Chapter 147 That ground-breaking shot!
This is a shot that completely reverses the power of heaven and earth.

The eighth shot, above the sky, thunder surged, the earth shook, and all living beings looked up, only to see a more terrifying picture slowly emerging under the endless sky.

I saw a huge crack slowly forming in the endless sky.

The cold light flickered, as if something terrible was about to come.

"Is that... a gun?"

"Falling from the sky, the shadow of a divine spear!"

Everyone was horrified. At this time, the God-killing Spear in Jiang Chen's hand was shining brightly, with murderous intent. At the same time, on the other side, the phantom of the God-killing Spear fell from the sky. Although it was a phantom, it was as real as a substance, and even shone brightly like metal. , shocking.


As Jiang Chen let out a cold shout, he saw a huge shadow falling from the sky, slowly becoming one with the God-killing Spear in his hand. At this moment, Jiang Chen's already powerful aura surged again.

Emperor Jun was shocked. Jiang Chen's aura at this moment was actually stronger than the aura of the entire demon clan. He looked at the field with a livid face, and sure enough he saw that countless elite soldiers of the demon clan were trembling involuntarily at this moment. It was not only feeling the threat of death, but also a powerful suppression coming from the depths of the soul.

Even the remaining seven demon saints of the demon clan looked dull at this time.

Demon Saint Bai Ze, when he transformed into a human form, was originally a statue of an immortal, showing a rather elegant demeanor, holding a feather fan, and was very calm and composed.

However, at this moment, the feather fan in his hand had long disappeared. There was a strong look of fear on his face. Bai Ze was like this, and it was conceivable that the other demon saints were also like this.

This is not because the Demon Saint is afraid, but because Jiang Chen incarnates Pangu’s true body, uses the great power of power, and then uses the law of power to bless him. It should be noted that these are the true great laws of Pangu. After all the superpositions, Jiang Chen’s The aura it exudes is even very similar to the real Pangu.

If it were anyone else, even a saint, the demon clan would be able to fight with blood without fear of death.

But as we all know, all races in the prehistoric world were transformed by Pangu. Now, when the demon clan fights against Jiang Chen who has used Pangu's true form, it is like the younger generation facing their ancestors. Not only is there a huge gap in strength, but there is also a kind of bloodline suppression. Let everyone be unable to resist.

For a moment, the elite soldiers of the demon clan were stunned on the spot and even forgot to resist.

Under the sky, an elite soldier from the Demon Clan stared blankly at Jiang Chen's transformation into Pangu's true form. Opposite him, the disciples of the Wu Clan were overjoyed and showed no mercy.

Waving the broad knife in his hand, the demon soldiers suddenly let out a loud cry of pain. Looking again, they saw the man's hands tightly covering his chest, and dazzling blood kept pouring out. In the blink of an eye, all the life was gone. , the elite soldiers of the demon tribe slowly fell, falling on the ancient land.

This cry of pain finally attracted the attention of everyone in the venue, and everyone woke up one after another.

"There are hundreds of millions of elite soldiers of the demon clan, don't panic, Jiang Chen is just a quasi-sage cultivator!"

"Even if he manifests Pangu's true form, he is still no match for our clan!"

"Kill this kid, and our demon race will become the only strongest race in the world!"

"At that time, everyone in our clan will be respected and admired by all ages!"

"My sons, follow me and fight!"

As the only Heavenly Emperor of countless Yuanhui, Emperor Jun naturally has supreme prestige in the hearts of the people of the Monster Clan. After saying just a few words, the face of the Monster Clan no longer showed any trace of panic. Instead, it was replaced by Di Jun. Yes, there is a strong fighting spirit and endless excitement.

Di Jun turned his eyes to Jiang Chen again and said, "Jiang Chen, no matter what methods you use, it's just the power of one person. How can you resist the combined power of hundreds of millions of our demon clan's elite soldiers!"

Di Jun's voice seemed to be encouraging the demon clan, but only he knew that it was also dispelling the deep uneasy feeling in his heart.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said nothing. Naturally, he could see that Di Jun was looking fierce and angry at the moment.

At this moment, the God-killing Spear and the phantom falling from the sky have truly merged into one. The void around the God-killing Spear is constantly fluctuating. If you look carefully, you can see that it seems to be souls floating around.

The God-killing Spear is the most dangerous weapon in the world. It can directly kill the soul. It is the most feared weapon of the saint.

At this moment, the soul body floating around him is the great power, even the saint, who has been buried under the God-killing Spear since the beginning of time. From this point of view, the God-killing Spear does not kill the soul, but can kill the enemy. The soul is absorbed directly into the God-killing Spear.

Now, with the blessing of countless souls, the magic power of the God-killing Spear has skyrocketed.

Jiang Chen transformed Pangu's true form, and with a wave of his hand, the God-killing Spear came out and blasted towards the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

I saw that wherever the God-killing Spear passed, the space was shattered inch by inch, and there were waves of space fluctuations emanating from it. If the great power was involved in such fluctuations, I am afraid that in the blink of an eye, no bones would be left after being strangled.

At the moment when the God-killing Spear truly merged into one, the Zhoutian Star Formation seemed to feel threatened and kept vibrating. At this moment, it was also running at full speed, with endless stars falling and gods and demons roaring.

The dragon roars, the tiger roars.

Feng cries, wolf roars!
It can be said that the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation at this moment is a miniature world, but this world carries endless offensive and murderous intent.


Both of them were extremely fast. At the moment of collision, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation screamed endlessly from within, and brilliant light burst out, making the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation tremble non-stop.

Di Jun looked at this scene in horror. In his perception, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation was extremely unstable at this moment, and even had a tendency to break. In desperation, Di Jun hurriedly shouted:


Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun looked at each other and naturally knew why the latter was shouting. Immediately, he thought about it and saw the Chaos Bell floating and stopping above the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. The array adds support.

The originally turbulent formation stabilized at this moment, and for a while, it actually formed a confrontation with the God-killing Spear.

However, how could the power of the eighth of the nine Kaitian Spears stop here? Within a moment, a loud "rumbling" sound erupted in the field again, and in an instant, the endless roars in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation disappeared. , the stars also stopped moving.

There was a deathly silence in the field, as if the offensives of both sides had vanished into nothing at this moment, and there was no more movement.


Just when everyone was confused, Di Jun suddenly spurted out a blood arrow and retreated violently.

At the same time, the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation was no match for the power of the God-killing Spear. As Emperor Jun retreated violently, the formation continued to vibrate, and for a moment there was no longer any power.

(End of this chapter)

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