Chapter 125 Blowing up the demon altar
"These bones and broken arms must belong to at least 15 humans!"

Qin Feng's face looked very bad.

He didn't expect that the demon clan could be so cruel.

10,000+ human race people were killed like this.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng came to a secret room.

This secret room is filled with a green gas.

This green gas is very scary.

In this green gas, there are many corpses.

"This should be the secret poison of the demon clan!"

Qin Feng recognized the poison at a glance.

After all, he had seen Chen Haidong use this poison.

But Qin Feng didn't take it to heart.

Because he has poisonous spirit beads in his hands.

No matter how powerful the poison is, it has no effect on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng waved his hand, and the poison spirit orb appeared in his hand.

Qin Feng then walked forward.

As Qin Feng approached, the poisonous gases automatically branched out into a path.

Not long after, Qin Feng walked out of it.


The moment Qin Feng walked out, a terrifying coercion came upon Qin Feng's body.

However, Qin Feng has a treasure that can resist the pressure.

Although this pressure is very strong, it can't do anything to him.

Soon after, Qin Feng saw a huge altar.

On top of the altar stands a huge statue.

There are several huge pools of blood around the statue.

At this moment, the red blood in the blood pool was like boiling magma bubbling and bubbling.

"This is the Demon Tribe Altar!"

Qin Feng's face was full of shock.

He never thought that the defense of the demon altar was so weak.

He actually made it to the inside of the altar so easily.

However, Qin Feng did not hesitate for too long.

He must blow up this demon altar.

Such a demon clan's festival would never be successful.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand, and ten thunderbolts appeared in his hand.


"How dare you break into the altar of my demon clan!"

At this time, a loud shout came over.

Qin Feng looked up and saw Yang Chengbing coming here with more than a dozen Qi-training monks.

At this moment, Yang Chengbing's face was full of joy.

Fortunately, he was not lazy and kept patrolling the demon altar.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to find someone sneaking into their demon altar.

Qin Feng glanced at Yang Chengbing, and then quickly deployed the thunder.

He must blow up the demon altar as soon as possible.

Otherwise, wait for the strong men from the demon clan to arrive.

Qin Feng has no chance.


"Behead this person for me!"

Although Yang Chengbing didn't know what the treasure in Qin Feng's hands was.

But he also knew that Qin Feng must not be allowed to place these treasures in the altar.

Otherwise, their demon clan altar will definitely be damaged.

Upon hearing Yang Chengbing's order, many Qi-training monks rushed towards Qin Feng quickly.

Yang Chengbing also followed behind this group of qi-training monks.


When Yang Chengbing and others rushed to Qin Feng, a terrifying coercion radiated from Qin Feng's body.

Yang Chengbing and many other monks were directly suppressed to the ground by this terrifying pressure.

"Golden elixir... monk!"

Yang Chengbing's expression suddenly changed.

He originally thought that the person who sneaked into their demon clan's altar was just a foundation-building monk.

But I didn't expect that this person would be a strong Jindan.

Yang Chengbing waved his hand, and a golden talisman appeared in his hand.

"go with!"

Yang Chengbing waved his hand gently, and the golden talisman flew out.

Qin Feng also discovered this golden talisman.

But Qin Feng didn't make any move.

Yang Chengbing informed the top leaders of the demon clan, which would take at least ten minutes.

By the time the higher-ups of the demon clan arrived, he would have already blown up the demon clan altar.

A few minutes later, Qin Feng placed Zhentian Lei under the altar.

"Who are you, Your Excellency?" "What did you place under our demon clan's altar?"

Yang Chengbing shouted loudly.

At this moment, Yang Chengbing just wanted to delay for a while.

Let the masters of their demon clan get here.

"This is the thunder that shakes the sky!!"

Qin Feng seemed to be in a good mood.


"No, you can't blow up our demon altar!"

Yang Chengbing's expression suddenly changed.

Yang Chengbing also knew Zhentian Lei very well.

One piece of this treasure can blow up a building.

Now Qin Feng placed more than ten of them under the demon clan altar.

With so many thunderbolts, they could easily blow up their demon altar.

"Haha, goodbye, Fellow Daoist Yang!"

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and a teleportation array appeared on Qin Feng's body.

In just a few breaths, Qin Feng's figure disappeared under the altar.

"Run away!"

The moment Qin Feng disappeared, the terrifying pressure disappeared.

Yang Chengbing also struggled and wanted to escape from here.


It’s just that all the sky-shaking thunders have been detonated by Qin Feng.

The terrifying shock wave not only blew up the demon clan’s altar.

Even Yang Chengbing and many demon monks were blown to pieces.

Flowing Cloud City.

treasure house.

Jin Hu looked at the empty treasure house with a gloomy look.

This treasure house is the treasure house of their demon clan.

The treasures in this treasure house are all treasures collected by their demon clan for this festival.

Seeing that their demon clan festival is about to begin.

But as a result, all the materials in the treasure house disappeared.

Even the blood and water spirit stones, gold spirit stones and wood spirit stones of the people in the three cities disappeared.

"what on earth is it?"

Jin Hu looked at the Bone Demon Taoist with an unkind expression.

"Your Majesty, I...I don't know what's going on!"

The Bone Demon Taoist lowered his head, his face covered with sweat.

"Do you know who did it?"

Jin Hu's face was very ugly.

"Your Majesty, you are from Japan!"

The Bone Demon Taoist quickly pointed at the wall and said.

"East Ying Kingdom?"

Jin Hu looked at the words on the wall.


At this time, a golden spell flew in from outside.

Seeing this golden charm, Jin Hu frowned slightly.

Because he has recognized that this charm is the charm on the altar.

"High Priest, there is a change in the altar, rescue immediately!"

Yang Chengbing's voice came from the spell.

"High Priest, Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, you go to the altar quickly!"

Jin Hu's expression changed slightly.

"As ordered!"

The high priests, Chen Haidong and Zhang Han, quickly retreated.

"Taoist Bone Demon, you should immediately track down Japan!"

"No matter what, we must recover the treasure!"

Jin Hu shouted loudly.


The Bone Demon Taoist agreed.

Inside the monster forest.

Chen Haidong and Zhang Han were running quickly.

Only the high priest was following behind slowly.

"High Priest, hurry up, if something happens to the altar, our demon tribe's sacrifice will not be held!"

Chen Haidong turned around and said.

"General Chen, don't worry, our Demon Tribe Altar is very tightly guarded and no one can get in!"

The high priest's face was full of confidence.

After all, the defense of the demon altar was set up by the high priest.

Not to mention the demon clan's secret poison, no one could pass through the terrifying pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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