Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 149 Destroy the world!The common people are afraid!

Chapter 149 Destroy the world!The common people are afraid!
Di Jiang laughed. The battle between the Demon Clan and Jiang Chen just now gave the Witch Clan enough time to adjust the state of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

At this moment, the Wu Clan once again launched the Twelve Capital Gods Formation. The power was naturally astonishing, and Pangu's true body seemed to be the real thing.

In comparison, Jiang Chen's re-condensed Pangu's true body seemed a bit illusory. He had just fought against the monster clan's Zhoutian Star Formation alone. Although he was not injured, he had consumed a lot of mana. Moreover, although the last Nine Spears of Kaitian were not used, they caused the blood and energy in his body to surge continuously.

At that moment, Jiang Chen said nothing more and just looked at Di Jiang.

Both of them knew that this battle would last until the death.

"In the name of the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan, I summon Father God Pangu to protect my lineage of the Witch Clan!"

As if he knew that the current Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation was not as powerful as before, Di Jiang shouted loudly, and then whispered to himself in a low voice, with a pious look on his face, as if he was reciting an ancient mantra.

As Di Jiang's voice continued to sound, Pangu's real body above the sky slowly changed. It was no longer the rigid expression before, and there seemed to be a touch of humanity emerging in his eyes.

Seeing this, the Wu clan was naturally overjoyed.

"It really works!"

Di Jiang exclaimed in a low voice. In fact, what he was reciting was an ancient incantation passed down from God Father. Since countless Yuanhui times, the Wu Clan has never used it. There is no other reason than the cost of reciting this incantation. , which made Di Jiang a little frightened.

However, now, there are continuous battles. Although Jiang Chen is helping, everyone can see that Jiang Chen is gradually showing signs of fatigue after successive battles. At this moment, only the Wu Clan itself can show enough trump cards to fight against The demon clan is competing against each other.

At this moment, Pangu's real body, which was already as tall as the sky and the earth, slowly grew bigger again under the blessing of ancient spells, and its momentum also increased steadily.

"Brother, stop it!"

At this moment, Tian Wu, one of the twelve ancestral witches, said that he was born with an eight-faced human head, a tiger body and ten tails. Now that Tian Wu has transformed into his true form, his ten tails are swinging, which is very scary.

Turning around, he saw that Di Jiang's face had turned a little pale after reciting the incantation. Obviously, even though he was just reciting the incantation, it also required a huge amount of his mana.

"I use the ancient curse to awaken the miraculous power in Father God!"

Di Jiang shouted softly again, and after his words fell, an inexplicable energy surged between the world and the world, making all living beings a little confused and couldn't help but feel it carefully.

"Is this the power of desolation?"

In the wilderness, all the powerful people who sensed this aura changed their expressions and screamed in shock.

The power of desolation is the strangest and most domineering force in the ancient wilderness. Pangu created the world and transformed into all things, which represents vitality.

The power of desolation is the most domineering death energy. Legend has it that this power was once the inheritance power of a mysterious race in the ancient era of gods and demons. After Pangu opened the world, none of the ancient races appeared in the world. This This power was naturally lost and never appeared again.

The domineering thing about this kind of power is that no matter what kind of power it is, when it encounters the power of desolation, it will be homogenized by the latter and turn into a ball of dead energy with no offensive power at all.

Unexpectedly, he was summoned by the Witch Clan today.

At this moment, all the powerful people watching the battle hurriedly mobilized all the mana in their bodies to form a faint mana barrier to protect themselves. "Huh, pretending to be a ghost!"

When Emperor Jun saw this scene, he just snorted coldly. The Zhoutian Star Dou Formation was unreserved and moved at extremely high speed, with endless stars smashing towards the people of the Wu Clan.

Emperor Jun did not activate the strongest Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation this time, so no gods and demons manifested. Obviously, he felt that the current strength of the Wu clan was not worthy of him.

Just as Di Jun thought, although the Wu Clan summoned the power of desolation, which greatly increased the power of Pangu's real body, it could only be tied with Zhou Tianxing Dou's formation at this moment, and there was no obvious difference between him and him.

Although the Wu Clan has summoned the power of desolation, it is difficult to have a serious impact on the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation. However, even so, every time the formation launches an offensive, the strange power of desolation will also help the Wu Clan absorb the extreme power. The huge attack power will not cause heavy casualties to the Wu clan.

"Law of Strength!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen also moved. Blessed by the law of force, the Pangu real body transformed by Jiang Chen at this moment was so powerful that it could break the heaven and the earth. He suddenly punched out and hit the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, and then The person suddenly trembled, and the power weakened a bit. Immediately, some of the elite demon soldiers in the formation vomited blood and flew out upside down. It was obvious that they were attacked by the formation.

However, there are billions and billions of people in the demon clan, endless. Some people flew out upside down, and more elite soldiers immediately took over the star flags and joined the formation again.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's magical powers were fully displayed.

Jiang Chen pointed forward like a sword, and the mysterious sword intention condensed. Although it was not blessed by any artifact or spiritual treasure, it transformed into a sharp long sword in the void and pierced the falling stars in the sky.


Although the long sword was an illusory object, it was unstoppable, and the stars in the sky continued to explode. In the end, Jiang Chen's illusory move actually shattered tens of thousands of stars.

Obviously, this is the magical sword power that Jiang Chen learned tens of thousands of years ago. With just a few thoughts and movements, he can condense the invincible sword power, invisibly injuring the enemy, and the power is terrifying.

This battle shocked the world and shook the world.

"The Avatar of Destruction."

"Array magic power."

"The Avenue of Power."

"The Law of Reincarnation."

Endless avenues of magical power were unleashed, and the people fighting did not seem to feel tired.

After this battle, a hundred years have passed!
For hundreds of years, the war has never stopped,

And the fighting was getting more intense. All sentient beings could only watch this scene in fear. Even if they wanted to retreat to enlightenment, they couldn't at this moment. The endless fluctuations coming from the battlefield made them frightened. How could they calm down? Enlightenment? !
The calamity is about to begin, and no one can stay out of it except the saints! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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