Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 119 Why is there only one spiritual stone?

Chapter 119 Why is there only one spiritual stone?

What puzzled Chen Jinming was that Qin Feng didn't seem to be afraid at all.

Instead, she looked at him with sympathy.

"Shou Qin, why are you not afraid at all?"

Chen Jinming stopped with a puzzled look on his face.

"Just look behind you and you'll know!"

Qin Feng pointed behind Chen Jinming and said.


Chen Jinming quickly looked back.

At this moment, his confidant had fallen to the ground.

Moreover, black blood flowed from the confidant's mouth and nose.

At first glance, it was obvious that he had been poisoned.


"Did you poison the elixir?"

Chen Jinming's expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, he didn't know that Qin Feng had poisoned the pill.

Chen Jinming quickly took out the antidote pill from his storage bag.

But as soon as he took out the detoxification pill, a mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth.

There was also a sharp pain in his body.


Chen Jinming was very aggrieved at the moment.

He never thought that he would not die in Wu Yong's hands.

Instead, he died at the hands of a small guard.

Moreover, he had also checked the elixir and found that it contained no toxins at all.

What puzzled Chen Jinming even more was how could Qin Feng attack him first?


Chen Jinming fell heavily to the ground.

The breath on his body is getting weaker and weaker.

Qin Feng slowly walked to Chen Jinming.

Then he picked up Chen Jinming's storage bag.

In an ancient tomb somewhere.

The high priest, Yang Chengbing and others frantically attacked the third-level defense formation.

After more than half a month of attacks.

Many, many cracks appeared on the third-level defense formation.

As long as he attacks a few more times, this third-level defense formation will definitely be breached.


Ten minutes later, a loud noise was heard from the third-level defense formation.

Immediately afterwards, the light curtain on the third-order formation dissipated directly.

"Haha, the third level defense formation has been broken!"

"You mine the earth spirit stone immediately!"

The high priest's face was full of pride.

Although it took them more than half a month to crack this third-order formation.

But you can get the earth spirit stone inside.

Everything he did was worth it.

But soon the smile on the high priest's face solidified.

Because he just saw an earth spirit stone in front of him.

"A piece of earth spirit stone?"

The high priest looked at Yang Chengbing.

Yang Chengbing quickly used the ore prospecting technique.

He just used it several times in a row, but he didn't sense any other earth spirit stones.

"The high priest only has an earth spirit stone here!"

Yang Chengbing's face was full of embarrassment.

He never imagined that they would cost so much.

But just got a piece of earth spirit stone?

somewhere in the valley.

Chen Haidong's face also looked very bad.

He and Zhang Han spent a lot of money to break through the third-level defensive formation.

But in the end, they only got a fire spirit stone.

He didn't understand at all which sect this master was, could be so wicked.

Use a third-level defense formation to protect a fire spirit stone?

And it also caused them to attack the formation here for more than half a month.

The same situation also happened to Hu Xinliang and Hu Tianmei.

They led the demon clan people and worked hard to attack for more than half a month.

In the end, only a fire spirit stone was found.

Inside the Lingshi Mine.

Qin Feng has returned to the Lingshi Mine safely.

"Meet the guard!"

As soon as Qin Feng returned to the Lingshi Mine, he summoned Wanhua.

"Did any problems occur in the Lingshi mine during this period?"

Qin Feng asked.

"Nothing went wrong!"

"But the sect's Deacon Hu came once!" Wanhua replied.

"Which Deacon Hu?"

Qin Feng asked suspiciously.

"That's Deacon Hu from the Zongwu Hall!"

Wanhua replied.

"What is he doing in the Lingshi Mine?"

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

"Deacon Hu asked you to turn in this year's spirit stones as soon as possible!"

Wan Hua reported.

"Okay, I got it!"

Qin Feng waved his hand.

"Subordinates retire!"

Wanhua retreated hurriedly.

Only then did Qin Feng take out the storage bag.

This storage bag is Chen Jinming's storage bag.

Chen Jinming's status in the Monster Clan is relatively high.

There should be some treasures in his storage bag.

Qin Feng quickly organized Chen Jinming's storage bag.

In addition to thousands of spirit stones, there are also a bunch of elixirs and magic weapons.

There are three foundation-building pills and a Xuan-level low-grade magic weapon inside the elixir.

But what Qin Feng valued most was a map and a secret letter.

This map is a map within the Monster Forest.

On this map, some important locations in the Monster Forest have been marked.

It even marked the location of the demon clan altar.

"Monster Altar!"

"It's actually in a valley at the entrance of the Monster Forest!"

Qin Feng's heart was full of excitement.

If this altar is inside the monster forest.

Qin Feng had no choice at all.

But this altar is near the entrance of the Monster Forest.

He can definitely sneak into the monster forest.

Destroy this altar.

As a result, the demon clan will never be able to hold special sacrifices.

Then Qin Feng also took out the secret letter.

This secret letter was written to the Lord of Liuyun City.

"The city lord of Liuyun City is actually a member of the demon clan!"

See the contents of the letter.

Qin Feng's face looked very bad.

Liuyun City is the city closest to the Monster Forest.

It is also the first level of defense against monsters.

But now the city lord of Liuyun City has turned into a member of the demon clan.

"Water spirit stone, gold spirit stone, and wood spirit stone, all entered the treasury of the Lord of Liuyun City?"

Seeing this information, Qin Feng's face was full of surprise.

He also did not expect that the demon clan would put such an important treasure into the treasury of the city lord of Liuyun City.

But Qin Feng soon figured it out.

The reason why the demon clan stores water spirit stones, wood spirit stones, and gold spirit stones here.

The altar is very close to here.

It is also very convenient to transport treasures.

"Go to Liuyun City first to steal the Water Spirit Stone, the Gold Spirit Stone and the Wood Spirit Stone!"

Qin Feng quickly made a decision in his mind.

He prepares to sneak into the treasure house.

Stealed all these spirit stones.

Then find a way to dismantle the altar in the Monster Forest.

[Ding, your friend Ma Yingjie’s opportunity has been updated successfully! 】

At this time, a system prompt came over.

Qin Feng was slightly startled when he heard the system prompt tone.

Then Ma Yingjie's opportunity was opened.

[Friend: Ma Yingjie]

[Opportunity: Half a month later, Ma Yingjie obtained ten thunders from the Zhang family in Beihai City! 】

"Sky Thunder!"

Looking at the system prompts, Qin Feng's face was full of surprise.

This thunder is a special treasure.

A thunderbolt can blow up a building.

If there are ten thunderbolts, they can definitely destroy the demon altar with ease.

As long as the demon clan's altar is destroyed, all the demon clan's plans will fail.

"Seize the opportunity!"

Qin Feng said softly.

As Qin Feng finished speaking, a picture appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

I saw Ma Yingjie's figure appearing in the Zhang family in Beihai City.

(End of this chapter)

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