Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 123: Putting the blame on Japan

Chapter 123: Putting the blame on Japan

Floating Cloud City, City Lord's Mansion.

Qin Feng's figure has appeared in the city lord's palace.

Qin Feng had already inspected the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, in addition to the guard leader and a few monks, the city lord's mansion is building a foundation.

The other monks are all Qi training monks.

Qin Feng is already a golden elixir monk.

He didn't take these monks seriously at all.

In just a few minutes, Qin Feng reached the front of the treasure house.

There are two Qi-training guards in front of the treasure house.

"go with!"

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and two wind blades flew over.

The two guards fell to the ground before making any sound.

Qin Feng then slowly walked towards the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion.

Although the gate of Liuyun City's treasure house is made of specially made materials.

But this material can't stop Qin Feng's Long Yuan Sword at all.

Qin Feng just lightly drew in front of the door, and a huge hole appeared on the door.

Qin Feng also slowly walked into the gate.

As soon as he entered the treasure house, Qin Feng saw a dazzling array of spiritual stones, magic weapons, and elixirs.

These materials were collected by the demon clan over decades.

They kept these treasures here.

It is for this demon clan festival.

If these materials and treasures were gone, the demon clan's festival would not be held at all.

Jin Hu, Chen Haidong, Bao Bing and others are expected to collapse.

"Fifteen storage bags and storage rings!"

"We should be able to take away all the treasures here!"

Qin Feng stretched out his hand, and fifteen storage bags appeared in his hand.

This storage bag was purchased by Qin Feng specifically for this operation.

In less than 10 minutes, Qin Feng put all the elixirs, magic weapons, and special materials into the storage bag and storage ring.

After collecting these treasures, Qin Feng walked inside.

Qin Feng found three neat storage bags and a purple bottle inside the treasure house.

Qin Feng stepped forward and opened one of the storage bags.

I saw a brilliant golden light coming out from inside.

"Three thousand golden spirit stones!"

Qin Feng recognized the golden spirit stone inside the storage bag at a glance.

Then Qin Feng opened other storage bags.

One of the two storage bags contains a water spirit stone and the other a wood spirit stone, both worth 3000 yuan.

Qin Feng took these treasures in without any hesitation.

Then Qin Feng looked at the purple bottle again.

"It's all covered in blood!"

Qin Feng looked at the purple bottle with a shocked expression.

He never imagined that the bottle would be filled with blood.

Moreover, this bottle is an earth-level low-grade magic weapon.

To fill this bottle, at least one city's citizens are needed.

"The demon clan is really abominable!"

Qin Feng's face was very ugly.

These people from the demon clan killed an unknown number of human beings for a so-called demon clan sacrifice.

After 10 minutes, Qin Feng plundered the entire treasure house.

"By the way, leave something behind!"

Qin Feng looked at the stone wall.

He was going to leave some words on it.

[A visit to Japan]

Qin Feng looked at the words on the stone wall and was very satisfied.

The Japanese country robbed his spiritual stone mine for no reason.

He also didn't have time to go to Japan.

There's nothing better than letting the demon clan go dog-eat-dog with them.

After doing all this, Qin Feng ran towards the monster forest.

He was going to visit the Demon Clan Altar.

If the guards there were tight, he would abandon the operation.

If there is no strong person on the demon altar.

Qin Feng used thunder to blow up the demon clan's altar.

somewhere in the valley.

The Bone Demon Taoist stood up with a look of surprise on his face.

"Congratulations, master, for breaking through to the third level of the Golden Core!"

The old man with a mustache said respectfully. "Well, you did a good job this time!"

The Bone Demon Taoist was very satisfied with the old man with the mustache.

If it weren't for the suggestion from the old man with a mustache, he wouldn't have achieved a breakthrough in cultivation so quickly.

"City Lord, something bad is happening!"

At this time, a middle-aged man hurriedly ran in.

Seeing this middle-aged man, the Bone Demon Taoist frowned slightly.

Because this middle-aged man is the guard commander of the City Lord's Mansion.

He is also his right-hand man.

Normally, the guard commander would always be guarding the city lord's palace.

He will not leave the City Lord's Mansion easily.

"What happened?"

The Bone Demon Taoist asked aloud.

"Lord City Lord, your treasure house has been stolen?"

The guard commander said loudly.

"What treasure is missing?"

The Bone Demon Taoist frowned slightly. He did not expect that the defense of the treasure house would be so weak.

There are actually people who can sneak into the treasure house and steal the treasures.

"Everything, everything was stolen!"

"The treasury is empty!"

The guard commander said loudly.

"What...what!?" The Bone Demon Taoist's face changed drastically.

He quickly moved towards Liuyun City with his sword.

The treasures in Liuyun City's treasure house are treasures collected by their demon clan for decades.

Those treasures are all prepared for the demon clan festival.

If all these treasures were stolen.

Then their demon clan’s festival will definitely not be held.

After traveling for more than an hour, the Bone Demon Taoist arrived in just half an hour.

When entering the treasure house, the Bone Demon Taoist was immediately stunned.

Because in front of him was a vast emptiness.

All the spiritual stones, magic weapons, elixirs, secret books, and blood all disappeared.

All the preparations made by their demon clan for this festival have disappeared.

"What's going on... what's going on!"

"Why is the door to the treasure house opened?"

"Where did the treasures in the treasure house go?"

The Bone Demon Taoist grabbed the guard commander and roared loudly.

"I... don't know either!" The guard commander shook his head hurriedly.

He also had no idea what was going on.

I don't even know who stole the treasure.

"City Lord, there is writing on it!"

The old man with a mustache discovered the writing in the treasure house.

The Bone Demon Taoist quickly looked over.

"Is Japan coming here for a visit?
The Bone Demon Taoist's face suddenly turned the color of pig liver.

The Bone Demon Taoist knows the Japanese country very well.

It is a country on a small island.

Moreover, he and Japan also cooperated to attack some small cities.

They, the demon clan, reaped the blood, while the Japanese people robbed the finances.

But he never thought that Japan would stab them in the back.

They stole all the treasures prepared by their demon clan for the sacrifice.

"City Lord, we'd better inform the king as soon as possible!"

"Then hunt down the Japanese!"

"Otherwise our demon tribe's festival will be ruined!"

The old man with a mustache on the side came out and said.

"Yes, yes, yes, inform the king!"

The Bone Demon Taoist waved his hand gently, and a golden talisman appeared in his hand.

This golden talisman is the teleportation talisman.

"go with!"

The Bone Demon Taoist waved his hand, and the golden spell turned into a golden light and flew towards the distance.

"Guard Commander, arrest the Japanese people immediately!"

"We must find the treasure of our demon clan before the king arrives!"

The Bone Demon Taoist ordered.

"As ordered!"

The guard commander quickly retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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