Chapter 143
"The three wolves by the river are foundation-building monks, you are no match at all!"

Qin Feng put away the mirror.

'He is a foundation-building monk? '

Wanhua's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Obviously he didn't believe that the foundation-building monks would come to them to mine.

"Let's go and see the three wolves by the river together!"

Qin Feng walked towards the abandoned mine with his hands on his back.

Wanhua and Zhang Wanwan quickly followed Qin Feng.

A few minutes later, Qin Feng, Wan Hua, and Zhang Wanwan arrived at the abandoned mine.

There is also a huge restriction inside the mine.

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and the huge restriction immediately collapsed.

By the river, the Three Wolves and many Japanese monks were discussing how to divide the property in the Lingshi Mine.

Speaking of their happiness, the three wolves and others by the river laughed loudly.

The arrival of Qin Feng and others was not noticed at all.

Not to mention that the restrictions they set here have disappeared.


"You are so brave!"

Wan Hua's face was full of anger.


"Shou Qin?"

"How did they get here?"

"Just in time, let's kill this person first and then divide up the spirit stone mine?"

Many Japanese monks were stunned when they saw Qin Feng, Wan Hua, Zhang Wanwan and others.

Then his face was filled with joy.

They were planning to secretly join forces with the puppy, stupid Yilang, to take down the spirit stone mine tonight.

But they didn't expect that Qin Feng and others would come directly to their door.

The faces of the three wolves by the river were full of joy.

He had been spying on Zhang Wanwan's beauty.

Originally, he was worried that after breaking through the spirit stone mine, Zhang Wanwan would be taken away by the puppy stupid Yilang.

Now he just needs to take down the guard.

This spirit stone mine and Zhang Wanwan belong to him.

"Manager Wan, leave one alive for questioning, and kill the others!"

Qin Feng didn't even look at these Japanese monks.

"Leave anyone alive?"

"Your Excellency has such a big tone!"

The eyes of the three wolves by the river were full of ridicule.


"It really made me laugh!"

"Can a monk who has just established a foundation be able to kill us?"

Many Japanese monks did not take Qin Feng seriously.

They all believed that killing Qin Feng would not require much effort at all.


Qin Feng's body emits a terrifying pressure.

This pressure is very powerful.

As soon as they came into contact with these Japanese monks, they suppressed them all to the ground.

Even the three wolves by the river were suppressed to the ground, unable to move a finger.


Saburo Hebian pointed at Qin Feng and wanted to say something.

But the pressure was so strong that it was very difficult for Saburo Kawabe to say complete words.

At this moment, Saburo Hebian's eyes were full of regret.

If you knew Qin Feng's cultivation level was so high.

He said he would never come to this spiritual stone mine.

It is even more impossible to rob Qin Feng.

It's just that it's too late.

Wan Hua took the magic weapon and slowly walked to the group of Japanese monks.

The faces of the Japanese monks were full of horror.

Originally they thought everything was under their control.

They will also quickly control the spirit stone mine.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng's pressure shattered all their illusions.

"Which of you is willing to cooperate well?"

Wan Hua looked at these monks coldly.

"I, I will!"

"I am willing to cooperate!"

Many Japanese monks shouted loudly.

He knew this was their only chance to survive.

Saburo Kawabe also wanted to speak out, but the pressure on him was so great that he couldn't make any sound at all.

"Okay, that's it!"

Wanhua left behind a monk whose cultivation level was only at the fifth level of Qi training.

Then he took the long sword and stabbed it into the bodies of other monks.

After half an hour.

"Lord Guard, that man has already confessed everything!"

Wanhua hurriedly ran to Qin Feng.

"How is their cultivation?"

"When will we attack?" Qin Feng asked while eating grapes.

"Reporting to the Lord Guard, there are thirty monks in total!"

"These people are all monks from Japan!"

"The leader is Little Dog, Silly Yilang, and his cultivation has reached the sixth level of Foundation Establishment!"

"Most of the remaining people have just established their foundations, and a few are practicing Qi Dzogchen!"

"They will raise fire as a signal at midnight tonight, and then open the third-level defense array!!"

Wanhua quickly reported.

"Thirty monks, six levels of foundation building!"

"Tonight, raise the fire as a signal!"

Qin Feng stood up as he spoke.

"Master Guard, should we inform the sect?"

Wanhua looked at Qin Feng carefully.

"These people still need to inform the sect?"

Qin Feng threw the grapes into the dinner plate and then said: "Today at midnight, let's raise the fire as a signal, open the big formation and let the puppy stupid Yilang in!"

"As ordered!"

Wanhua received the order and hurriedly left.

Outside the Lingshi Mine.

A group of monks in strange costumes came here.

This group of people is the monks of Japan.

The leader is Xiao Quan Yi Lang.

Because his two younger brothers were killed outside the spirit stone mine.

So the little dog is stupid and the wolf is ready to bring people to avenge his brother.

"General Puppy, your plan will definitely succeed!"

"We will definitely kill this guard this time!"

"Haha, who would have thought that General Puppy would be a perfect match between inside and outside!"

"The guard is probably still dreaming!"


Listening to the flattery of many younger brothers, Xiao Quan Si Yi Lang's face was filled with smiles.

He thoroughly enjoyed his younger brother's horses.

"What time is it now?"

Xiao Quan Si Yi Lang asked.

"General Puppy, it's almost time!"

A Japanese monk said.

"Raise the fire and let Saburo Hebian open the formation!"

Xiao Quan Si Yi Lang said.

After receiving the order, the monk immediately raised a torch.

Soon a torch was also raised on the Lingshi Mine.

"General Puppy, He Sang succeeded!"

"The spiritual stones in this mine belong to us!"

"General Puppy's plan is indeed brilliant!"


Many Japanese monks were very excited.

Because their strategy of combining inside and outside has been successful.

They are about to break through this spirit stone mine.

All the treasures and spirit stones in the spirit stone mine belong to them.


At this time, there was a sudden noise from the front.

Immediately afterwards, the flashing formation dissipated without a trace.

"Hahaha, the third level formation has disappeared!"

"Follow me and attack the spirit stone mine!"

The face of the little dog stupid and wolf was full of excitement, and then he rushed into the spirit stone mine at the lead.

Other Japanese monks also rushed into the spirit stone mine.

Just as he rushed into the spirit stone mine, Xiao Quan Si Yi Lang realized something was wrong.

Because this spirit stone mine is too quiet.

He also didn't see Saburo Kawabe who came to meet him.

"What's going on? Where did Saburo Hebian go?"

The puppy, Silly Wolf, looked around with a wary expression.

"General, did Saburo Hebian go robbing someone?"

A Japanese monk said.

"Robbery, why is it so quiet?"

The little dog, stupid wolf, said that while retreating towards the back.

At this moment, a brilliant golden light suddenly emitted from the exit.

The third-level defense formation that had stopped operating started operating again.

"not good!"

"It's hit!"

"Leave quickly!"

The puppy, Silly Yilang, shouted loudly and prepared to run towards the outside of the spirit stone mine.

Although the puppy is stupid and the wolf is very fast.

But it can't be faster than the third-level defensive formation.

He had just rushed to the Lingshi Mine, and the third-level defensive formation had already taken shape.

(End of this chapter)

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