Chapter 145
In the jade slip, Chu He, the head of the Overlord Sect, also asked the destined people in future generations to bring back to the Overlord Sect the inherited Overlord's Mind Technique.

At the same time, tell the monks of the Overlord Sect not to break through the Nascent Soul in the Xishan Immortal Realm.

Behind this jade slip is about the Overlord's mind of the Overlord Sect.

"The Overlord's Mind Technique!"

Look at the contents inside the jade slip.

Only then did Qin Feng understand why there were so few Nascent Soul cultivators in the Xishan Immortal Cultivation World.

It turns out that the war 10 years ago shattered the origin of the Xishan Immortal World.

All the monks in the Xishan Immortal Realm, no matter how much Nascent Soul Pill they take, cannot break through the Nascent Soul.

If you want to break through the Nascent Soul, you can only go to the East China Sea to cultivate immortality.

After carefully putting away the jade slips, Qin Feng walked towards the stone room next to him.

There is an alchemy furnace in this test room.

Next to the alchemy furnace, there is a golden jade bottle and a red jade slip.

Apart from this jade purification bottle, there are no other treasures.

Qin Feng slowly looked at the jade purification bottle and saw a line of small words appearing above it.

[Jade Pure Bottle: A top-grade prefecture-level treasure that can protect the elixir from decay for 10 years! 】

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and took out the jade purification bottle.

He slowly opened the jade bottle and saw a golden elixir lying quietly inside the bottle.

[The Cursed Yuanying Pill: The Yuanying Pill has been cursed by a powerful Yuanying monk. After taking the Yuanying Pill, you will go crazy, your inner demons will explode, and the power of the heavenly tribulation will be enhanced! 】

"The cursed Nascent Soul Pill!"

Qin Feng looked at this Nascent Soul Pill.

My mind suddenly became active.

Jin Hu, the king of the demon clan, is now a monk of the Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

It will definitely hit Nascent Soul soon.

If he leaves this Nascent Soul Pill to Jin Hu.

Jin Hu will definitely take Yuanying Pill and then break through Yuanying.

At that time, it will be considered that Jin Hu has outstanding talent.

He finally became a Nascent Soul cultivator under the double blow of obsession and inner demons.

Qin Feng glanced at the earth-level low-grade jade purification bottle, and then put the jade purification bottle back to its original place.

This cursed Nascent Soul Pill was left to Jin Hu, the king of the demon clan.

As long as Jinhu fails to break through Yuanying, it will be difficult for the demon clan to start a war in a short period of time.

Then Qin Feng looked at the red jade slip again.

[Yuan Ying Dan Recipe: Materials and refining process required for refining Yuanying Dan]

Looking at this jade slip, Qin Feng's heart was full of excitement.

With this jade slip.

He then had the opportunity to become a Nascent Soul monk.

Even if he didn't get any treasures from his trip to Japan, it would still be a loss.

At that moment, Qin Feng carefully placed the jade slip on his forehead.

Soon a piece of text appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

Here are all the materials for refining Yuanying Dan, as well as the process of refining Yuanying Dan.

But now he is still in the cave of Japan.

There is simply no time to understand in detail.

After Qin Feng put away the jade slips, he looked at the stone room again.

After discovering that there were no treasures, Qin Feng left the stone room and walked into the next stone room.

This stone room is a spiritual field.

In this spiritual field, there are many Heavenly Spirit Grasses planted.

Although this spiritual field is wrapped by a magic circle.

But due to time, most of the Tianling grass has withered.

Only a dozen Heavenly Spirit Grasses in the middle of the spiritual field are still alive.

Qin Feng took the box and carefully placed the dozen or so surviving Tianling grasses into the jade box.

Now he has already become an Earth-level high-grade spiritual root.

Spirit grass is of little use to Qin Feng these days.

But he can exchange these days' spiritual grass for treasures.

After picking these dozen Tianling grass, Qin Feng carefully dealt with the traces of picking.

In this way, even if Jin Hu and others arrive, they will not be able to find that this place has been picked.

After Qin Feng took care of the Tianling Grass, he walked towards the next stone room.

There are many shelves in this stone room.

On these shelves are all elixirs, spells, magical instruments and books.

However, due to time, most of these elixirs, magic weapons, spells, and books have been damaged.

Only a few charms and elixirs were still intact.

"Fifteen teleportation charms!"

"Fifty transmission talismans!" "Twelve holding talismans!"

"A jade pendant"

"Qiankun Talisman Making Technique"

"Fifty foundation-building pills!"

Looking at the charms and elixirs in his hands.

Qin Feng's face was full of excitement.

He didn't expect to find so many treasures among this pile of discarded elixirs and spells.

Especially the fact that fifty Foundation Establishment Pills were actually found.

With so many elixirs, even a low-grade Huang-level cultivator with mixed spiritual roots can build a foundation.

After Qin Feng put the treasure away, he carefully wiped away the traces he left.

Qin Feng carefully checked it and found that nothing was missing before he exited the Nascent Soul cultivator's cave.

After Qin Feng left the cave, he did not leave.

Instead, he walked around Japan.

Everywhere he passed, he would throw out a few water spirit stones, gold spirit stones and wood spirit stones.

With these spiritual stones, he can succeed in framing the Japanese country.

Only the demon clan would take action against Japan.

Heavenly Sword Sect.

Sutra Pavilion, somewhere in a secret room.

Jin Hu, Chen Haidong, Zhang Han, Hu Tianmei, and many other senior members of the Monster Tribe gathered here.

"General Chen, have you ever found those lost treasures?"

Jin Hu looked at Chen Haidong.

"Your Majesty, the Bone Demon Taoist discovered many water spirit stones and wood spirit stones in the capital of Japan today!"

"The Bone Demon Taoist guessed that it must have been dropped by the Japanese when they were transporting it!"

Chen Haidong quickly reported.

"Hmph, damn Japanese!"

Jin Hu looked very unhappy.

For this sacrifice, their demon clan has been preparing for a long time.

But in the end, their treasure house was stolen by the Japanese people.

Their demon altar was also blown up.

"Zhang Han, take someone to Japan, bring back a city's blood, and give it to Liu Guangjun!"

Jin Hu looked at Zhang Han below.

"As ordered!"

Zhang Han cupped his hands and retreated.

"Chen Haidong, go and assist the Bone Demon Taoist to find the treasure!"

Jin Hu looked at Chen Haidong.

"As ordered!"

Chen Haidong received the order and retreated directly.

"Your Majesty, the saint wants to see you!"

At this time, a guard ran in.

"Let her in"!
Jin Hu said.

Soon Hu Tianmei walked in from outside.

In her hand was a piece of parchment.

"Your Majesty, I have cracked this parchment!"

Hu Tianmei said with a smile.

"Oh, where is the cave of Yuanying monk?"

Jin Hu's face was full of excitement.

"My lord, please look!"

Hu Tianmei waved his hand, and the parchment flew high into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Tianmei fired several spells in succession.

As the magic formula entered, huge changes suddenly occurred on the parchment.

The picture above has also become an island nation.

At the same time, a line of small words appeared.

"It's actually the cave of Chu He, the first head of the 10 Young Overlord Sect, Taoist Tianxu!"

Jin Hu's face was filled with joy.

He had heard of Taoist Tianxu.

Back then, it was Taoist Tianxu, the head of the Overlord Sect, and Changsheng Taoist, the head of the Tianjian Sect, who sealed the demon empress together.

Moreover, Taoist Tianxu is also a real Nascent Soul powerhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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