Chapter 127 Future Planning
"Please be patient and don't be impatient."

Jin Hu first patted Zhang Sheng's shoulder, and then said with twinkling eyes, "The Tianjian Sect blew up our demon clan's altar, how can this matter be forgotten so easily!"

"However, there are many masters in Tianjian Sect, and there are also many golden elixir monks, and there are even Supreme Elders who are in charge!"

"Furthermore, the female emperor of the demon clan is still suppressed in the Tianjian Tower!"

"Lastly, the head of the Tianjian Sect, Liu Guangjun, is practicing the body-seizing technique of our demon clan!"

"If we start now, our demon tribe's years of planning will inevitably come to nothing!"

I have to say that Jin Hu is worthy of being the king of the demon clan. His city is extremely deep. For the sake of the great cause of the demon clan, he can bear the revenge of having the altar bombed!
"But the Demon Tribe Altar is our foundation!"

Zhang Sheng still had some reluctance on his face!
"The revenge of the demon clan altar must be avenged!"

"When we rescue the empress, Liu Guangjun will become a member of our demon clan!"

"That's when our demon clan will destroy the Sky Sword Sect!"

"When the time comes, our demon clan will definitely be able to unify the entire Xishan Immortal Cultivation World!"

Jin Hu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were full of light.

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

Many masters of the demon clan looked much better after hearing Jin Hu's words.

Spirit Stone Mine.

Qin Feng was sitting in the governor's mansion, thinking about future plans.

“First we must learn the Golden Elixir Dharma!”

Qin Feng wrote it down as he spoke.

This golden elixir method is learned by monks after entering the golden elixir.

There are many kinds of golden elixirs, some are offensive, some are defensive, and some are auxiliary.

However, Qin Feng did not come into contact with the golden elixir method.

I don’t know how many types of Golden Elixir Dharma are divided into.

I don’t know how to practice the golden elixir method.

I don’t even know the power of the golden elixir.

"Secondly, collect the nine series of spirit beads!"

Then Qin Feng wrote this again.

The nine-series spirit beads are the key to sealing the demon empress.

Now Qin Feng has collected thunder-type spirit beads, fire-type spirit beads, earth-type spirit beads, and poison-type spirit beads.

The fire spirit beads and earth spirit beads have been driven into the Tianjian Tower by Qin Feng.

The Wood Spirit Orb is at the top of the ladder.

As for the other spirit beads, there is no news yet.

"Third, the ladder to heaven will open in half a year. You must climb to the top of the ladder to get the wood spirit orb!"

"Then we will enter the Heavenly Sword Tower, and we will go to the Heavenly Sword Tower to meet the Demon Empress for a while!"

Then Qin Feng wrote the third article.

"Fourth, go to Liuhuo Sect to buy elixirs for golden elixir cultivation!"

Although Qin Feng's cultivation speed is very fast.

But pills are still needed to assist.

In this way, Qin Feng can quickly improve his cultivation level.

The reason why Qin Feng did not buy elixirs from Tianjian Sect was that most of the elixirs from Tianjian Sect had been improved by the high priest.

All of these elixirs are erysipelas.

It may not matter if you eat one bottle or several bottles.

But if you keep eating it, you will definitely get poisoned.

"Fifth, the spiritual root must be upgraded to the lower level of earth level!"

Qin Feng is very clear about the role of spiritual roots.

Although he already has a high-grade Xuan-level spiritual root.

But the probability of this kind of spiritual root becoming a Nascent Soul cultivator is less than [-]%.

Only by raising your spiritual roots to above the low-level earth level can you have a high chance of becoming a Nascent Soul monk.

"Sixth, collect the materials needed to refine the Yingying Dan!"

Qin Feng slowly wrote the sixth item.

Although Qin Feng is only a first-level golden elixir cultivator now.

But the Yingying Pill is very rare.

They are all fourth-level materials.

Qin Feng must work hard to collect these materials before he can become a strong Nascent Soul in 50 years.

"Seventh, change the practice method!"

Qin Feng slowly wrote the seventh item.

Although Tianjian Jue is very clever.

But Tianjian Jue is only a foundation-building technique.

Now he is already a golden elixir monk.

It is necessary to change to a method that can cultivate to the Nascent Soul, or even become a god. "Eighth, go back to your hometown!"

The reason why Qin Feng wanted to go back to his hometown was.

It was because of Qin Feng's inner demons when he formed the elixir.

That inner demon is Qin Feng's predecessor.

Although the inner demons have been defeated by the centering stone.

But Qin Feng also knew some of his predecessor's obsessions.

That is to return to his hometown and see his family.

Only after visiting the family of his predecessor can this inner demon be completely dissipated.

Otherwise, Qin Feng will achieve a breakthrough in the future, even while practicing.

This inner demon might appear again.

The ruins of the demon altar.

Many strong men from the demon clan gathered in a makeshift room.

Many powerful monsters gathered here to discuss whether to rebuild the monster altar.

Jin Hu rubbed his eyebrows and said with a complicated expression: "Everyone, tell me your opinions?"

"Your Majesty, the Demon Tribe Altar took the Empress decades to build!"

"If we want to build it, it will take at least several decades!"

"And some special materials are also very difficult to collect!"

"The demon clan altar is the foundation of our demon clan, we must rebuild it!"

"The cost is huge, so why not give up on the Demon Tribe Altar!"

"The altar is too close to the human race. What if it is blown up by the human race again?"


Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, Hu Xinliang, Zhang Sheng, Hu Tianmei and others expressed their opinions one after another.

Only the high priest closed his eyes and said nothing.

"High Priest, do you think we need to rebuild?"

Jin Hu looked at the high priest who had been silent.

The high priest was silent for a while and then said: "I think the demon altar must be rebuilt!"

"Why rebuild?"

Jin Hu asked.

The high priest said solemnly: "I think there are three points to rebuilding the demon clan altar.

First, many of our spells are obtained from the altar! "

Jin Hu looked calm.

But the expressions of several other people changed slightly.

Many of their demon clan's powerful spells were obtained through large-scale sacrifices.

Without the altar, the speed at which the demon race can learn spells cannot match that of the human race.

"Second, the demon clan altar is the symbol of our demon clan. If the demon clan altar is rebuilt, many demon clans who are dissatisfied with the rule of the king can also return to their hearts!"

Several people nodded.

Within the demon clan, there are many demon clans who oppose Jin Hu's appointment as king.

If the demon clan altar is re-established by Jin Hu.

Those dissenting voices will also disappear.

The golden tiger can also unify the entire demon clan.

"The third and most important point."

The high priest looked at Jin Hu with gentle eyes and said: "If the sacrifice can be successful, the strength of our demon clan will be greatly improved!"

"When the time comes, it will be a matter of course to kill the human race and unify the Xishan Immortal Realm!"

Several other people looked different.

Jin Hu nodded slightly.

"Junior Brother Bao, what do you think?"

Bao Bing was stunned for a moment and hurriedly said: "What the high priest said is very correct. Many people in the demon clan are dissatisfied with senior brother. If the altar is rebuilt, many demon clan can return to their hearts."

Chen Haidong said excitedly: "Many of our spells are obtained in the altar, and the demon altar must be rebuilt.

"I agree with the high priest!"

Zhang Han, Hu Tianmei, Hu Xinliang and others stood up and said.

"Okay, then let's rebuild the altar!"

"High Priest, you are solely responsible for this matter!"

Jin Hu solemnly announced.

"As ordered!"

The high priest stood up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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