Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 152: The lich weeps blood, 3 Yang and 1 Pangu!

Chapter 152: The lich weeps blood, three Yangs and one Pangu!

The situation on the field changed suddenly again.

The essence and blood summoned from the body of the twelve ancestral witches gathered into a huge ball of light above the head of Pangu's true body, and then injected into Pangu's true body.

It should be noted that each of the twelve ancestral witches of the Wu Clan has a mass of Pangu's essence and blood in their bodies. Now, at this moment, the burning essence and blood activates the twelve capitals of the gods, and the power of Pangu's true body towering above the sky suddenly skyrockets. , Moreover, after successive battles, the true body that had seemed a bit illusory was now solidified again, as if it were substance.

"Humph, I don't know whether to live or die, it's just a stubborn resistance before death!"

Di Jun snorted coldly, it was actually the sound coming from the great avenue, and the sound rumbled throughout the world.

Donghuang Taiyi, who was beside him, also looked at Di Jun with a strange expression. Only he could hear the faint trembling in the latter's voice. Only then did he understand that the reason why Di Jun was like this was more for himself. General confidence.

In fact, even Donghuang Taiyi, known as "No. 1 among saints", was shocked at this time.

Previously, the two stars of Taiyin and Sun had joined the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation, which was already the biggest trump card of the Demon Clan. They thought that the Wu Clan would no longer be able to resist, but no one expected that the ancestor of the Wu Clan Xuanming was injured. The witch was so willing to sacrifice his energy and blood that he would rather fight to the death than surrender.

As we all know, burning essence and blood is the most evil method in the world. The price is unimaginable. Even if it is just a trace of burning, it will take tens of thousands of years to recover. What's more, it will be drained of everything in the body. If all the essence and blood are burned, even if you are a saint, you will inevitably die and there will be no way to recover.

What's more, the ancestral witches are only in the quasi-sage realm?

However, such a huge sacrifice also comes with huge rewards. The momentum erupting from Pangu's true body at this moment made him, the No. 1 among the saints, feel extremely frightened.

Not only was it caused by hallucinations, Donghuang Taiyi even saw some passionate fighting spirit flashing in the huge pupils of Pangu's real body.

"Little Emperor Jun, you and I are each in charge of one side of the world and we will not offend each other1"

"Of course, countless yuan will come, and you are still determined to annex our clan!"

"It is your fault that this calamity has developed to such an extent and destroyed all living beings in the ancient world. Today, we, the witch clan, will use your blood to pay homage to the countless dead souls in the ancient world!"

Di Jiang said one word after another, looking at the vast world, his eyes full of compassion.

"Haha, little Dijiang, why are you so hypocritical? Liches and demons have been incompatible since ancient times. Today, there is a fight between you and me until death!"

Di Jun laughed and said angrily, responding without fear.

Seeing this, Di Jiang stopped saying anything and gave an order. Pangu's true form held the giant ax that opened the sky and continued to kill the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

However, at this time, the Zhoutian Star Formation not only had the ancient treasure He Tuluoshu as the formation eye, but also the two stars of Taiyin and Sun, which were added later, also operated as the formation eyes. Under such superposition, the power would naturally increase exponentially.


The stars fell endlessly, and above the sky, all living beings could only see a giant ax stretching across the sky, and countless star fragments scattered.

Di Jun burst out laughing.

"Haha, little Dijiang, is this all you can do? You are just uncivilized people who only know how to use brute force!"

Di Jiang laughed proudly. He had thought that Pangu's real body, which was blessed by burning essence and blood, would change. Unexpectedly, he would still only be able to use brute force. He suddenly felt at ease. The one who was not afraid of the current Zhoutian Xingdou Formation was the most powerful one. It's such an attack.

"Huh, is it?"

Di Jiang smiled strangely, which immediately made Di Jun feel a little ominous.At this time, I could only hear Di Jiang speaking, his voice was deafening, and the sound of the sky shook the world, but it revealed a mystery that had existed for eternity.

"When chaos first opened, two people were born according to the fate of heaven and earth. They were immortal, immortal, invulnerable and indestructible."

"However, the two are mutually reinforcing and incompatible, because one person symbolizes the evolution of all things, and he is the God of creation, Pangu!"

When all sentient beings heard this, they were shocked and their hearts were shaken.

As we all know, the Great God Pangu was born from chaos. He conquered all the way and defeated countless races of gods and demons in ancient times. Finally, he proved the Tao with his strength. With a divine axe, he created the world and created the prehistoric world today.

Therefore, Pangu has always been revered as the god of creation and the father of all spirits.

But now, according to what Di Jiang said, could it be that there is another person who was born at the same time as Pangu? Thinking about it this way, this person must be another ancient god who is not weaker than Pangu.

But how could it be so? If this person really existed, how could there be no rumors in the world? Moreover, Pangu incarnated all things in the world and died, but the latter should not have died. If there really is such a great god in the world. , how could it be Hongjun, Tongtian and others' turn to dominate the world.

Di Jiang ignored the surprised and uncertain looks of everyone and spoke again:
"The other person was born from the earth. When he was born, the grass and trees around him were hundreds of millions of miles away, and all the beasts fell instantly."

"Because of this, human beings are born with the power of endless desolation. Everything in the world has turned into desolation, a dead and silent place where no vegetation can grow!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. They remembered that the Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation had summoned a trace of desolate power before, but that power was too weak and everyone did not care.

Could it be said that Di Jiang still has such a trump card at this moment?
At this time, Di Jiang no longer hesitated, and formed a series of mysterious seals in his hands. Behind the huge Pangu's true body, a huge shadow slowly took shape.

It was an ancient divine beast with a body like a dragon, millions of feet long, covered in black scales, shining with a cold luster.

And the most peculiar thing is that the huge mythical beast has only one eye between its eyebrows, and the solitary eye is closed tightly, which looks extremely strange.

Along with the continuous changes in the seals in Dijiang's hands, the tightly closed eye slowly opened at this moment.

In an instant, centered on the battlefield, a change visible to the naked eye rapidly expanded its scope, causing the pupils of all living beings, including the saints in the dark, to shrink.

I saw that at this moment, the originally lush and green vegetation for millions of miles in the wilderness had turned into a withered yellow color, and this area was still spreading.

This is the power of desolation. Everything you can see is desolate. It is really terrifying.

"No, the mana in my body seems to be slowly draining away!"

In the ancient wilderness, there was a powerful man shouting in fear, feeling that the magic power in his body was flowing out uncontrollably.

The sentient beings were also horrified to discover this, and what made their expressions change even more drastically was that this passage could not be stopped. They had no choice but to retreat violently, hoping to escape from the terrifying power of desolation.

For a moment, the vast wilderness was filled with screams. Even so, countless powerful beings were still unable to defeat the spread of the power of desolation while running away. They collapsed to the ground, but in the blink of an eye, they turned into piles. Dry bones.


In the middle of the field, a scream rang out, which brought the somewhat sluggish Di Jun back to his senses. The scene in front of him suddenly made his eyesight split.

(End of this chapter)

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