Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 148 The Wu Clan and Jiang Chen!Two evil gods fight against Zhou Tian!

Chapter 148 The Wu Clan and Jiang Chen!Two evil gods fight against Zhou Tian!

Nine shots in the air! !

Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Array!

The peerless collision occurred in a manner that shocked all living beings.

What shocked all sentient beings even more was that the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation seemed to be at a disadvantage.

At this time, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation no longer had any power and retreated rapidly. As the No. 1 person in the formation, Di Jun even vomited blood. How could this scene prevent all living beings from being shocked and looking at the people in the field? On the other side, Pangu's true body was still standing tall, and the God-killing Spear flew back to Pangu's true body.

The people were in an uproar. Some powerful men had said before that if Jiang Chen transformed Pangu's true form into a gun instead of an axe, the power of Pangu's true form would be greatly reduced. But the scene in front of them made them understand that this move was not arrogant by Jiang Chen. , but the latter has realized his own way, and naturally wants to use his own divine weapon, the God-killing Spear.

All sentient beings looked at the tall figure above the sky, filled with envy for a moment. Jiang Chen had only practiced for tens of thousands of years, not even a Yuan Hui, and his cultivation level was even close to that of a saint. With such talent and opportunity , can be said to be the proud son of heaven, enough to look down upon all the powerful monks in the ancient world.

However, before anyone could think about it, Pangu's real body transformed by Jiang Chen moved again in the field. This time, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi truly felt the breath of death.

Pangu's real body was seen clenching the God-killing Spear again, as if he was about to use his killing move again.

"Ninth shot!"

Di Jun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at this scene with a gloomy expression. The previous eight shots were already so powerful, especially the eighth shot, which even defeated the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. With such strength, Di Jun was already frightened.

Now, everyone has seen that Jiang Chen's nine spears are more powerful than the last, almost a thousand times more powerful. Therefore, although Jiang Chen has not yet used the ninth spear, it is only The movement of holding the gun was enough to make Di Jun's expression change drastically.

Sure enough, under Di Jun's horrified gaze, the God-killing Spear was slowly raised again, and a soft drink came from Jiang Chen's mouth.

"Ninth shot!"

To everyone's surprise, this time, there was no burst of light during Jiang Chen's movements, but a wave that made everyone's hearts palpitate slowly spread.

"He is absorbing the power of the earth!"

"Look, thunder is coming from the sky!"

All living beings kept exclaiming that Jiang Chen's ninth spear could actually absorb the power of heaven and earth and turn it into his own use. In this way, Jiang Chen was equivalent to possessing endless mana.

Thinking of this, all living beings have different expressions, some are envious, some are happy, and some are unwilling.

All the living beings looked at each other, looking forward to Jiang Chen's ninth spear, curious about what kind of supreme combat power it would unleash that would shock the world and make ghosts and gods weep.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

Yuan Shi was shocked and looked at this scene with a dull expression.

Immediately, he waved his hand, and a faint light shrouded the entire Yuxu Palace. This was a protective light shield formed by Yuanshi's supreme magic power.

"Master, is this necessary?"

Below, a direct disciple of Yuanshi asked, although he could also feel that above the sky, Jiang Chen's last shot contained great magic power, but it should be noted that Yuxu Palace is the dojo of Yuanshi, and the saint is here. This is The greatest protection is that the luck of heaven and earth will automatically protect Yuxu Palace.

But now, Yuan Shi actually used magic power again to condense protection. Such actions really frightened the disciples of Chanjiao.

At this time, Yuan Shi spoke:

"Jiang Chen's current strength is really frightening. If this ninth spear is really used, I'm afraid it will be a catastrophe for the entire world!"

After the words fell, Yuan Shi looked up at the sky again, leaving only a group of stunned Chanjiao disciples, thinking about these words in a daze.Daluo Mountain, Bajing Palace.

Lao Tzu, who pursues the way of inaction in heaven and earth, can now more clearly feel the rioting energy contained in heaven and earth.

"Jiang Chen's growth rate is really beyond our expectations!"

I sighed, thinking about it, even if he was extremely talented, if he wanted to grow up to Jiang Chen's level, he would probably need at least four or five Yuanhui skills. Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen actually shortened this time by several times. Thousands of years ago, the three Qing Dynasties jointly taught Jiang Chen magical powers. At that time, I saw Jiang Chen's talent that shocked the past and the present, but now I realize that I still underestimated him.

"Master, I will definitely be higher in cultivation than senior brother Jiang Chen in the future!"

Xuandu, my only direct disciple said so, vowing to do so.

Regarding this, I just smiled lightly. A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger. Only a saint like me can know how evil Jiang Chen's talent for cultivation is.

At this time, even at the entrance to the reincarnation of the underworld, Hongjun looked up at the sky with a look of shock and regret, forgetting for a moment that the two were still fighting.

"Hongjun, are you feeling uneasy now?"

Ping Xin sneered, before the Witch Clan was in decline, Ping Xin was very anxious, thinking that the Witch Clan was about to perish, but now, Jiang Chen came out of nowhere and kept playing trump cards, actually forcing the Monster Clan to retreat step by step, even the people they relied on the most The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation has no achievements at this moment.

Pingxin is no longer in a hurry to fight Hongjun, so she mocks Hongjun like this.

Hongjun said nothing, looking solemnly at the sky above the sky. Jiang Chen was condensing the ninth spear, which frightened him. Pangu sat down, and countless yuan would come. Hongjun could be called the strongest in the world. Man, had he ever felt like this before?
However, at this moment, Hongjun's face relaxed.

"With this boy's current strength, he still can't use this ninth shot."

After finishing speaking, Hongjun had a faint smile on his face.

Hearing this, Ping Xin felt the emotion again and his expression changed slightly, but in the end he said nothing.

At this moment, the scene also changed again. As Hongjun said, Jiang Chen, who was already extremely powerful, suddenly dissipated at this moment. Even the real body of Pangu that Jiang Chen transformed into was constantly Shrunk, and finally transformed into Jiang Chen's true form.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, the mana required for this ninth spear was terrifying, and with his current level of cultivation, he couldn't activate it at all.

"Perhaps you have to wait until you become a true saint before you can use this last shot!"

Jiang Chen said to himself.

But at this moment, seeing Jiang Chen like this, the demon clan members who were already ashen-faced were overjoyed for an instant.

"Haha, little Jiang Chen, you are exhausted, wait for me to kill you!"

Emperor Jun laughed, and once again ordered everyone from the demon clan to activate the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, intending to kill Jiang Chen.

However, at this moment another burst of laughter sounded, causing Emperor Jun's figure to stagnate.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Jiang Chen, our Wu clan is willing to join hands with fellow Taoist to fight against the enemy!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen once again launched the Dutian Divine Evil Formation.

all of a sudden.

Between the heaven and the earth, two great formations of the Twelve Heavenly Gods were formed, and two Pangu's true bodies stood tall against the sky, making the emperor's smile that had not yet spread condense and turn livid!

(End of this chapter)

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