Chapter 144 Nascent Soul Monk’s Cave
Many Japanese monks were suddenly trapped in the third-level defense formation.

"Hahaha, you are a stupid little dog and a wolf. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Qin Feng's figure appeared high up.

Behind Qin Feng stood Wanhua and many guards from the spirit stone mine.


The expression on Xiao Quan Si Yi Lang's face was very ugly.

He never thought that he would fall into the trap.

Moreover, he was trapped in the third-level defense formation.

Now if they don't break through this third-level defense formation, it's impossible for them to escape.

It is even more impossible to attack Qin Feng and others outside the formation.


Qin Feng glanced at the Japanese monks below, and then gave the order to attack.

Many monks from the Lingshi Mine cast spells to attack the Japanese monks below.

The face of Xiao Quan Si Yi Lang was full of frustration.

He could have easily killed the monks on these spiritual stone mines.

But now he is trapped in the defensive formation.

He can only be a living target for those monks.

If this third-level defense formation is not broken.

They might be killed here.

But the formation in front of them is a third-level defensive formation.

With their strength, they would have to attack for at least half a month.

"Boom, boom!"

Although the guards of many spirit stone mines are only Qi-training monks.

But it can't stand up to the many spells.

In just a few minutes, several Japanese monks were killed below.

Qin Feng waved his hand gently, and a bolt of lightning appeared in his hand.

"go with!"

Qin Feng pointed at the puppy stupidly wolf below.

A bolt of thunder struck towards the puppy, Silly Yilang.

At this moment, Xiao Quan Yi Lang is defending against numerous spell attacks.

By the time he noticed the thunder above, it was already too late.


There was only a loud noise, and the thunder struck the puppy stupidly.

The puppy, Silly Yilang, didn't even scream.

It immediately turned into ashes.

With the death of Xiao Quan Si Yi Lang, the monks from Japan were also beheaded one by one in the third level formation.

Qin Feng waved his hand and took the storage bag of Xiaoquan Zuyilang into his hand.

"Clean the battlefield!"

"You share those rewards!"

Qin Feng left here with his hands behind his back.

"Thank you for guarding!"

Wanhua's face was filled with excitement.

Although the treasures of those Japanese monks are not as good as the puppies and stupid wolves.

But among these Japanese monks there are several strong foundation builders.

The treasures they carry must be very good.

The days of cultivation pass very quickly.

More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

For more than a month, Qin Feng has been patrolling the Lingshi Mine during the day.

He practiced in the cave at night.

After more than a month of hard work, Qin Feng's cultivation level directly reached the peak of the third level of Jindan.

As long as he practices for another month or so, he will be able to enter the fourth level of the Golden Core.

On this day, Qin Feng was eating grapes peeled by Zhang Wanwan in the cave.

Suddenly a system prompt came over.

[Ding, your friend Jin Hu’s opportunity has been updated successfully! 】

Hearing the system prompt, Qin Feng quickly clicked on Jin Hu's attribute panel.

[Friend: Jin Hu]

[Opportunity: Half a month later, Jin Hu discovered the cave of Yuanying monk in a valley in the east of Japan, and discovered the inheritance of Yuanying monk]

"The cave of Yuanying monk!"

Looking at the attribute panel, Qin Feng felt very excited.

The parchment in this cave was given to the demon clan by Qin Feng.

Unexpectedly, in just over a month, the demon clan cracked this parchment.

Moreover, the inheritance was discovered in the cave of Yuanying monk.

But now it all belongs to Qin Feng.

【Seize the opportunity! 】

Qin Feng said softly.As Qin Feng finished speaking, a picture appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

In the picture, Jin Hu, Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, Hu Tianmei and others arrived on an island.

"Your Majesty, that small island is Japan!"

Chen Haidong pointed to Japan below and said.

"Is it this small country that has seized the treasures in our treasure house?"

Jin Hu asked, looking at the island below.

"Your Majesty, this is the island!"

Chen Haidong nodded slightly.

"In the future, if we demon tribe lacks blood, we can get it from these small islands!"

After Jin Hu finished speaking, he fell directly downwards.

Soon after, everyone came to a valley.

"Your Majesty, this should be the cave of True Lord Yuanying!"

Chen Haidong pointed to the valley ahead and said,


Jin Hu nodded slightly, and then chanted a spell.

As Jin Hu recited the spell, a door of light appeared in front of everyone.

"Come on, let's go in and see!"

After Jin Hu finished speaking, he entered the light gate directly.

Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, Hu Tianmei and others also followed Jin Hu.

As Jin Hu and others entered the light gate, the entire scene disappeared.

"The valley to the east of Japan!"

Qin Feng was very excited.

Because this is the cave of Nascent Soul Lord.

And it also contains the inheritance of Yuanying monks.

Qin Feng silently responded to Jin Hu's incantation, then stood up and said to Zhang Wanwan.

"Wanwan, I'm going out for a while. You can call me to take a look at the spirit stone mine!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and handed a flag into Zhang Wanwan's hand.

"Young master, you can go with ease!"

"I will take care of the spirit stone mine!"

Zhang Wanwan took the flag from Qin Feng's hand.

A valley somewhere in Japan.

A sword light appeared in the valley.

As the sword light dissipated, Qin Feng's figure appeared in the valley.

"It should be this valley!"

Qin Feng said as he slowly descended.

Qin Feng looked around the valley, and then came to a stone wall in the west.

"Heaven is Qian and earth is Kun"

Qin Feng slowly chanted the spell.

As Qin Feng chanted the spell, a door of light appeared in front of the stone wall.

Seeing the light door appearing, Qin Feng felt very excited.

He didn't expect that he would find the cave of True Lord Yuanying so easily.

As Qin Feng walked into the light door, he came to an empty underground space.

In this underground space, there is a huge formation.

Because Qin Feng had practiced formations, he could tell at a glance that this formation was a third-order illusion formation.

Because of the passage of time, the third-level phantom formation no longer has much defensive power.

Qin Feng easily cracked the third-order illusion formation and entered the cave.

This cave is not much different from the cave opened by Qin Feng.

But this cave is very luxurious.

Even the floor is paved with jade.

Qin Feng walked directly towards the living room in the middle.

In the living room, there is a skeleton sitting with legs crossed.

In front of the skeleton is a jade slip.

Qin Feng carefully picked up the jade slip and then placed it on his forehead.

This jade slip briefly introduced the identity of this monk.

He was the head of the Overlord Sect 10 years ago.

Back then, he and Taoist Changsheng fought against the Demon Empress.

Although the demon empress was eventually sealed in the Tianjian Tower.

However, the head of Bawang Sect was also seriously injured and died soon.

He found a random place and opened a cave.

Prepare to sit in the cave.

At the same time, he also left a map so that future generations can find his cave.

(End of this chapter)

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