Chapter 121 Bone Demon Taoist
"High Priest, what if we are discovered by a strong human being?"

Yang Chengbing said.

"just in case?"

The high priest smiled and then said: "Follow me!"

A few minutes later, the high priest brought Yang Chengbing to a place.


Before Yang Chengbing took two steps, he was suppressed to the ground by a terrifying pressure.

Can't move at all.

"This place has the pressure of the early stage of Nascent Soul!"

"Even if the head of the Overlord Sect comes, there is no way he can pass here!"

The high priest waved his hand gently and relieved the pressure on Yang Chengbing.

Yang Chengbing stood up tremblingly.

"In addition to the coercion of the early stage of the Nascent Soul, there is also a terrifying poisonous gas outside!"

"No matter how powerful the human masters are, they can't come here!"

The high priest's face was full of confidence.

"Thank you, High Priest, for clarifying my doubts!"

There was no trace of worry on Yang Chengbing's face anymore.

There are so many lines of defense.

It is simply impossible for human monks to reach here.

Not to mention the coercion that only Nascent Soul cultivators can withstand, even the poisonous mist is impossible for those strong men from the human race to pass through.

"By the way, is there any news about Chen Jinming?"

The high priest looked at Yang Chengbing.

"High Priest, there is no news about Chen Jinming recently!"

Yang Chengbing shook his head slightly.

"It's strange, it's been so long and the 30 yuan of living sacrifices haven't been transported here yet?"

The high priest's eyes were full of doubts.

According to the calculation of time, Chen Jinming had already brought the people to sacrifice alive at this moment.

Flowing Cloud City.

city ​​gate.

A young man in white clothes carrying a long sword walked in slowly.

This young man carrying a long sword is Qin Feng who came from the Lingshi Mine.

At this moment, Qin Feng came to Liuyun City to take away all the water spirit stones, wood spirit stones and gold spirit stones in the treasure house of Liuyun City.

But Qin Feng felt something was wrong as soon as he entered Liuyun City.

Because there are many monks here.

Most of these monks are above the level of Foundation Establishment, and there are also some monks whose cultivation has reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

"Why are there so many monks in our city?"

"Hey, it's not because the Bone Demon Taoist is causing trouble nearby!"

"Now he has brutally killed people in several towns!"

"The Lord of the City is recruiting foundation-building experts to conquer the Bone Demon Taoist together!"


Many monks pointed to the reward notice not far away and said.

"Bone Demon Taoist!"

Qin Feng looked at the reward order in front of him and began to think deeply.

Qin Feng, the Bone Demon Taoist, also heard Wang Mingyuan say it.

When Wang Mingyuan protected the third-order rush grass, he wanted to exchange his skills with the Bone Demon Taoist.

Moreover, when Qin Feng killed Wang Mingyuan, Wang Mingyuan also said that he was from the Bone Demon Taoist.

"Go to the City Lord's Mansion first and meet the City Lord!"

"Then think of a way to sneak into the city lord's treasure house!"

Qin Feng soon had an idea.

That is to meet the city lord of Liuyun City first.

When the city lord of Liuyun City went out to kill the Bone Demon Taoist, he sneaked into the Bone Demon Taoist's treasure house.

All the treasures in the treasure house were stolen.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng walked towards the city lord's mansion.

At the same time, Qin Feng also disguised himself as an ordinary middle-aged man.

He even suppressed his cultivation to the first level of foundation building.

As soon as Qin Feng arrived near the City Lord's Mansion, a guard came to greet him.

"I've met my senior!"

The guard bowed his hands towards Qin Feng.


Qin Feng nodded, but did not speak.

"Senior, are you here to help?"

As the guard spoke, he looked at Qin Feng. "That's right, I'm here to help you!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

"Senior, follow me!"

The guard didn't ask any questions and led Qin Feng directly inside.

After a cup of tea, the guard led Qin Feng into a main hall.

There are already more than 20 monks sitting in this hall.

The cultivation levels of these monks are all above Foundation Establishment.

When they saw Qin Feng walking in, they just looked at Qin Feng and then set their sights elsewhere.

After all, Qin Feng was just a monk at the first level of Foundation Establishment and was not worthy of their attention at all.

"Senior, this is your seat, please sit down!"

The guards led Qin Feng to the end position.

Qin Feng glanced at the hall, then closed his eyes and rested at the end.

Half an hour later, a loud laugh came from above.

Qin Feng looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a round face wearing Taoist robes coming to the main seat above.

"I'm waiting to meet the city lord!"

Many monks stood up and saluted the monk above them.

"You are welcome, please sit down!"

As the Lord of Liuyun City spoke, he looked at everyone.

Qin Feng had just sat down when a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully adding the friend Bone Demon Taoist! 】

[Friendliness value: -70]

[Cultivation: Golden elixir second level]

[Spells: Bone Demon Heart Technique, Bear Demon Technique, Transformation Technique, Breath Condensation Technique, Bloodthirsty Technique, Bone Demon Sword Technique, Bone Demon Knife Technique, Roar Technique, Poison Making Technique]

[Opportunity: Three hours later, while the Bone Demon Taoist was sucking the blood of the monks, he discovered a low-grade local technique! 】

[Future Achievement: General of the Bear Clan]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

Looking at the reminder in his mind to find that one, Qin Feng's face was full of confusion.

He never thought that the Lord of Liuyun City was actually the Bone Demon Taoist.

And he is still a member of the demon clan.

What makes Qin Feng even more confused is that this Bone Demon Taoist specially summoned monks to deal with the Bone Demon Taoist together?
"Seize the opportunity!"

Qin Feng finally chose to seize the opportunity.

As Qin Feng finished speaking, a picture appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

In the picture, the Bone Demon Taoist led a group of monks to a valley.

"Everyone, the Bone Demon Taoist is in the cave ahead!"

"As long as you kill the Bone Demon Taoist, your rewards will be doubled!"

After the Bone Demon Taoist finished speaking, he took the lead and rushed towards the cave.

The other monks also quickly followed behind the Taoist priest from the ancient tomb.

A few minutes later, everyone arrived at a huge cave.

There is nothing in this cave except a huge pool of blood and a mysterious statue.

"City Lord, are you mistaken?"

"There are no Bone Demon Taoists here?"


Many monks looked at the Bone Demon Taoist with puzzled faces.

"Why is there no Bone Demon Taoist?"

"I am the Bone Demon Taoist!"

After Liuyun City Lord finished speaking, a terrifying pressure appeared on his body.

These monks were all suppressed to the ground by the Bone Demon Taoist.

"You are the Bone Demon Taoist!"

The expressions of many monks suddenly changed.

They never thought that the Lord of Liuyun City was actually the Bone Demon Taoist.

It's ridiculous that they also come with the Bone Demon Taoist to attack the Bone Demon Taoist.

"Now I know it's too late!"

"Enter the blood pool obediently!"

The Bone Demon Taoist waved his hand gently, and all these monks entered the blood pool.

"Hey, there is actually an Earth-level skill!"

The Bone Demon Taoist discovered a local-level skill in a monk's storage bag!
The picture also disappeared completely at this time.

Seeing the scene disappear, Qin Feng suddenly understood why the Bone Demon Taoist wanted to recruit foundation-building monks.

(End of this chapter)

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