Chapter 122 Do Me a Favor
It turns out that the Bone Demon Taoist wants the blood of the Foundation Establishment monks to practice his skills.

But soon, Qin Feng had an idea.

That is to use the clone technique to secretly return to Liuyun City halfway.

Sneaked into the Liuyun City treasure house and stole all the treasures inside.

"Thank you all for being able to conquer the Bone Demon Taoist together!"

"I salute you all!"

The Bone Demon Taoist raised the cup in his hand.

All the monks also raised their cups.

After everyone had finished drinking, the Bone Demon Taoist said again: "This Bone Demon Taoist has done many evil things and attacked the three towns under Liuyun City for no reason!"

"They even slaughtered all the people in the town!"

"As long as you can kill the Bone Demon Taoist, I am willing to give each of you [-] spirit stones, and the monk who kills the Bone Demon Taoist will be rewarded with [-] spirit stones!"

After hearing so many spiritual stones, many monks suddenly became excited.

"Don't worry, Lord Xiong, we will definitely kill the Bone Demon Taoist!"

"The Bone Demon Taoist has done many evil things, we will definitely get rid of this person!"

"As long as we are here, we must get rid of the Bone Demon Taoist!"


Many monks expressed their opinions one after another.

Only Qin Feng shook his head slightly.

I don’t know how these people would react when they found out that the Lord of Liuyun City was the Bone Demon Taoist.

Qin Feng also wanted to save these foundation-building monks.

It’s just that the Bone Demon Taoist is already at the second level of the Golden Elixir.

Qin Feng was not absolutely sure of killing the Bone Demon Taoist.

And the purpose of his coming here is to seize the Five Elements Spiritual Stone in Liuyun City's treasure house.

"Okay, here's a toast to you all!"

The Bone Demon Taoist raised the cup in his hand again.

"Citadel, please!"

Many monks also raised their cups.


At this time, a guard hurried in.

"What happened?"

The Bone Demon Taoist looked at the guard.

"Reporting to the City Lord, we found traces of the Bone Demon Taoist in a valley!"

The guard loudly reported.

"it is good!"

The Bone Demon Taoist stood up and looked at the many monks with a smile.

"Everyone, we have now discovered the traces of the Bone Demon Taoist!"

"Can you all come with me to conquer the Bone Demon Taoist!"

The Bone Demon Taoist asked loudly.

"I'm waiting to go!"

"The Bone Demon Taoist does many evil things, and everyone will find them and punish them!"

"Lord City Lord, let's go kill the Bone Demon Taoist together!"


Many monks stood up and said.

"Okay, let's go kill the Bone Demon Taoist together!"

The last four words of the Bone Demon Taoist bite very hard.

Soon, many monks were flying into the distance behind the Bone Demon Taoist.

Qin Feng also followed behind the Bone Demon Taoist.

More than an hour later, the Bone Demon Taoist appeared in front of a cave with many monks.

He first looked at Qin Feng and others, then pointed to the cave in front and said: "Everyone, the Bone Demon Taoist is in the cave in front!"

"Let's kill the Bone Demon Taoist together!"

After the Bone Demon Taoist finished speaking, he rushed towards the cave ahead.

"Let's go, bone-killing demon Taoist!"

Many monks followed behind the Bone Demon Taoist.

Qin Feng did not follow these monks, but used the clone technique.

As Qin Feng used his spell, a clone exactly like Qin Feng appeared in front.

"go with!"

Qin Feng pointed forward.

This clone followed behind many monks.

Qin Feng also quickly flew towards Liuyun City.

At this moment, there is no strong man like Taoist Bone Demon guarding Liuyun City's treasure house.

Qin Feng happened to sneak into the treasure house and stole all the treasures.

inside the cave.

Many monks followed the Bone Demon Taoist to the deepest part.

Arriving at the deepest point, many monks had doubts on their faces.

Because there is nothing here except a huge blood pool and a weird statue. "strangeness?"

"Where has the Bone Demon Taoist gone?"

"Why is there nothing here?"

"Why does this statue look like a monster?"

"I guess the Bone Demon Taoist knows we're coming and has already escaped!"


Many monks looked around while talking.

The Bone Demon Taoist ignored the crowd and looked at an old man with a mustache in the crowd.

The old man nodded slightly.

Seeing the old man nodding, the Bone Demon Taoist laughed loudly.

"City Lord, why are you laughing?"

"Have you already killed the Bone Demon Taoist?"

"But we didn't see the Bone Demon Taoist at all"?

Many monks looked at the Bone Demon Taoist in confusion.

"Everyone, I have encountered a bottleneck in my practice recently, and I still need your help!"

The Bone Demon Taoist looked at the many monks with greedy eyes.

"City Lord, just tell me if you have anything to say!"

"As long as we can help, we will!"


Many monks spoke out one after another.

"Hahaha, it's not that difficult!"

The Bone Demon Taoist paused for a moment, then pointed to the blood pool in front of him and said, "I need some monks' blood to practice my skills. Please help me!"


"Lord City Lord, are you kidding me?"

"Only demons and demonic monks drink blood?"


Many monks looked at the Bone Demon Taoist in confusion.

They have no idea why the Bone Demon Taoist drinks blood.

"Hahaha, because I am the Bone Demon Taoist!"

The bone demon Taoist shouted loudly, and the second level of pressure from the golden elixir was suddenly unleashed.

The numerous foundation-building monks were suppressed to the ground by the terrifying pressure before they could react.

"Taoist Bone Demon?"

"Are you actually a Bone Demon Taoist?"

"Cultivator Jindan?"


Many foundation-building monks realized that the Lord of Liuyun City who led them here was the Bone Demon Taoist.

"Haha, I only know now that it's too late!"

"go with!"

The Bone Demon Taoist pointed towards the blood pool.

Many monks flew towards the blood pool.

Soon after, except for the old man with a mustache and the Bone Demon Taoist, all the monks flew into the blood pool.


"I don't want to die yet!"

"Damnable Bone Demon Taoist!"


Many monks struggled wildly.

It's just that these foundation-building monks couldn't break free from the shackles of the blood pool. In just a few minutes, they were swallowed by the blood pool.

"Go outside and help me protect the law!"

The Bone Demon Taoist looked at the old man with a mustache.

"As ordered!"

The old man with a mustache quickly retreated.

"Hey, why is one person's health missing?"

As soon as the Bone Demon Taoist arrived at the blood pool, he realized something was wrong.

Because what he brought here were fifteen monks.

With the blood volume of fifteen monks, the blood pool can definitely be filled up.

But now it is still far behind.

However, the Bone Demon Taoist did not struggle for long, he had already reached the bottleneck.

This blood must be absorbed quickly.

Only in this way can he enter the third level of Jindan.

"Well, the Earth-level technique Xuanyuan Spear Technique?"

The Bone Demon Taoist looked at the jade slips in the blood pool with a look of joy.

He also did not expect that these monks actually had an earth-level skill in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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