Chapter 120

"Meet Uncle Ma!"

The head of the Zhang family quickly ran over.

"Senior nephew Zhang, what can you do?"

Ma Yingjie looked at the head of the Zhang family with a puzzled look.

"I'm reporting to my uncle, my nephew accidentally got a few thunderbolts, and I want to exchange them with my uncle for some foundation-building pills!"

After the head of the Zhang family finished speaking, he took out a box.

"These are two Foundation Establishment Pills!!"

Ma Yingjie quickly took out two Foundation Establishment Pills.

The screen also disappeared at this time.

"Beihai City Zhang Family!"

Qin Feng's heart was full of excitement.

Qin Feng is very familiar with the Zhang family in Beihai City.

Back then, he also helped the Zhang family kill an armored corpse.

Sutra Pavilion, somewhere in a secret room.

Many high-level officials from the demon clan gathered here.

At this moment, the faces of many of the top leaders of the demon clan were very bad.

"Is there a five-element spirit stone inside the third-level defense formation?"

Jin Hu's face was very ugly.

He didn't expect this result either.

They went through a lot of trouble to open the third-level defense formation.

But inside there was just a Five Elements Spiritual Stone.

Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, the high priest and others all lowered their heads and said nothing.

None of them wanted to touch Jin Hu's brow at this time.

"Where are the water spirit stone, gold spirit stone, and wood spirit stone?"

Jin Hu looked at Zhang Han.

"King Qi, all these spiritual stones have been transported to the treasure house of Liuyun City"!
"As long as the sacrifice is turned on, he can be brought to the altar!"

Zhang Han quickly reported.

"it is good!"

Jin Hu's face looked a little better.

"Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, Hu Tianmei, and Hu Xinliang, the four of you, hurry up and look for the Fire Spirit Stone and the Earth Spirit Stone!"

"Our demon clan's sacrifice must not fail!"

Jin Hu ordered loudly.

"As ordered!"

Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, Hu Tianmei, and Hu Xinliang all bowed their hands.

"High Priest, go back to the altar in the Monster Forest immediately!"

"Let's see if Chen Jinming can transport 30 yuan of living sacrifices to the altar!"

Jin Hu looked at the high priest.

"As ordered!"

The high priest bowed his hands to Jin Hu.

Beihai City.

early morning.

Many people in Beihai City have become active.

"Look, there is an immortal in the sky!"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came over.

Many people raised their heads and looked toward the sky.

I saw a flying sword floating in the sky above Beihai City at this moment.

Standing on top of the flying sword was a monk in white clothes.

"Meet the fairy!"

"I finally saw the immortal!"

"Please, Immortal, accept me as your disciple!"

"I also want to become an immortal!"


Many people screamed in surprise.

Some people also knelt down directly.

It's just that the monk in white didn't pay attention to these people at all and landed directly outside the gate of the Zhang family.

This monk in white clothes is Qin Feng who came from the Lingshi Mine.

"Senior Brother Qin, why are you here?"

The head of the Zhang family rushed out to welcome him.

"Passing by Beihai City by chance!"

"I came here to catch up with Junior Brother Zhang to catch up on old times!"

Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Qin, please come inside!"

The head of the Zhang family quickly welcomed Qin Feng in.

When Qin Feng walked in, he deliberately showed off the pressure of Foundation Establishment.

"Uncle Qin Qin, have you established a foundation?"

The head of the Zhang family looked at Qin Feng in confusion.

A few years ago, when he saw Qin Feng.

Qin Feng is still just a monk at the seventh level of Qi training.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng would become a strong foundation builder after not seeing each other for a few years.

"I got a bottle of Foundation Building Pill by chance!"

"So the foundation was successfully established!"

Qin Feng said with a smile.

"A bottle of foundation-building pill?" The head of the Zhang family's eyes suddenly lit up.

He has now reached the advanced stage of Qi training.

If you want to go further, you must have the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Originally, he had always wanted to obtain the Foundation Building Pill from the sect.

Now I heard that Qin Feng had a Foundation Building Pill in his hand.

How could he be unhappy.

"Uncle Qin, what mission did you take when you came out this time?"

The head of the Zhang family asked with a smile.

"I'm just helping the sect collect some thunder!"

"Help me find out who owns the Thunder Thunder!"

Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Sky Thunder!"

The face of the head of the Zhang family was full of excitement.

Not long ago, the head of the Zhang family obtained ten thunders.

Originally, he planned to exchange ten thunderbolts and seniors from Tianjian Sect for foundation-building pills.

Now that Qin Feng wants to collect thunder, how can he not be happy?
"Why, do you have thunder?"

Qin Feng looked at the head of the Zhang family.

"Uncle Qin, I have exactly twenty pieces at home!"

The head of the Zhang family said excitedly.

"What treasure do you want?"

Qin Feng looked at the head of the Zhang family.


The head of the Zhang family said quickly.

"Okay, here are three Foundation Establishment Pills!"

"How about twenty thunderbolts for you?"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and three foundation-building pills appeared in the hands of the head of the Zhang family.

"Zhu Jidan!"

"It's really Zhu Jidan!"

The head of the Zhang family was very excited.

Originally, he just wanted two Foundation Establishment Pills.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng actually gave him three Foundation Establishment Pills.

"Uncle Qin, here is the thunder!"

The head of the Zhang family quickly placed a box in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng slowly opened the box.

Inside the box were twenty thunderbolts.

"it is good!"

Qin Feng's face looked very good.

With these twenty thunders, he can definitely blow up the demon clan's altar with ease.

Demon clan altar.

There is a huge altar in the southernmost part of the Monster Forest.

This is the most mysterious treasure of the demon clan, the demon clan altar.

Many of the demon clan's spells are obtained from the demon clan's altar.

This altar is eight thousand feet high and two thousand feet wide!

The altar is divided into four directions: east, west, north and south.

There is a huge blood pool in every direction.

The blood pool is filled with human bones and blood.

In the middle of the altar is a statue of a woman.

This woman is the demon empress from 10 years ago.

The high priest came here with many demon monks.

"High Priest, how come our demon tribe's altar is placed at the entrance of the demon forest?"

Yang Chengbing looked at the high priest in confusion.

This altar is the treasure of their demon clan.

It is also the key to the rise of their demon clan.

He didn't understand at all how such an important treasure could be placed in a place adjacent to the human race.

The high priest glanced at Yang Chengbing, then pointed to the blood pool in front of him and said, "Where did you get this blood from?"

"Of course it's from the human race!"

Yang Chengbing replied.

"Then what are the living sacrifices used for?"

The high priest asked again.

"Of course they are the people of the human race!"

Yang Chengbing answered again.

"The blood and living sacrifices we offer are from the human race. It is naturally much more convenient to set them up in a place adjacent to the human race!"

The High Priest explained.

"But, if this altar is destroyed by the strong men of the human race, what about us, the demon race?"

Yang Chengbing asked with a worried look.

"Human powerhouse?"

The high priest smiled and then said: "The human race has not set foot in our monster forest for 10 years!"

"And there is a hidden formation outside the altar!"

"Even Taoist Changsheng didn't discover this altar back then!"

The high priest didn't take the powerful human beings seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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