Chapter 118 The escaped Butler Chen
"Master, these monsters are so abominable!"

"We will kill them!"

Lin Shaomei's eyes were already red.

"Wait, these monster monks are in ambush!"

Wu Yong's face was already gloomy.

He never thought that the demon clan would blatantly escort the human clan.

What would make Wu Yong even more angry would be if the mysterious person hadn't reminded him.

He didn't even know that the demon clan had made such a big move.

"Master, these demon monks have entered the encirclement!"

Lin Shaomei quickly reported.


"Kill these monsters!"

Wu Yong held his natal magic weapon and rushed down first.

Lin Shaomei, Jiang Lijuan and many disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall rushed downwards.

"No, human monk!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Quickly prepare!"


Many demon monks discovered Wu Yong and others rushing down from the valley.

Everyone exclaimed loudly.

It’s just that Wu Yongnai is a strong person in the golden elixir.

Lin Shaomei, Jiang Lijuan and others are also masters of foundation building.

These monster monks are no match for Wu Yong and others.

In just an hour, Wu Yong and others were killed here.

"Shao Mei, can anyone escape?"

As Wu Yong spoke, he glanced around.

"Master, only Chen Jinming and a few of his confidants escaped!"

Lin Shaomei's face looked very bad.

Because there are a lot of people here.

In addition, Chen Jinming is more alert.

So Chen Jinming fled directly.

"Forget it, it's good to be able to save so many people!"

Wu Yong waved his hand.

Although Chen Jinming was not killed this time.

But being able to save so many people is already a huge victory.

"I don't know what the demon tribe wants to do?"

Wu Yong's eyes were full of worry.

The demon clan must have some purpose in preparing so many people for sacrifice.

It's just that the actions of the demon clan are very secretive.

He had no idea what the demon tribe wanted to do.

Monster Forest.

somewhere in the valley.

"Finally finished picking!"

Qin Feng was in a very good mood.

After more than a month of mining, he finally mined all the earth spirit stones in this valley.

"It's time to return to the Lingshi Mine!!"

Qin Feng's figure moved and quickly ran outside.

However, as soon as Qin Feng came outside the valley, he saw two red blood lines flying towards this side quickly.

The speed of this blood line was very fast, and it disappeared from Qin Feng's eyes in just a blink of an eye.

"Blood escape technique?"

Qin Feng recognized the blood escape technique at a glance.

"Go and see, who is that?"

Qin Feng's figure moved and he quickly chased towards the blood line.

This kind of blood escape technique is only available to some strong men of the demon clan.

If it is an injured demon clan strongman.

Qin Feng easily took care of this strong man from the demon clan.


After a few minutes, the two red blood lines stopped.

Immediately afterwards, two figures appeared on the ground.

These two figures were Chen Jinming and his henchmen who had just escaped from Wu Yong, Lin Shaomei and others.

Chen Jinming and his confidants looked very pale.

A lot of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.


"Human race, how do you know our escort route!!"

Chen Jinming hit the tree next to him hard.

He didn't understand how Wu Yong knew his escort route.

Then ambush them on his way.

If it hadn't been for his quick reaction just now, Wu Yong would have probably killed him.

"Senior Brother Chen, what should we do?" The confidant's face also looked very bad.

If they can't transport 30 human people to the Monster Forest.

Jin Hu and many other senior leaders of the demon clan will definitely not let him go.

"Let's rest for a few days~"

"Then go to Liuyun City to find the Bone Demon Taoist!"

Chen Jinming already had an idea in his mind.

That is to ask the Bone Demon Taoist for help.

Escort the people from Liuyun City to the Monster Forest.

As long as 30 living sacrifices can be escorted to the monster forest before the monster tribe makes sacrifices.

They will not receive any punishment.

"Deacon Chen, after so many days apart, why have you become like this?"

At this time, a light shout came over.


Chen Jinming's expression changed drastically and he quickly looked behind him.

When he saw Qin Feng standing behind him with a smile, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he knew Qin Feng.

Qin Feng is just a monk practicing Qi Dzogchen.

Even if he is seriously injured now, he can easily kill Qin Feng.

"Guardian Qin, I was accidentally ambushed by someone!"

"May I ask if Zhenshou Qin has any healing medicine on him?"

Chen Jinming asked with a smile.

"Healing medicine?"

Qin Feng was slightly taken aback.

Then my heart was filled with joy.

Originally, Qin Feng wanted to directly kill Chen Jinming here.

But I heard Chen Jinming say this.

Qin Feng decided to use Qiansi's poison to kill Chen Jinming and his henchmen here.

"Deacon Chen, I just bought some healing potions from the sect!"

As Qin Feng spoke, he took out a bottle from his body.

This bottle is the bottle containing thousands of poisons.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng took out two more pills from the bottle.

"Second-grade healing medicine!"

Seeing the pill in Qin Feng's hand, Chen Jinming's face was full of surprise.

He never thought that Qin Feng would have a second-grade healing medicine in his hands.

If he takes this elixir, his injuries will heal quickly.

They can also easily escape the pursuit of Wu Yong and others.

"Thank you Qin for guarding!"

Chen Jinming looked at Qin Feng with murderous intent in his eyes.

He planned to get rid of Qin Feng after he recovered.

In this way, Wu Yong and others would not know that he was here.

"Deacon Chen, you don't have to be polite!"

Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Please also ask Governor Qin to wait for me to protect the law for a while!"

After Chen Jinming said that, he took the second-grade healing medicine.

Chen Jinming has already checked this healing medicine.

There are no toxins at all.

Chen Jinming's confidants also took the pill.

Qin Feng looked at the two people who had taken the elixir and did not make any move.

Because the two of them have already been poisoned by Qiansi.


After a cup of tea, Chen Jinming stood up with excitement on his face.

He also didn't expect that this healing medicine was so good.

Just a cup of tea made him recover from his injuries.

"Shou Qin, thank you so much for the healing medicine!"

Chen Jinming looked at Qin Feng with a smile.

"Deacon Chen, this is your duty!"

Qin Feng waved his hand slightly.

"Shou Qin, in order to repay you for giving me the healing medicine, I decided to get rid of you!"

Chen Jinming's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Deacon Chen, I gave you healing medicine, why did you kill me?"

Qin Feng asked pretending to be confused.


"Because we two are demons!"

Chen Jinming said while walking towards Qin Feng.

He really enjoys watching his prey look worried.

(End of this chapter)

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