Chapter 128
Heavenly Sword Sect.

Inside the restaurant.

Qin Feng, Hu Xiaofang, Hu Lai, and many other fellow villagers gathered here.

This gathering was initiated by Qin Feng.

The reason why Qin Feng summoned these people was to find out the whereabouts of his hometown.

"Senior Brother Qin, I didn't expect that after not seeing you for so many years, you would already have completed your Qi practice!"

"You've also become the guard of the Lingshi Mine. I'd like to give you a toast, junior sister!"

Hu Xiaofang looked at Qin Feng with very complicated eyes.

Back then, Hu Xiaofang had always looked down upon Qin Feng.

He also didn't have any good feelings toward Qin Feng.

But I didn’t expect that it would take less than 20 years.

Qin Feng went from being a handyman disciple to becoming a monk practicing Qi Dzogchen.

He also became the guard of the Lingshi Mine.

And she has been practicing hard for so long, and she is still just a monk at the sixth level of Qi training.

If you want to enter the inner gate, you will have to practice hard for at least several years.

"Senior Brother Qin, we also toast you!"

"Senior Brother Qin, I respect you!"

Many fellow villagers also raised their glasses.

"Everyone please!"

Qin Feng stood up and said.

Soon everyone had a round of drinking.

"Senior Brother Qin, why did you call everyone together?"

Hu Lai looked at Qin Feng curiously.

"We have been coming to Tianjian Sect for more than ten years!"

"Do you still remember our hometown?"

Qin Feng put down his wine glass and asked.


When everyone heard Qin Feng's words, they suddenly became silent.

These people have been joining Tianjian Sect for more than ten years.

But they have always been thinking about practicing and how to obtain spells.

I never thought about my hometown.

I never went back to see my family.

"Senior Brother Qin, our hometown is Guoming County under Beihai City!"

"I wrote letters back two years ago!"

A fellow villager spoke up.

"Guoming County!"

Hearing this fellow countryman's words, Qin Feng's heart was filled with joy.

This fellow countryman and he are from the same county.

As long as you know Guoming County, it will be very easy to find his home.

"Come on, let's drink!"

Qin Feng raised the cup in his hand.

Many fellow villagers also raised their glasses.

"Senior Brother Qin, do you want to go back to your hometown?"

When leaving, Hu Lai suddenly came over.

"Not bad!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Hu Lai immediately took out a letter and a small bag from his body.

"Senior Brother Qin, can you give this to my family?"

Hu Lai looked at Qin Feng and said.

"it is good!"

Qin Feng responded directly.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Qin!"

Hu Lai's face was filled with gratitude.

In fact, Hu Lai also wants to return to his hometown.

But he is an outer disciple, his cultivation level is not high, and he does not know how to fly with a sword.

I want to return to Qingguo County under Beihai City.

It will take at least several months.

Beihai City.

Zhang family.

A sword light appeared at the door of the Zhang family.

This sword light is Qin Feng who came from Tianjian Sect.

Qin Feng came to the Zhang family because he wanted the Zhang family to claim Yunhai and help him search for it.

After all, the Zhang family is the local leader of Beihai City.

With their help, Qin Feng will have less trouble.

"Meet Uncle Qin!"

Seeing Qin Feng's arrival, Zhang Yunhai's face was full of excitement.

Qin Feng is only in his thirties.

But now he is a strong foundation builder.

Maybe he might even become a powerful golden elixir in the future.

If you can have a good relationship with such a talented person.

The Zhang family might benefit from it for life.

"Don't be too polite!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and walked inside.

Soon Zhang Yunhai and Qin Feng walked into the living room.

After the two sat down, Zhang Yunhai asked: "Uncle Qin, what important matters do you have in mind when you come to Beihai this time?"

Qin Feng glanced at Zhang Yunhai and then said: "I came here this time to trouble the head of the Zhang family!"

"Uncle Qin, please tell me!"

"As long as I can do it, I will help you complete it!"

Zhang Yunhai's face was full of excitement.

As long as Qin Feng owes him a favor.

In this way, he could hug Qin Feng's thigh.

"I am from Guoming County under Beihai City!"

“Because it’s been more than ten years since I left my hometown, and I can’t remember which village I’m in!”

"Please help me find it!" Qin Feng said.

After Zhang Yunhai heard this, his face was filled with joy.

He didn't think that Qin Feng was actually from Beihai City.

"Uncle Qin, don't worry, just leave this matter to me!"

Zhang Yunhai glanced at Qin Feng, and then said: "Uncle Qin, you must be tired, I will have someone take you down to rest!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Soon Zhang Yunhai asked a servant to take Qin Feng to a quiet room.

The room is very elegantly decorated, with many landscape paintings hanging on the walls.

One day later, Zhang Yunhai hurriedly came to Qin Feng's room.

"Meet Uncle Qin!"

Zhang Yunhai saluted Qin Feng.

"Well, you're welcome!"

Qin Feng waved his hand.

"Uncle Qin, I have found your family!"

Zhang Yunhai's face was filled with joy.


Qin Feng stood up with excitement on his face.

Just fulfill the wish of my predecessor.

It is estimated that Qin Feng will not have any inner demons when he practices in the future.

"In Xiaogang Village, Guoming County, there is a family named Qin!"

"This man's son went to the Tianjian Sect to learn martial arts 20 years ago, but he has not returned yet!"

Zhang Yunhai glanced at Qin Feng as he spoke.

"Come on, take me to see it!"

Qin Feng spoke.

"Uncle Qin, come with me!"

Zhang Yunhai quickly took Qin Feng out.

Half an hour later, Qin Feng and Zhang Yunhai landed in a small mountain village.

"Xiaogang Village!"

Qin Feng said as he walked forward.

"Uncle Qin, the Qin family is the family at the west end of the village"!
Zhang Yunhai pointed to a thatched house in the west and said.

"Quick, quick, I must beat that old immortal named Qin to death!"

"This forest in Dongshan belongs to my Jiang family!"

"You dare to go to Jiang's house to dig up herbs, you are just desperate!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a mustache led a group of thugs towards the thatched house in the west.


Qin Feng frowned slightly.

"Uncle Qin, these people are from the Black Tiger Gang in the county!"

"Yesterday Mr. Qin went to Dongshan to collect medicine and was discovered by the Black Tiger Gang!"

"The people from the Black Tiger Gang are here to trouble Master Qin today!"

Zhang Yunhai explained slowly.

"What are you doing, let me go!"

At this time, a quarrel suddenly came from the front.

Immediately afterwards, the thugs were fighting two old men, and a young man came out.

The young man's face was sixty percent similar to that of young Qin Feng.

"My eldest brother is going to the Immortal Sect to learn from his master!"

"You guys let me go!"

The young man drank loudly.

"Hahaha, the Immortal Sect is learning from a master?"

"How can you, the old Qin family, produce an immortal?"

"Don't you take a pee and look in the mirror!


Many members of the Black Tiger Gang laughed loudly.

No one took the young man's words seriously.

If the Qin family has an immortal.

Old Man Qin's family would not be in such a miserable state.

It is even more impossible to live in this thatched house.

"Hit, hit me hard!"

The middle-aged man with a mustache shouted loudly.

This mountain forest belongs to their Black Tiger Gang.

If these villagers are not taught a lesson today.

Not every day, these villagers have to go to the mountains of their Black Tiger Gang to collect medicine.

"Master Nephew Zhang, I leave this matter to you!"

Qin Feng had no intention of showing up.

Instead, let Zhang Yunhai come forward.

After all, he is not his predecessor, and he has no memories of his predecessor.

"Uncle Qin, leave it to me!"

Zhang Yunhai cupped his hands towards Qin Feng and then walked forward.


Zhang Yunhai shouted loudly.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

"How dare you interfere with our Black Tiger Gang's affairs?"

"Take it for me!"

The middle-aged man with a mustache did not take Zhang Yunhai seriously at all.

"court death!"

Zhang Yunhai snorted coldly, and then quickly rushed towards the Black Tiger Gang.

These people from the Black Tiger Gang are just a group of ordinary warriors.

How could he be Zhang Yunhai's opponent?

It only took a few rounds to knock these people to the ground.

"Immortal, spare your life!"

"We don't dare any more!"

Many thugs knelt on the ground and begged loudly for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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