Chapter 126 Where is my demon altar?


Just as the high priest finished speaking, a loud noise came from the direction of the altar.

"No, it's the direction of the altar!"

"Let's go quickly!"

The high priest's expression changed drastically and he quickly ran towards the altar.

Chen Haidong and Zhang Han also followed the high priest.

But soon, the high priest calmed down.

Because apart from the loud noise, there was no movement.

Yang Chengbing must have killed the intruder.

"High Priest, why are you so slow again?"

Chen Haidong looked at the high priest with a puzzled expression.

"The intruder has been killed!"

"We went there just to finish things off!"

The high priest explained slowly.

After hearing the words of the high priest, Chen Haidong and Zhang Han nodded.

After all, except for the loud bang just now, there was no sound.

The intruder must have been killed.

Otherwise, they would definitely be able to hear the sounds of fighting at the altar now.

While running, the high priest suddenly said "Hey".

"It's strange! We could see altars here before?"

"Why can't I see anything now?"

The high priest's face was full of doubts.

Chen Haidong and Zhang Han also had doubts on their faces.

Although they haven't been here for a long time, they are the altar of the demon clan.

But he also knew that the altar was very high.

The high priest and others ran for a while with doubts.

When he saw the rubble around him, an unpleasant feeling emerged from his heart.

A few minutes later, the high priest, Zhang Han, and Chen Haidong arrived in the valley.


The high priest looked at the empty space in front of him, and a lot of question marks appeared in his head.

Where is the altar of the demon tribe?

Where did their demon clan altar go?

Some time ago, he came here to see the altar?

Why is it now in ruins?
Didn’t even see the statue of the empress?

"High Priest, did you remember wrongly that the altar is not here at all?"

Zhang Han's face was full of confusion.

The demon clan altar is the foundation of their demon clan.

Without the altar, it would be difficult for the demon race to defeat the human race.

"No, it's impossible!"

"The altar is right here, it can't be wrong!"

The high priest shook his head repeatedly.

He had been to this altar countless times, how could he remember it wrong?

But the rubble ruins in front of him didn't look like a demon altar at all.

"Isn't that Yang Chengbing!"

It was at this time that sharp-eyed Chen Haidong discovered Yang Chengbing's head.

"Yang Chengbing, what on earth is going on?"

The high priest ran over quickly.

Just halfway through, the high priest realized something was wrong.

Because Yang Chengbing only had one head left, his body had disappeared long ago.


"The altar of our demon tribe!"

The high priest shouted loudly.

He simply couldn't accept the news that the demon clan's altar had been blown up.

Chen Haidong and Zhang Han also looked very bad.

Many of their demon clan's abilities were learned in the demon clan's altar.

Without the demon altar, many of their demon clan would not be able to transform into human form.

Spirit Stone Mine.

After several days of flying, Qin Feng had appeared at the Lingshi Mine.

Qin Feng was very excited at this moment.

He didn't expect that this operation would go so smoothly.

He actually blew up the demon altar so easily.

There are no more demon altars and demon sacrificial treasures.

In a short period of time, it is impossible for the demon clan to hold a sacrificial ceremony.

"Meet the guard!"

At this time, Wanhua hurried over.

"Don't be too polite!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and asked: "What problems are there in the Lingshi Mine during this period?"

"Qi reports that there is no problem with the Lingshi mine!" "But the sect has been pushing for Lingshi!"

"Let you turn in this year's spirit stones as soon as possible!"

Wanhua asked respectfully.

"Okay, I get it!"

"You go down first!"

Qin Feng waved his hand.

"Subordinates retire!"

Wanhua hurried back.

Altar ruins.

Jin Hu, Chen Haidong, the high priest, Bao Bing, Zhang Sheng, and many powerful monsters all came here.

They looked at the ruined altar, and all of them looked very unhappy.

The demon altar, the demon sacred tree, and the demon blood pool.

They are the three great treasures of their demon clan.

The reason why their demon race can compete with the human race is because of these three special treasures.

Now the demon clan altar has been blown up.

The blow to their demon clan was very severe.

"General Chen, can you see clearly who blew up our demon clan altar?"

Jin Hu suppressed his anger and looked at Chen Haidong.

No wonder Jin Hu was so angry.

First, the materials and treasures that the demon clan had collected for decades were stolen.

Immediately afterwards, the altar of their demon tribe was blown up.

The strength of their demon tribe dropped completely.

"Your Majesty, I didn't see any monks!"

"The monks stationed at the altar are all dead!"

Chen Haidong quickly reported.

"Junior Brother Bao Bing..."

Jin Hu looked at Bao Bing.

"Brother, look at me!"


Bao Bing roared.

Countless golden lights suddenly appeared behind him.

Then these golden lights gathered into a huge mirror.

This golden mirror is Bao Bing's dharma image.

Although the mirror does not have any offensive capabilities.

But it's easy to see what's going on here.


After the golden light gathered into a mirror, Bao Bing fired several spells in succession.

Then a picture appeared in the mirror.

In the mirror, it was Qin Feng who came to the altar unimpeded.

Then he placed Zhentian Lei under the altar.

At this moment, Qin Feng had a mask of consciousness on his face.

Bao Bing's appearance did not see Qin Feng's face at all.

Looking at the picture in the mirror, the faces of many high-level demon clan officials became even more ugly.

"Everyone, can you identify the person in the picture?"

Jin Hu said while suppressing his anger.

"Your Majesty, this person is a monk from the Tianjian Sect!"

The high priest took a step forward and said.

"Oh, how can you tell that this person is a monk from the Tianjian Sect?"

Jin Hu looked at the high priest.

"Look, Your Majesty!"

The high priest pointed to the picture above, and then said: "Although this person is wearing black clothes, when he buried Zhentian Lei, he accidentally exposed the symbol of Tianjian Sect!"

After hearing the words of the high priest, everyone looked over.

Sure enough, I saw the Tianjian Sect's logo there.

"How brave!"

"Damn Heavenly Sword Sect man, how dare you ruin our demon clan's important affairs!"

"Your Majesty, I will mobilize my troops to attack the Tianjian Sect!"

Zhang Sheng's temper was very bad.

Immediately, he prepared to mobilize troops to attack Tianjian Sect.


Unexpectedly, Jin Hu called him to stop, with a complicated look on his face, as if he was still a little hesitant.

"Don't touch the Tianjian Sect for the time being!"

Jin Hu said through gritted teeth.


Hearing this, Zhang Sheng was slightly shocked, and then said angrily, "The demon clan altar is the key to the rise of our demon clan!"

"The men of Tianjian Sect blew up our altar, shouldn't we destroy Tianjian Sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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