm so worthless?

Tianjian Sect, somewhere in the northwest valley.

Wu Yong looked down with a gloomy look.

Behind him, Lin Shaomei, Jiang Lijuan and others also looked very bad.

I saw a large team of monsters at this moment, escorting a large number of human people towards the distance.

The team of these common people was very large, with a total of 50 people.

The reason why the demon clan escorted so many people.

It's because many people will die on the road.

Many people were also eaten by them.

Only by escorting more than 50 people can we guarantee that there will be 30 living sacrifices on the day of sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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