Chapter 146: Eight gun sweeps!Nine shots open the sky!

A voice sounded, making everyone's breath tighten.

He hurriedly used his magical power to look at the battlefield. This blow really worried the hearts of all living beings!
As we all know, the ancient gods and demons, no matter what their cultivation level, no matter what race they are, their physical hardness is by no means comparable to the power of today's monks. It is a blessing given to all races in the chaotic era of chaos.

What's more, when Shenlong was born just now, everyone clearly sensed that the fluctuations emanating from the body of the Shenlong were comparable to those of a quasi-sage strongman, with a solid body comparable to gold and iron, coupled with a quasi-sage level cultivation, such a head The divine dragon, if placed in today's ancient world, can be said to be a killing beast.

Some powerful people grinned secretly. If they were to encounter such a monster from the ancient era of chaotic gods and demons, they would probably have no bones left after the tail swing just now.

Therefore, all sentient beings were extremely concerned and secretly curious whether Jiang Chen could defeat this divine dragon.

In the field, the God-killing Spear was fighting against the Divine Dragon, and a scene that horrified everyone took place.

I saw that the God-killing Spear was unstoppable. In just an instant, it penetrated the dragon tail that was thousands of feet long. Golden blood flowed out of the dragon's body and turned into a spot of light in the void and fell down.

Shenlong received this blow and immediately felt pain, roaring furiously.

Its eyes were like small stars. At this time, endless rage rose, and its huge dragon body swung. Although it was huge, it did not affect his speed at all.

The divine dragon turned around and swooped down towards Jiang Chen, its sharp dragon claws wide open as if it was about to crush Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's expression was indifferent, but he looked behind Shenlong.

There, the force of the God-killing Spear continued unabated. When Shenlong turned around, it also flew suddenly. The tip of the spear stained with the golden blood of the Responsibility Shenlong stabbed the Shenlong again. The difference was that this time it stabbed the Shenlong. head.

All this happened between lightning and flint. Before any sentient being could react, they could only hear another voice.


The sentient beings hurriedly looked intently, and saw the divine dragon's figure suddenly stopped, still hundreds of feet away from Jiang Chen, as if it had turned to stone, motionless.

A deathly silence spread across the wilderness.

After a long time, a golden light filled the sky, and everyone finally came to their senses.

I saw a large hole dozens of feet wide emerging above the huge dragon head, and golden blood continued to flow out of it.

For a moment, life slowly passed away in the furious eyes of the divine dragon. Finally, with a "boom" explosion, the huge divine dragon exploded completely, turning into golden light spots that filled the sky, which was actually somewhat inexplicably beautiful.

Emperor Jun was shocked. He didn't expect this spear to be so powerful. The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation had never been used like this before. Even when the East Prince was destroyed and the Lich War was fought tens of thousands of years ago, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation only activated one of them. The power of the stars is enough to make the opponent unable to fight back.

However, now, the demon tribe sacrificed their essence and blood and summoned the chaotic gods and demons to fight, but they were completely dissipated with just one shot from Jiang Chen Yun Danfeng.

Moreover, Jiang Chen once said that he would shoot nine shots in the sky, but now this is just the sixth shot.

Di Jun felt a little chill in his heart, not knowing what kind of terrifying combat power the next few shots would unleash.

At the same time, he was also a little uneasy. Could it be that the Heavenly Court, which had oppressed countless Yuanhui in the ancient world, would really be cornered by this kid in front of him who had only practiced for tens of thousands of years?
Jiang Chen naturally didn't know what Di Jun was thinking, and even if he knew, he wouldn't pay much attention to it. At this moment, the divine dragon fell, Jiang Chen didn't stop, turned the God-killing Spear again, and fired the seventh shot.

Before the seventh shot was fired, the momentum of the gun gathered. At this moment, the situation suddenly changed, sand and rocks flew, and the wilderness became hazy, as if chaos had not yet begun.

At the same time, the Zhoutian Star Formation was still operating continuously, approaching Jiang Chen.The previous scene made Di Jun feel very uneasy. At this time, the speed of the formation was even faster, trying to prevent Jiang Chen from using the remaining three spears.

Jiang Chen ignored it, closed his eyes and meditated. At this moment, in his senses, the flowers, plants, trees, flying stones and flowing water were all attracted by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and slowly gathered towards the God-killing Spear.

For a moment, the majestic spiritual energy of heaven and earth was attracted by the God-killing Spear and surrounded the gun body, forming an even larger shadow of the God-killing Spear.

Di Jun's expression changed drastically. At this time, the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation had completely reached the top of Jiang Chen's head. Di Jun snorted coldly.

I saw a sudden chaos between heaven and earth. Countless ancient gods and demons were galloping, leaping, or soaring from the star formation around the sky, and they all rushed to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's eyes were still closed, but the world between heaven and earth was in his heart, and he could only hear his lips opening slightly:


Just a simple word, the God-killing Spear above the sky also heard the master's order, with a huge shadow, crushing the void, breaking the sky, and falling rapidly.

The power of this spear is unprecedented, but wherever it passes, whether it is a monster tiger with a height of ten thousand feet, or a heavenly wolf that raises its head and howls in anger, it will fall under the spear.

There is only one result, burst!

"bang bang"

Such sounds were heard endlessly, and everyone looked at this scene blankly, not knowing what to say.

It should be noted that every ancient god and demon that emerged from the Zhoutian Starry Formation was at the lowest level of Daluo Perfection Realm, and there were countless quasi-sage realms. However, at this moment, such an ancient power was under the God-killing Spear. , It turned out to be as vulnerable as slaughtering chickens and dogs.

How can we not frighten all sentient beings?

Silence returned to heaven and earth, Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes, and all the gods and demons in the sky disappeared.

However, at this moment, as if stimulated by the death of countless gods and demons, there were still countless ancient beasts in the Zhoutian Star Formation, and they suddenly roared.

Endless killing intent swept through the sky and shook the world. They had only one goal.

That was Jiang Chen.

"Haha, it's really noisy!"

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said with a nonchalant smile, and then under Di Jun's horrified gaze, he fired nine shots into the sky, and the eighth shot slowly took shape.

As soon as the eight spears were fired, the heaven and earth moved, and thunder surged in the endless void.

The ancient earth was shaking continuously, and countless monsters were trembling at this moment, lying on the ground and wailing, as if they were greatly frightened.

However, this was not over yet. The sentient beings raised their heads and saw an even more terrifying scene appearing in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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