Chapter 142 Japanese conspiracy
The caves of Yuanying monks are even rarer.

If you can find the treasure in this cave.

He might be able to become a powerful Nascent Soul.

They demon clan can also unify the entire Xishan Immortal Cultivation World.

On the Lingshi Mine.

Qin Feng has returned to the Lingshi Mine.

At the moment, he was eating grapes peeled by Zhang Wanwan and listening to Wanhua's report.

"Lord Guard, there have been no problems in the Lingshi mine recently!"

"But some time ago, many low-level monks came to our spirit stone mine!"

Wan Hua reported.

"A lot of low-level monks are here?"

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

His spirit stone mine is a small spirit stone mine.

No one is hired even for a whole year.

But now there are many low-level monks in his spirit stone mine?

"Where are these monks?"

Qin Feng asked.

"Reporting to the Lord Guard, these people are serious about mining!"

Wan Hua reported.

"Come with me for a patrol, and then take a look at these low-level monks!!"

Qin Feng spoke slowly.

"As ordered!"

Wanhua bowed his hand and took Qin Feng into the spirit stone mine.

Soon after, Wanhua brought Qin Feng to the low-level monks who were mining.

Qin Feng glanced at these low-level monks and found nothing unusual.

Just when Qin Feng turned around, a system prompt came over.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully adding friend Saburo Kawabe]

Hear this system beep.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at a thin man.

He found that this thin man was looking at Qin Feng while digging.

[Friend: Saburo Kawabe]

[Friendliness value: -60]

[Cultivation: Third level of foundation building]

[Spells: Japanese Qi Gathering Technique, Japanese Breath Condensation Technique, Japanese Ninjutsu, Japanese Footwork, Sword Flying Technique, Disguise Technique, Sound Transmission Technique]

[Opportunity: None]

[Future Achievements: Japanese Colonel]

[Choose one and seize the chance to be friends! 】

[Option [-], get friend spells! 】

Look at the properties panel.

Qin Feng's face was full of shock.

He also did not expect that this monk who only appeared to be at the third level of Qi training was actually a Japanese monk.

And he is also a strong foundation builder.

The moment I see the properties panel.

Qin Feng immediately understood why Hebian Sanlang came here.

It must be Qin Feng who killed the Japanese puppies Sisan Lang and Si Erlang one after another.

The Japanese sent Saburo Hebian to inquire about the news.

Check the reality of the Lingshi Mine.

Then report it to the people of Japan.

In the end, the inside and outside worked together to capture the spirit stone mine.

Although Qin Feng knew Japan's plan.

But Qin Feng did not capture Saburo Hebian.

He wants to wait for people from Japan to come here.

Then he wiped out all the Japanese monks in one fell swoop.

Not long after Qin Feng left, Sanlang Hebian put down the shovel in his hand.

"General Riverside, that person just now is the guard of this spiritual stone mine!"

"This person just built a foundation!"

"General Hebian, why don't we raid the spirit stone mine tonight and kill this person!"


Many monks came to Saburo's side by the river.

"This person can continuously kill our Japanese warriors, so he must have some strength!"

"I'll make a decision after I tell Koichiro the little dog about what's going on here!"

Saburo Hebian waved his hand, and a golden spell appeared in his hand.

This golden talisman is the teleportation talisman.

Able to easily send messages thousands of miles away.

"go with!"

Saburo Hebian carefully said something on the charm, then pointed toward the distance.

The talisman quickly flew outside.

"Sound transmission symbol?"

Qin Feng also discovered this charm.

However, Qin Feng made no move.

Now he still doesn't know where the other Japanese monks are.Only when these monks come here can Qin Feng kill these people in one fell swoop.

Tianjian Sect, Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Somewhere in a secret room.

Hu Tianmei was looking at the parchment in her hand carefully.

"Saint, can you see the secret of this parchment?"

Jin Hu looked at Hu Tianmei and asked.

"Your Majesty, this should be the map of a Nascent Soul monk's cave!"

"But it will take more than a month to crack this secret!"

Hu Tianmei put down the parchment in his hand and said.

"Good, good, good!"

"Take this parchment saint back and crack it!"

Jin Hu's face was full of smiles.

"Thank you king!"

Hu Tianmei put the parchment away.

"Hu Xinliang, can the newly promoted foundation-building monk be killed?"

Jin Hu looked at Hu Xinliang.

"Your Majesty, my subordinate did not do his job well and did not kill him!"

Hu Xinliang's face was full of embarrassment.

He didn't expect that Niu Dawei and Niu Xiaowei were so unreliable.

Not even a monk who had just established a foundation was killed.

"But don't worry, Your Majesty, my subordinates will send people to kill this person!"

"He won't have such good luck this time!"

Hu Xinliang said quickly.

"Okay, the Tianjian Sect's foundation building ceremony is about to begin!"

"Don't let this person live until the Foundation Building Ceremony!"

Jin Hu warned.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, my subordinates will definitely kill this person within a month!"

Hu Xinliang said.

Qin Feng was sitting on a chair drinking tea.

Zhang Wanwan fanned Qin Feng at the side.

"Lord Guard, those Japanese people are on the move!"

Wanhua hurried over.

"Oh, what's going on?"

Qin Feng looked at Wanhua.

"Guard Qin, Saburo Hebian summoned all Japanese people to the abandoned mine!"

Wan Hua reported.

"Abandoned mine?"

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and a golden mirror flew into the sky.

This golden mirror is a mirror.

You can easily view anything within a few hundred miles.

As Qin Feng punched the magic formula into the mirror.

A picture appeared in the mirror.

Inside the mirror, Saburo Hebian and all the Japanese monks were sitting here.

"He Sang, why did you summon us?"

A monk looked at Saburo Hebian curiously.

Saburo Hebian waved his hand, and a golden spell appeared in his hand.

"I just received a message from General Xiao Quan Yi Lang. They have arrived outside the Lingshi Mine!"

"General Xiaoquan Yilang asked me to wait until midnight to open the formation of the spirit stone mine!"

"Then we rush into the spirit stone mine together and seize the spirit stone!"

Saburo Kawabe said with a smile.

"Great, I have long disliked the guard!"

"There are so many spiritual stones here, I must plunder them!"

"The female monk guarding me is pretty good. I must enjoy it!"

"Haha, He Sang will enjoy it first!"


Many Japanese monks laughed loudly.

Even the three wolves by the river laughed loudly.

The three wolves by the river already believed that this operation would definitely succeed.

After all, Xiao Quan Yi Lang is a strong man at the seventh level of foundation building.

Coupled with the fact that these people cooperate inside and outside, they can definitely easily get rid of the guard.

Then plunder this spirit stone mine.

"Damn Dongying people!"

"Guard, I will find someone to kill all these Japanese people!"

Wanhua's face looked very ugly.

When he first recruited these monks, he thought they were just a group of ordinary miners.

But that's not the case. These people are actually Japanese.

And he is such a vicious Japanese.

(End of this chapter)

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