Chapter 138 Discovering the Fairy Pool

Tang Yanran also stood up and said: "Monks holding tokens, quickly enter the fairy pool!"

Many monks with tokens lined up and walked towards the teleportation array.

As long as you have the token and come to the teleportation array, you will be teleported away.

"Junior brother, let's go in together."Niu Dawei came to Qin Feng and grabbed Qin Feng's right hand.

Niu Xiaowei also came to the other side and grabbed Qin Feng's left hand.

Then Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei pulled Qin Feng towards the teleportation array.

After a moment of trance, Qin Feng, Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei appeared in the endless wilderness.

Apart from grass, there are no other plants at all in this wilderness.


Niu Dawei suddenly laughed loudly.

"Senior Brother Niu, what are you laughing at?"

Qin Feng looked at Niu Dawei pretending to be confused.

"Junior Brother Qin, what do you think of the scenery here?"

Niu Dawei looked at Qin Feng with a playful expression.

“The scenery here is very nice!”

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

"Since Junior Brother Qin thinks this place is good!"

"Then how about treating this as your burial place?"

Niu Dawei's face was full of murderous intent.

"Haha, Senior Brother Niu, you monsters really look down on me!"

"Are you just going to send you two monks from the second level of Foundation Establishment to kill me?"

Qin Feng looked at Niu Dawei with a smile.


"Just the second level of foundation building?"

Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei looked confused.

He had no idea what Qin Feng was talking about.

"How do you know we are the demon clan?"

Niu Xiaowei looked at Qin Feng in confusion.

He didn't understand at all how Qin Feng knew they were from the demon clan.

"Not only do I know you demon clan!"

"You also destroyed your demon altar!"

"They even stole all the treasures of your demon tribe in Liuyun City!"

Qin Feng said with a smile.


"Did you destroy the altar?"

Niu Dawei's expression suddenly changed.

The demon clan had been investigating the destruction of the altar for several months.

But there are no clues.

Unexpectedly, today I unexpectedly found out that the altar was destroyed by Qin Feng.

"Brother, capture this person!"

"Leave him to the king for punishment!"

Niu Xiaowei took a step forward.

"Okay, it's time for you to go!"

As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, a terrifying pressure erupted from his body.

This pressure is very powerful.

Even Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei, who had already reached the second level of foundation building, were unable to resist.

He was directly suppressed to the ground by the pressure, and he couldn't even move a finger.

"Golden core monk!"

"How can you be a golden elixir monk!"

Niu Dawei's expression suddenly changed.

He never thought that Qin Feng was a golden elixir cultivator.

What made Niu Dawei even more aggrieved was that Hu Xinliang actually sent two of them, two small foundation-building monks, to kill a powerful golden elixir man.

Is this something they can accomplish?
“The scenery here is great!”

"You can just bury it here!"

Qin Feng waved his hand forward, and a fire snake flew forward.


Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei struggled hard.

It was just the pressure of the Jindan monks that prevented them from moving at all.

They could only watch the fire snake getting closer and closer to them.


Just hearing a loud noise, Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei were turned into ashes.

"Northeast direction!"

"Red fairy pool!"

Qin Feng identified the direction and flew directly to the northeast.

After half an hour.

Qin Feng came to the northeast of the secret realm.

At the end of this direction, there is a red pool.

This pool is filled with milky white spiritual liquid.

There were more than ten monks standing under the pool.

Most of these monks' cultivation levels are around the sixth level of foundation building.

They all looked at the fairy pool above with hot faces.

Just enter this pool and soak in the pool for an hour.

Their spiritual roots will be greatly improved.

"Fairy Pool!"

"I didn't expect that the old man would encounter a fairy pool!"

"This pool is mine!"


Many monks took out their magic weapons one after another.

Want to compete for this fairy pool.

After all, there are only one hundred fairy pools in the secret realm of fairy pools.

They were able to discover a fairy pool so quickly.

Already very lucky.

"A bunch of trash!"

"This fairy pool belongs to me!"

"If you don't want to die quickly, get out of the way!"

At this moment, a loud shout came.

Then a bald man rushed out from the grass not far away.The bald man held a huge machete in his hand.

This person is Bao Yuanchao, a strong man from the demon clan.

"Who are you? We discovered this fairy pool!"

Immediately, a monk at the sixth level of foundation construction refuted Bao Yuanchao's words.

"Hehe, why?"

Bao Yuanchao moved his hand, and a fire dragon quickly rushed towards the monk who was building the foundation.

"not good!"

The monk's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly sacrificed his magic weapon.


Although the sixth-level Foundation Establishment monk had sacrificed his magical weapon, he was still killed by the fire dragon.

"What? Senior Brother Wang died like this?"

"How can this person be so powerful?"

"Just one fire dragon killed Senior Brother Wang!"


Many monks looked at Bao Yuanchao with fear in their eyes.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

"This fairy pool already belongs to me!"

Bao Yuanchao looked at the many monks with an unkind expression.

At the same time, a terrifying pressure burst out from his body.

Under this terrifying pressure, many monks retreated towards the rear.

Soon after, there was no one else under the entire fairy pool except Bao Yuanchao.


Bao Yuanchao laughed and prepared to enter the fairy pool.

"Wait a minute, I'm attracted to this fairy pool!"

Qin Feng's figure moved and came directly not far from Bao Yuanchao.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

They never thought that there were still people questioning Bao Yuanchao.

He also has to fight for the fairy pool with Bao Yuanchao.

Didn't he just see Bao Yuanchao kill a monk at the sixth level of Foundation Establishment with ease?

Didn't he just see Bao Yuanchao forcing all the monks back with just one pressure?

Is this monk who suddenly appeared really not afraid of death?

When Bao Yuanchao heard these words, he was slightly startled. Obviously, he did not expect that at this time, there were still people competing with him for the fairy pool.

"Okay, okay, okay." Bao Yuanchao said three good words in a row, and then said angrily: "I want to see if you have what it takes to compete with me for this fairy pool!"

At the end, the pressure of his ninth level of foundation building burst out again.

The terrifying pressure made many onlookers take a few steps back again.

There were even some monks with low self-cultivation who knelt down directly.

However, this terrifying coercion had no impact on Qin Feng.

Instead, he stood there with one hand behind his back and looked at Bao Yuanchao with a playful expression.

It seemed that he was laughing at Bao Yuanchao's incompetence.

When Bao Yuanchao saw this scene, he was stunned and became furious.

He is a monk of the ninth level of foundation building.

He was actually laughed at by a monk who had just entered Foundation Establishment.

How can he bear this?

"Since you are seeking death, I will help you!" Bao Yuanchao roared and directly used the Fire Dragon Technique.

He wanted this fire dragon to burn Qin Feng to ashes.

This fire dragon technique made many disciples in the audience change their expressions.

Because just now this terrifying fire dragon technique had killed a monk at the sixth level of Foundation Establishment.

Qin Feng's expression remained unchanged and he directly used a spiritual energy shield.

"Hahaha, aura shield?"

"Even a magic weapon can't resist my fire dragon technique!"

Bao Yuanchao laughed proudly.

Soon the smile on Bao Yuanchao's face disappeared.

Because the terrifying Fire Dragon Technique has been caught by the spiritual energy shield.

"No, it's impossible, how can you take over my fire dragon technique!"

Bao Yuanchao shook his head repeatedly.

He simply did not believe that Qin Feng could take over his Fire Dragon Technique.

What he practices is the special fire dragon technique.

Can triple the lethality.

"Are you the only one who knows the fire dragon technique?"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and a fire dragon technique flew out.

Soon, a terrifying, hot, and powerful fire dragon technique flew out of Qin Feng's body.

The Fire Dragon Technique carried huge fire energy and terrifying pressure and crushed Bao Yuanchao.

At this moment, the pressure on Bao Yuanchao was directly suppressed.

When Bao Yuanchao saw this scene, the smile on his face disappeared.

"No you are golden."

Bao Yuanchao seemed to want to say something.

But the Fire Dragon Technique swallowed up Bao Yuanchao in one fell swoop.


With just a loud bang, Bao Yuanchao turned into ashes.

Seeing this scene, all the monks were stunned.

They never thought that Qin Feng would kill Bao Yuanchao with a single fire dragon spell?
"how can that be?"

"Bao Yuanchao was killed?"

"And it's the Fire Dragon Technique?"

"Who is this person?"

"How can his Fire Dragon Technique be so powerful?"


Many monks looked at Qin Feng in astonishment.

They never thought that Qin Feng would be so powerful.

"This fairy pool is mine!"

"Leave within three breaths of yours!"

Qin Feng looked at the many monks coldly.

When these monks heard this, they hurriedly ran towards the distance.

In just one breath, there was no one else under the fairy pool except Qin Feng.

Qin Feng then walked towards the Fairy Spirit Pond.

(End of this chapter)

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