Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 124 Heading to the Demon Tribe Altar

Chapter 124 Heading to the Demon Tribe Altar
Spirit Stone Mine.

Qin Feng has completely returned to the spirit stone mine.

Qin Feng originally planned to sneak into the monster forest after seizing the monster clan's treasure.

It’s just that this demon tribe has too many treasures.

Qin Feng had to return to the Lingshi Mine to store these treasures.

"Three thousand golden spirit stones!"

"Three thousand wood spirit stones!"

"Three thousand water spirit stones!"

Qin Feng said as he carefully stored these treasures.

These Five Elements Spiritual Stones alone made Qin Feng a huge profit.

There are countless other magical weapons, including spiritual elixirs and spiritual stones.

"All these treasures are placed in the guard palace!"

"Set some more restrictions!"

As Qin Feng spoke, he set up a third-level concealment formation and a third-level defensive formation.

With these two formations present, even a strong Jindan expert would not be able to discover Qin Feng's treasure.

"Meet the Lord Guardian!"

Qin Feng had just walked out of the door when he saw Wanhua walking over in a hurry.

"Well, I'm going out for a trip. Please take good care of the spirit stone mine!"

Qin Feng spoke.

"Don't worry, Lord Guard, my subordinates will take good care of the spirit stone mine!"

Wanhua said respectfully.

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and then headed towards the monster forest with his sword.

This time he planned to visit the Demon Clan Altar.

If given the chance.

Qin Feng destroyed the altar of the demon clan.

Heavenly Sword Sect.

Somewhere in a secret room.

Jin Hu, the high priest, Chen Haidong, Hu Xinliang, Hu Tianmei and other high-level officials of the Monster Clan are all gathered here.

"Deacon Hu, how long does it take before we, the demon tribe, offer sacrifices?"

Jin Hu looked at Hu Xinliang.

"King Qi, there is less than half a year left!"

Hu Xinliang reported.

"Are the human blood, Five Elements Spiritual Stones, and other materials ready?"

Jin Hu asked again.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we have collected the blood of three cities!"

"The Five Elements Spiritual Stones also found water, wood, gold, and three elemental spiritual stones!"

"Find all the other materials as well!"

Hu Xinliang reported.

"it is good!"

"We must also hurry up to collect earth spirit stones and fire spirit stones!"

Jin Hu nodded slightly, then looked at the high priest: "Is it safe near the altar? Can 30 living sacrifices be transported there?"

"Your Majesty, the altar is infallible, but..."!
The high priest paused when he said this.

"Just what?"

Jin Hu looked at the high priest with an unkind expression.

"Chen Jinming was beheaded by Elder Wu Yong, and the 30 living sacrifices were also rescued by Wu Yong!"

The high priest's face looked very bad.

He also didn't think about how Wu Yong knew about their demon tribe's sacrifice.

"Wu Yong is an old man!"

Jin Hu slapped the table hard.

At this moment, Jin Hu already hated Wu Yong to death.

If Wu Yong hadn't been against him at every turn, they, the demon clan, would have provoked civil strife among the human clan.

"Your Majesty, now that the sacrifice is about to begin, we should find 30 living sacrifices first!"

"After the sacrifice is successful, it's not too late to trouble Wu Yong!"

Chen Haidong took a step forward and said.


Jin Hu nodded slightly and then said: "Remember this revenge first. After the sacrifice is successful, I will seek revenge from Wu Yong!"

"Chen Haidong, please immediately lead people to prepare 30 living sacrifices!"

"As ordered!"

Chen Haidong cupped his hands.

At this moment, a golden light flew in from outside.

After this golden light flew in, it fell directly into Jin Hu's hands.


"Liuyun City's transmission talisman?"

Jin Hu picked up the transmission talisman with a puzzled look on his face.

"Your Majesty, all the treasures in the demon clan's treasure house have been stolen!"

"The Five Elements Spiritual Stones, human blood, and sacrificial materials are all gone!"

The Bone Demon Taoist's voice came from inside.


"All the materials in our treasure house are gone?"

"how can that be?"

"How can we perform sacrifices without sacrificial materials?"

"Who is so bold?"

"..." After hearing the content of the message, the expressions of many monster clans changed drastically.

Jin Hu's face also looked very bad.

The treasure house of Liuyun City has always been a treasure for their demon tribe to store sacrificial objects.

For this sacrifice, their demon clan has been collecting them for decades.

If the treasures in the treasure house are gone, how can they, the demon clan, improve their strength.

How can they, the demon clan, get out of the monster forest?

How can they, the demon race, unify the world of immortality?

"Let's go to Liuyun City!"

The golden tiger's figure moved and flew towards Liuyun City.

Chen Haidong, Hu Tianmei and others followed Jin Hu.

Spirit Stone Mine.

Qin Feng had just walked out of the Lingshi Mine.

A system prompt sounded.

[Ding, your friend Xiong Chumo’s opportunity has been updated successfully! 】

Upon hearing the system prompt, Qin Feng quickly opened Xiong Chumo's property panel.

[Friend: Xiong Chumo]

[Opportunity: Three days later, a teleportation talisman was discovered in a valley somewhere in the northwest! 】


Seeing the system prompt, Qin Feng's eyes were full of surprise.

He was preparing to sneak into the monster altar.

If there is a teleportation talisman, there is some danger in the monster altar.

He can then use the teleportation charm to get out of there.

【Seize the opportunity】

Qin Feng said softly.

As Qin Feng's words fell.

A picture appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

In the picture, Xiong Chumo was holding a map and came to a valley.

"The treasure should be in this valley!"

Xiong Chumo said while looking around.

Ten minutes later, Xiong Chumo found a golden teleportation talisman under a stone.

The screen also disappeared at this time.

"Northwest of the Flowing Fire Sect!"

Qin Feng's figure moved and quickly ran towards the northwest.

One day later, Qin Feng came to a valley.

"The teleportation talisman should be under the stone ahead!"

Qin Feng had seen Xiong Chumo's opportunity.

He also knew that there was a teleportation talisman under the stone.

"There really is a teleportation talisman!"

Qin Feng's face was full of surprise.

Qin Feng put away the teleportation talisman and quickly ran towards the monster forest.

More than three hours after Qin Feng left, Xiong Chumo walked in from outside holding a map.

"Is there a teleportation talisman in this valley?"

Xiong Chumo said as he began to search.

It's just that Xiong Chumo searched for a long time and couldn't find any teleportation talisman.

"Damn it, I got cheated again!"

After Xiong Chumo finished speaking, he threw the map to the ground.

Monster forest.

A figure was running quickly in the monster forest.

This person is Qin Feng who came out of the Lingshi Mine.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng stopped in front of a huge valley.

"The demon clan altar should be in this valley!"

Qin Feng said while looking at the map.

"I don't know how the defense of this demon altar is?"

Qin Feng put away the map and began to look at the valley.

"Why are there only a few Qi Practicing Demon Clan?"

Qin Feng looked at the valley with a confused expression.

Because there are only a few Qi-training guards in the valley at this moment.

Qin Feng thought for a while and then decided to sneak into the demon clan altar to have a look.

Even if there is an ambush inside the demon altar, he can still use the teleportation talisman to escape.

Because Qin Feng is already a golden elixir monk.

Therefore, these qi-training demon clan could not find Qin Feng at all.

Qin Feng quickly bypassed these demon monks and came to the easternmost stone wall.

"The entrance to the altar is right here!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and a ray of light flew forward.

As the light disappeared, there was a blur on the mountain wall, and a light door that was as tall as a person appeared.

After Qin Feng walked into the light door, he saw two bronze doors.

The two bronze gates are covered with dense runes.

Qin Feng felt dizzy after just one glance.

Behind the bronze door are all human bones and broken arms.

(End of this chapter)

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