Chapter 137 The fairy pool opens

"Of course it's clear, I've been asking about it for a long time!"

Senior Brother Wang said proudly.

"Senior Brother Wang, can you tell me the rules of the Fairy Pool?"

The man in white asked quickly.

"it is good!"

Senior Brother Wang took a sip of wine and then said: "In this fairy pool, only those who have reached the foundation building level and participate for the first time can enter the fairy pool!"

"There are a hundred pools scattered within the secret realm of the Immortal Forest Pool!"

"As long as you soak your body in the pool for an hour, your spiritual roots will be improved!"

After hearing this, the man in white was slightly startled, and then asked: "There are tens of thousands of people who have signed up to participate in the Fairy Pool Secret Realm. Even if the Fairy Pond Secret Realm is open for three days, there will only be 3000 people in one hundred pools at most." Can you enter the fairy pool!?"

"Then we can only fight for it!"

Senior Brother Wang looked at the man in white and said, "You can't help but kill evildoers in the secret realm of the Fairy Pool!"

"And the further back the Fairy Spirit Pond is, the less effective the Spirit Pond will be!"

"Only by fighting for the first batch of fairy pools can spiritual roots be greatly improved"!
After hearing the conversation between Senior Brother Wang and the man in white, Qin Feng understood what was going on in the secret realm of the Fairy Pool.

It turns out that evil cannot be killed in the fairy pool.

As long as the cultivation level reaches Foundation Establishment and has not passed through the Fairy Spirit Pool.

You can enter the fairy pool.

If you want to advance your spiritual roots, you must find a spiritual pool and soak in it for an hour.

Qin Feng stayed in the restaurant for more than half an hour before leaving the restaurant.

Qin Feng had just walked out of the restaurant when he saw Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, and Hu Tianmei walking into the restaurant.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully adding friend Bao Yuanchao! 】

At this time, a system prompt came over.

[Friend: Bao Yuanchao]

[Friendliness value: -80]

[Cultivation: Ninth Level of Foundation Building]

[Spells: Leopard Demon Art, Art of Change, Breath Condensation Art, Wind Chasing Footwork, Wind Blade Technique, Sword Flying Technique, Flash Technique, Fire Dragon Technique, Life Magic Weapon! 】

[Opportunity: Ten days later, the most superior fairy pool will be discovered in the secret realm of the fairy forest pool! 】

[Future Achievements: Pioneer General of the Monster Tribe]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

Qin Feng quickly looked towards Zhang Han and others.

Next to Zhang Han, I saw a bald man looking at Qin Feng.

"The highest level fairy pool?"

Qin Feng glanced at the opportunity and directly chose to seize it.

Soon a picture appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

What I saw in the picture was a special secret realm.

There is no difference between this secret realm and an ordinary secret realm.

But around this secret book, there are a hundred pools with different looks.

"This pool belongs to me, Bao Yuanchao"!
Bao Yuanchao shouted and flew towards the red pool.

"Humph, I discovered this first!"

A monk at the sixth level of foundation building seemed to want to stop Bao Yuanchao.


Bao Yuancao waved his hand, and a huge fire dragon flew towards the monk.


The monk at the sixth level of Foundation Establishment was killed by the fire dragon before he could even offer his magical weapon.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Bao Yuanchao snorted coldly.

After hearing Bao Yuanchao's words, many monks retreated towards the rear.

I no longer dare to compete with Bao Yuanchao for this red pool.


Bao Yuanchao laughed and flew directly into the fairy pool.

The screen also disappeared at this time.

"The northeast corner of the Fairy Secret Realm!"

Qin Feng silently noted the location of this fairy pool.

After he decided to enter the secret realm.

Then he headed directly towards this fairy pool.

After all, this fairy pool is the highest level pool in the secret realm.

If you can stay in this pool for an hour.His spiritual roots can definitely enter the earth level easily.

On the morning of the next day, Qin Feng came to Elder Wu Yong's door.

When Qin Feng arrived, he found that many monks were already standing here.

Zhang Han, Hu Tianmei, Chen Haidong and others are also here.

Ten minutes later, Elder Wu Yong and Elder Ma Wenbin walked out.

"Everyone, today is the day when the secret realm of Fairy Spirit Pond opens!"

"This is the fairy pool teleportation token, please keep it!"

"You must keep the tokens well, otherwise you will not be able to enter the secret realm of Xianlinchi!"

Wu waved his hand gently, and countless tokens flew out from his body.

These tokens were very fast and flew into the hands of Qin Feng and others in the blink of an eye.

Elder Wu Yong also said a lot of things to pay attention to in the secret realm of Xianling Pool before letting everyone leave.

In a blink of an eye, the day came when the fairy pool was opened.

Qin Feng also arrived at Bawangzong Square early.

Many monks have gathered here.

Of course, many of these monks have not established a foundation and cannot enter the fairy pool at all.

They are just here to watch the excitement.

I want to know who can change his spiritual roots in the fairy pool.

In front of the square, a huge platform has been set up.

Sitting on this platform are more than ten Jindan monks.

Among them were Bao Bing from the Liuhuo Sect, Wu Yong and Ma Wenbin from the Tianjian Sect.

As well as Tang Yanran and Zhang Sheng, the heads of the Overlord Sect.

Qin Feng looked at the many monks in the crowd.

Within the Tianjian Sect, the most talented ones are the disciples of the leader, Chen Chen and Huang Wenyu.

There is also Wu Yong's disciple Lin Shaomei.

and Jiang Lijuan and Xia Hongyan.

Among the demon clan, those with relatively high talents include Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, Hu Xinliang, Hu Tianmei, Bao Yuanchao, Xiong Chumo and others.

Qin Feng didn't know much about the monks from the Overlord Sect and the Flowing Fire Sect.

"Junior Brother Qin!"

At this time, Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei walked up to Qin Feng.

"I have seen two senior brothers!"

Qin Feng bowed his hands to Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei.

"Junior Brother Qin, the Fairy Spirit Pool will be opened soon!"

"Let's go in together later!"

Niu Dawei looked at Qin Feng with a smile.

Niu Xiaowei's eyes even showed murderous intent.

The two of them received orders from Hu Xinliang.

Kill Qin Feng in the fairy pool.

Naturally, they would not let Qin Feng escape.

"Thank you two senior brothers!"

Qin Feng did not expose Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei.

After all, in Qin Feng's eyes, these two people were already dead.

"It's almost time to become the head of the sect. We can open the secret realm of the Fairy Pool!"

Zhang Sheng stood up from the chair and said.

Tang Yanran nodded slightly and said: "Let the elders open the fairy pool!"

"As ordered!"

Zhang Sheng waved his hand, and a flag appeared in his hand.

"Elders, listen to the order and activate the teleportation formation!"

Zhang Sheng shouted loudly.

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, more than a dozen elders flew onto the high platform from below.

In their hands also held a flag.

It's just that this flag is one size smaller than the flag in Zhang Sheng's hand.

Everyone surrounded Zhang Sheng in the middle, and a majestic and mysterious force continued to surge towards Zhang Sheng.

In an instant, the entire square underwent astonishing changes.

All I saw was bright golden light. From the high platform, in just an instant, a huge teleportation array was formed below the high platform.

(End of this chapter)

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