Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 132 Certified Foundation Establishment Monk

Chapter 132 Certified Foundation Establishment Monk
Zongwu Hall.

Qin Feng took the spirit stone and slowly walked towards the Zongwu Hall.

Qin Feng did not only hand over the spirit stone this time.

He came to the General Affairs Hall to authenticate the identity of the foundation-building monk.

Only by becoming a foundation-building monk can he go to the Overlord Sect to participate in the Immortal Spirit Pool Secret Realm.

Qin Feng had just arrived at the entrance of the Zongwu Hall.

Deacon Hu was smiling and accompanying a man in yellow clothes and a beard as he walked out.

"Deacon Hu, I'll leave the registration for the Fairy Spirit Pool to you!"

The bearded man said with a smile.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully adding friend Liu Tianwen! 】

At this time, a system prompt came over.

[Friend: Liu Tianwen]

[Friendliness value: -20]

[Cultivation: Void Pill]

[Spells: Dog Demon Technique, Transformation Technique, Breath Condensation Technique, Mad Dog Technique, Sword Flying Technique, Body Seizing Secret Technique]

[Opportunity: Three days later, a Xuanyuan Golden Pill Book was discovered in an ancient tomb]

[Future achievement: Golden elixir monk]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

Looking at the prompts in his mind, Qin Feng's face was full of surprise.

Void Dan?

Qin Feng knows Xudan very well.

That is, if you fail to break through the golden elixir, it will become a virtual elixir.

The probability of such a monk breaking through the golden elixir is very small.

Could it be that this Xuanyuan Golden elixir book made Liu Tianwen go from a fake elixir to a powerful golden elixir?
【Seize the opportunity! 】

Qin Feng did not hesitate and chose to seize the opportunity.

Soon a picture appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

Only in the screen.

Liu Tianwen led a group of demon monks into an ancient tomb.

"Senior Brother Liu, is this ancient tomb really the tomb of the Jindan monk?"

A demon monk asked curiously.

"This ancient tomb is the place where a powerful Jindan man was buried!"

Liu Tianwen said as he walked inside.

Along the way, Liu Tianwen and others harvested a lot of treasures.

Soon everyone arrived at the deepest part of the ancient tomb.

There is a jade slip emitting golden light.

"Is this a practice?"

Liu Tianwen directly put the exercises into his storage bag.

The screen also completely disappeared at this time.

"Ancient tomb!"

"Tianjian Sect is five thousand miles east!"

Qin Feng silently wrote down the address of the ancient tomb.

He decided to take a look at this ancient tomb.

Take away other treasures by the way.

He first took a look at what kind of secret book this Xuanyuan Golden Pill Jue was.

If this cheat is very good.

He left this secret book to Liu Tianwen.

Wait for Liu Tianwen to practice successfully.

Qin Feng took away Liu Tianwen's magic again.

“Deacon Hu, there’s no need to send it away!”

Liu Tianwen bowed his hands to Hu Xinliang and walked away.

Deacon Hu also looked at Qin Feng.

"Master Nephew Qin, are you here to hand over this year's spiritual stones?"

Deacon Hu asked.

"Not bad!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and then handed a spirit stone bag to Deacon Hu.

"Well, not bad, 20 spirit stones!"

"This is your certificate!"

After Deacon Hu finished speaking, he handed a voucher to Qin Feng.

"Deacon Hu, I want to verify the identity of the foundation-building monk!"

Qin Feng said again.

"Certified Foundation Establishment Monk?"

Hu Xinliang was stunned and quickly looked at Qin Feng.

"Yes, it is indeed the first level of foundation building!"

The killing intent flashed across Hu Xinliang's eyes.

"How many years have you joined the Tianjian Sect?"

Hu Xinliang asked again.

"This disciple has been joining the Tianjian Sect for more than twenty years!"

Qin Feng replied.

"More than 20 years!" Hu Xinliang said while looking through the information.

After more than 20 years of foundation building in Tianjian Sect, it can only be regarded as an above-average level.

"Bring your token over here and I'll replace it with your identity token!"

Hu Xinliang stretched out his hand.

"Thank you so much, Deacon Hu!"

Qin Feng handed the identity token to Hu Xinliang.

Hu Xinliang looked at the token in Qin Feng's hand for a long time before starting to apply for Qin Feng's identity.

Ten minutes later, Hu Xinliang handed Qin Feng a brand new token.

At the same time, he also gave Qin Feng a package.

"There are two sets of martial arts clothes in this package!"

"There are also some supplies for practice!"

"After becoming a foundation-building monk, you don't have to complete sect tasks!"

"You can open a cave by yourself in the back mountain!"

"You can go to the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion to borrow secret books three times a year for free!"

"The monthly salary will also be greatly increased!"


Hu Xinliang explained to Qin Feng what foundation-building monks should pay attention to.

"Okay, you go to the leader's place!"

"The leader will tell you some things!"

Hu Xinliang waved his hand.

"Thank you so much, Deacon Hu!"

Qin Feng cupped his hands, and then said: "Deacon Hu, I want to participate in the Fairy Pool Secret Realm in half a year!"

"Registration fee of one thousand spirit stones!"

Deacon Hu stretched out his hand.

Qin Feng didn't say anything more and directly took out a thousand spirit stones.

After Qin Feng left, Deacon Hu immediately drew a circle on Qin Feng's name.

"Secret Realm of Fairy Pool?"

"It just so happens that there are many monks in our demon clan who want to enter this secret realm!"

"Let this person live for half a year longer!"

Deacon Hu has already made a decision in his mind.

That was to send a strong man from the demon clan to kill Qin Feng in the secret realm of the Fairy Pool.

Outside the General Affairs Hall.

Qin Feng came out and had already changed into yellow sect clothes.

"Meet Uncle Shi!"

"See Master Uncle!"


When many Qi-training monks saw Qin Feng, they all saluted Qin Feng.

They looked at Qin Feng with envy in their eyes.

After all, the monks wearing yellow clothes are all strong foundation builders.

Qin Feng just nodded slightly and walked towards the sect's main hall.

"Who is this uncle?"

"How come I haven't seen it before?"

"This man's name is Qin Feng, and he was a handyman disciple more than 20 years ago!"

"Isn't that right? The handyman disciple actually became the foundation-building master uncle?"

"Back then, Master Qin and I joined the sect together, but I didn't expect that he would become a strong foundation-builder, while I was still a young monk at the third level of Qi training!"


After Qin Feng left, many monks were inquiring about Qin Feng.

At the same time, they were also very envious of Qin Feng's qualifications.

After all, if you can become a foundation-building monk, your qualifications are definitely not bad.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng arrived outside the main hall.

Along the way, Qin Feng met many Qi practicing monks.

After seeing Qin Feng, these Qi-training monks would stop and respectfully salute Qin Feng.

"I've seen Uncle Master!"

Just before Qin Feng arrived at the main hall, the two monks guarding the door quickly saluted Qin Feng.

"You are Welcome!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly and then said: "I have just established the foundation, and I came here to report to the leader!"

"The leader has gone into retreat, but Elder Wu is in the main hall!"

The guard pointed to the main hall and said.

"Thank you!"

Qin Feng hugged the guard and walked into the hall.

Qin Feng nodded and immediately walked towards the sect's main hall. When he arrived at the main hall, he saw Wu Yong sitting on a chair drinking tea.

When Qin Feng saw him, he quickly raised his hands and saluted, "I've met Elder Wu."

Wu Yong looked up at Qin Feng, and then stood up in shock: "You actually built a foundation?"

I still have some impressions of Qin Feng and Wu Yong.

During the exchange meeting between the inner sects of Liuhuo Sect and Tianjian Sect, Wu Yong once took Qin Feng to the residence of Liuhuo Sect.

At that time, Qin Feng had just reached the seventh level of Qi training.

(End of this chapter)

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