Chapter 133 Xuanyuan Golden Pill Jue

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng would become a strong foundation builder in just ten years.

"It's just a fluke!"

Qin Feng spoke.

"Congratulations to my nephew for successfully building the foundation."After Wu Yong asked Qin Feng to sit down, he said: "The leader has been in seclusion these years!"

"Leave all the big and small matters within the sect to me!"

"Since Senior Nephew Qin has established the foundation, I'm here to tell you about the benefits of the sect's foundation-building monks."

"Please tell me, Elder Wu!"

Qin Feng said quickly.

"Foundation-building monks can obtain one hundred spiritual stones and three bottles of early-stage foundation-building elixirs from the sect's general affairs office every month."

"There is no need to complete the tasks in the Zongmen Mission Hall!"

"You can enter the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion and choose three exercises every year!"

"You can choose a place in Tianwu Peak to open a cave!"

"You can choose three spiritual fields in the back of the sect, and all the income from the spiritual fields will belong to you!"

Elder Wu Yong slowly explained to Qin Feng the benefits of foundation-building monks.

The biggest benefit among them is the three spiritual fields.

Moreover, all the treasures produced in the spiritual field belong to the foundation-building monks.

There is no need to hand it over to the sect at all.

After Elder Wu explained the sect's welfare to Qin Feng, he also explained to Qin Feng some of the obligations of foundation-building monks.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, just go down and get the spiritual field first!"

Elder Wu Yong waved his hand.

"Thank you, Elder Wu"!
Qin Feng quickly retreated.

"Qin Feng, have you established a foundation?"

Qin Feng just walked out and saw Hu Xiaofang standing there.

At this moment, Hu Xiaofang's eyes were still very confused.

After all, Qin Feng's spiritual roots were not very good back then.

Joining the sect is just a handyman disciple.

She also looked down upon Qin Feng very much.

Unexpectedly, in less than 20 years, Qin Feng has grown from a handyman disciple to a strong foundation builder.

But she is still a monk at the fifth level of Qi training.

If you want to enter the seventh level of Qi training, you will have to practice hard for at least several years.


Qin Feng nodded slightly and ignored Hu Xiaofang.

And walked towards the mission hall.

His three spiritual fields were collected in the mission hall.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng received three pieces of fine spiritual fields.

At the same time, he also rented these three spiritual fields to the Mission Hall.

Every month he can receive a large amount of rent in the mission hall.

In front of an ancient tomb somewhere.

A sword light slowly landed here.

As the sword light disappeared, Qin Feng's figure appeared here.

"It should be this ancient tomb!"

Qin Feng looked at the ancient tomb and walked in.

There are many treasures in this ancient tomb.

Although Qin Feng looked down upon these treasures, he still kept them.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng arrived at the deepest part of the ancient tomb.

He also saw the jade slip suspended in the air.

"Xuanyuan Golden Pill Jue!"

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the jade slip in his hand.

He carefully released his consciousness.

After watching the Xuanyuan Golden Pill Jue.

Qin Feng's face was full of joy.

This Xuanyuan Golden Pill Technique is a method for quickly cultivating the Nascent Soul.

Even if a fake elixir cultivator reaches perfection, he can become a golden elixir cultivator from fake elixir.

"Leave this secret book to Liu Tiancheng!"

Qin Feng did not take away the jade slip.

After all, the best person to practice Kung Fu is Liu Tiancheng.

Wait until Liu Tiancheng successfully cultivates the Xuanyuan Golden Pill Art.

He can then seize Liu Tiancheng's skills.

Two days later, Liu Tiancheng led a team of demon monks outside the ancient tomb.

"Senior Brother Liu, the cave of the Golden elixir monk is right here!"

A demon monk pointed to the ancient tomb in front of him and said.

"Come on, let's go in and see!"

Liu Tiancheng's figure moved and quickly entered the ancient tomb.

"Strange, why are there no treasures?"

After walking for more than ten minutes, Liu Tiancheng's face was full of doubts.

Because they didn't see any treasures along the way.

It seemed that it had already been looted.

"Senior Brother Liu, where are you looking?"

The demon monk pointed forward with a joyful expression. "Um?"

Liu Tiancheng quickly looked forward.

When he saw the jade slip in front of him, Liu Tiancheng's face was filled with joy.

He quickly grabbed the jade slip in his hand.

"Xuanyuan Golden Pill Jue!"

Looking at the skills inside the jade slip, Liu Tiancheng's face was filled with joy.

This Xuanyuan Golden Pill Technique is an earth-level technique.

After cultivating to perfection, he can transform from a virtual elixir monk into a true golden elixir master.


Liu Tiancheng was very dissatisfied with being a Xudan monk.

He has no status within the demon clan.

If he can become a strong Jindan, his identity and status will definitely be greatly improved.


Somewhere in a secret room.

Many demon masters are all gathered here.

"Deacon Hu, are there any geniuses in the human race recently?"

Jin Hu is very interested in the genius of the human race.

After all, the demon race and the human race are mortal enemies.

If human geniuses are allowed to grow, the threat to their demon clan will be very great.

"King Qi, there are no geniuses recently!"

"But one person has become a foundation-building monk!"

Hu Xinliang reported.

"Can this person be killed?"

Jin Hu asked again.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this person is about to join the Fairy Pool Secret Realm!"

"My subordinates have arranged for two powerful demon clan men to kill this person!"

"I believe it is impossible for this person to walk out of the secret realm of the Fairy Pool alive!"

Hu Xinliang reported.

"it is good!"

Jin Hu nodded with satisfaction.

He very much approved of Hu Xinliang's arrangement.

"Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, how many of our demon clan foundation-building monks are here?"

Jin Hu looked at Chen Haidong and Zhang Han.

"King Qi, fifty strong men from our demon clan have arrived!"

"In addition, the strong men from Flowing Fire Sect, Overlord Sect and Tianjian Sect!"

"This time, there are only twenty pools at most for human monks in the fairy pool!"

Chen Haidong stepped forward and reported.

"it is good!"

Jin Hu nodded slightly, and then said: "If necessary, kill some human monks!"

"As ordered!"

Chen Haidong and Zhang Han bowed their hands one after another.

"High Priest, how is the rebuilding of the altar?"

Jin Hu looked at the high priest.

"Your Majesty, we have collected all the materials for the altar!"

“In a few months we can start rebuilding!”

The high priest reported.

"Okay, rebuild the altar as soon as possible!"

"Then we'll hold a demon festival!"

Jin Hu's face showed a smile again.

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

The faces of many powerful demon clan men were very good.

The days of cultivation pass very quickly.

More than four months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Feng has been at the Lingshi Mine for more than four months.

Inspect the spirit stone mine during the day.

Practice in the guard house at night.

Although Qin Feng's cultivation level has not improved, Zhang Wanwan's cultivation level has increased from the fourth level of Qi training to the sixth level of Qi training.

This made Zhang Wanwan very happy.

If she were still a member of the family, Zhang Wanwan would only be at the third level of Qi training at most.

It is simply impossible to reach the sixth level of Qi training.

On this day, Qin Feng patrolled the Lingshi Mine as usual.

[Ding, congratulations to the host’s friend Liu Tiancheng for successfully practicing the Earth-level technique Xuanyuan Golden Pill Jue! 】

At this time, a system prompt came over.

Hearing the system prompt, Qin Feng's face was filled with excitement.

In the past few months, Qin Feng's cultivation level has not increased.

It's because there is no golden elixir level technique.

If you obtain the Xuanyuan Golden Pill Jue.

With his cultivation, he should soon be able to become a second-level Jindan monk.

(End of this chapter)

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