Immortality: Start by seizing opportunities from friends

Chapter 139 Earth-level high-grade spiritual roots

Chapter 139 Earth-level high-grade spiritual roots
I saw that everything in the pool was filled with a fiery red liquid.

This fiery red liquid exudes a charming fragrance.

Just smelling it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Qin Feng did not enter the fairy pool.

Instead, a third-level defense formation was carefully set up next to the fairy pool.

There are many monks in the secret realm of Xianlinchi.

If you are attacked by these people at a critical moment.

Even if Qin Feng is a strong golden elixir, he will still be injured.

With this third level defense formation.

It would be very difficult for those monks to sneak attack Qin Feng.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng set up the third-level defense formation.

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and a special spiritual grass appeared in Qin Feng's hand.

This special spiritual grass is Tianyun grass.

Putting this Sky Cloud Grass into the Fairy Spirit Pond can improve Qin Feng's spiritual roots again.

As Tianyun Grass entered the Fairy Pool, the liquid in the pool became redder.

The special fragrance also became more intense.

Qin Feng stepped directly into the Blood Spirit Pond without even thinking about it.

As soon as he entered the fairy pool, Qin Feng felt as if his body was erupting from a volcano, emitting hot breath and violent energy.

This violent energy crazily impacted Qin Feng's spiritual roots.

"The energy of this Fairy Pool and Tianyun Grass is too terrifying!"

Qin Feng quickly activated the Xuanyuan Golden Pill Technique and began to absorb the terrifying energy from the refining body.

"Brother, there is a fairy pond here!"

At this time, two monks appeared not far away.

As this voice sounded, two system prompts came over.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for adding friend Xiong Tian]

[Friend: Xiong Tian]

[Friendliness value: -50]

[Cultivation: fifth level of foundation building]

[Spells: Bear Demon Art, Art of Change, Breath Condensation Art, Roar Art, Earth Art, Earth Wall Art, Life Magic Weapon]

[Opportunity: None]

[Future Achievements: Demon Clan School Captain]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for adding Xiong Di as a friend]

[Friend: Xiong Di]

[Friendliness value: -60]

[Cultivation: Fourth level of foundation building]

[Spells: Bear Demon Technique, Transformation Technique, Breath Condensation Technique, Qiankun Hammer Technique, Roar Technique, Sword Flying, Earth Wall, Shi Fu Technique]

[Opportunity: An hour later, Xiong Di found a map of the cave of a Nascent Soul monk in a forest. 】

[Future Achievements: Demon Clan School Captain]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

"Xiong Tian, ​​Xiong Di?"

"I didn't expect to meet a demon clan disciple so soon!"

Qin Feng's expression changed slightly.

He didn't expect that the demon clan's disciples would arrive so quickly.

He had just entered the fairy pool.

Then two strong men from the demon clan arrived here.

Fortunately, Qin Feng has already set up a third-level formation.

These two bear tribe monks were unable to break through the third-level formation set up by Qin Feng in a short period of time.

What shocked Qin Feng even more was that Xiong Di could actually find the map of the Yuanying monk's cave in the secret realm of the fairy pool.

【Seize the opportunity! 】

Soon a picture appeared in front of Qin Feng.

In the picture, Xiong Tian and Xiong Di were wandering in a forest.

"Brother, how come that kid knows the third level defense formation?"

Xiong Di's face was full of anger.

If it weren't for the third-level formation, they would have killed the monk long ago.

Then sit in the fairy pool.

"The secret realm of the Fairy Pool will only be open for three days. Let's go find the Fairy Pool quickly!"

Xiong Tian said while running quickly.

'what! '

It was at this moment that Xiongdi suddenly stopped.

Because at this moment he discovered that there was an old piece of parchment in the grass.

Xiong Di quickly ran over and picked up the parchment.

The moment he picked up the parchment in Xiongdi.

The entire screen disappeared completely.

"The cave of Yuanying monk!"

Qin Feng's heart was full of excitement.

In the entire Xishan Immortal Realm.

Nascent Soul monks are very rare.

The Nascent Soul Monk Cave is even more precious.

If you can get the treasures in the Nascent Soul Monk’s Cave.

It will be much easier for Qin Feng to advance to Nascent Soul.

"The art of seizing the earth!"

Soon Qin Feng chose the art of seizing the earth.

At this moment, Qin Feng mastered the art of the earth.

It was as if he had been practicing magic for decades. "Hahaha, we brothers are so lucky!"

"I didn't expect to encounter a fairy pool with only one person!"

Xiong Tian laughed loudly.

In ordinary fairy forest pools, a monk forges spiritual roots in it.

Another monk stood guard outside.

Now they see a fairy pool without guards, why are they unhappy.

"Second brother, let's attack together!"

After Xiong Tian finished speaking, he used magic to attack Qin Feng.

Xiong Di also took out a huge hammer and hit Qin Feng.


There was a loud noise, and the two men's attacks were directly blocked by a huge magic circle.

"Third level defense formation?"

Xiong Tian looked ahead in confusion.

He also did not expect that the monks inside who were refining their spiritual roots would actually set up a third-level defensive formation.

With this large formation, it would be impossible for them to break through it in a short period of time.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Xiong Di looked at Xiong Tian who was aside.

"Let's go, get out of here first!"

Xiong Tian glared at Qin Feng fiercely before running quickly towards the distance.

Xiong Di also quickly followed behind Xiong Tian.

Qin Feng raised his head and glanced at Xiong Tian and Xiong Di, and then continued to practice the spiritual roots.

The reason why he didn't kill Xiong Tian and Xiong Di.

That is, he wants Xiong Tian and Xiong Di to help him find the cave of Yuanying monk.

And now he is still at the critical moment of refining his spiritual roots.

Only by improving the spiritual roots.

Only then did Qin Feng have time to kill Xiong Tian and Xiong Di.

Ten minutes later, most of the spiritual fluid entered Qin Feng's body.

These spiritual liquids turned into tyrannical forces, constantly washing away Qin Feng's spiritual roots.

If anyone is around Qin Feng, they will see Qin Feng's whole body exuding a golden light.

"This is……"

Qin Feng suddenly discovered that his spiritual roots were emitting a faint golden light.

These golden lights collude with each other to form a mysterious pattern.

This mysterious pattern and golden light will only appear after the monk's spiritual roots enter the earth level.

The more patterns there are, the stronger the golden light will be, and the stronger the spiritual roots will be.

Countless spiritual liquids are constantly washing the spiritual roots.

Qin Feng's entire body turned golden.

His spiritual roots also slowly improved.

prefecture level
Earth-level low-grade.
Prefectural level middle grade.

Prefecture level top grade
In the end, the powerful energy brought Qin Feng's spiritual roots to the upper level of the earth.

"Unexpectedly, the spiritual root has actually reached the upper level of the earth level!"

Qin Feng was shocked.

After the spiritual roots enter the earth level, it is very difficult to be promoted.

Unexpectedly, the secret realm of the fairy pool was once revealed.

He actually made his spiritual root rush from the high-grade Xuan level to the high-grade Earth level.

Now the speed of his cultivation is dozens of times faster than before.

The range of sensing spiritual energy has also been expanded several times.

The range of spiritual consciousness has also expanded several times.

Even the mana has more than tripled.

At the same time, the magic power in his body suddenly trembled violently, flushing Qin Feng's dantian crazily.

"It's about to break through!"

Qin Feng came back to his senses instantly.

The mana rushes through the Dantian like crazy, it's about to break through.

With a soft sound, the bottleneck of the second level of Jindan was directly broken!
"Golden Core Triple Level!"

Qin Feng's face was filled with joy.

He also didn't expect that this time the fairy pool secret realm would be revealed.

Not only did his cultivation reach the third level of Jindan.

He even upgraded his spiritual roots to the upper level of the earth level.

"High-grade spiritual roots at the earth level!"

"In the entire Xishan Immortal Cultivation World, they are probably the top group!"

Qin Feng said as he stood up from the fairy pool.

At this moment, the clothes on his body had long ago been reduced to pieces.

All the spiritual liquid in the fairy spirit pool was absorbed by Qin Feng.

Originally, a hundred monks could absorb the spiritual liquid from a fairy pool.

But now Qin Feng will absorb the entire fairy pool alone.

Qin Feng spent time with many people in Tianjian Sect.

I have also seen many disciples get started.

Most of these disciples are monks with intermediate yellow level and low level yellow level spiritual roots.

The spiritual roots of lower Xuan level can directly become inner disciples.

A mid-level Xuan-level spiritual root can even become the elder's personal disciple.

There won't be one Xuan-level high-grade spiritual root in the entire world of immortality for decades.

Not to mention earth-level spiritual roots.

"Huh, now we can go after Xiong Tian and Xiong Di!"

After Qin Feng put away the third-level defense formation, he quickly chased towards Xiong Tian and Xiong Di.

(End of this chapter)

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