Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 153 Half the sky is stained with blood!Shocking changes!

Chapter 153 Half the sky is stained with blood!Shocking changes!
In the field, the screams made people feel chilly in their hearts.

The war had reached this point, and countless members of the two tribes had already fallen. Even in the bloody scene, it was difficult to make Di Jun feel disturbed. However, when he turned around and looked around, he saw that the screaming person was clearly a demon tribe. One of the top ten demon saints.

Demon Saint Fei Dan, at this time, he has transformed into his true form, his body is like a rat. This person is the most evil person among the demon clan. The venom secreted from his mouth is extremely powerful. Just smelling it will cause him to fall immediately. If it is allowed to stick to the body, it will be even more terrifying. Even the Great Luo Jinxian will not be able to escape the fate of death.

However, at this time, Feidan's face was dull, as if he had turned to stone, and his body stood fixedly in the void. He didn't move at all, but he was already full of hatred! !

Emperor Jun was furious. Tens of thousands of years ago, three of the top ten demon saints of the demon clan fell into the hands of Jiang Chen, causing great damage to the vitality of the heaven. It should be noted that the combat power of the demon saint level is difficult to match even if it is hundreds of millions of elite soldiers of the demon clan. , even if one person dies, it is a great loss.

And today, another demon saint died here. How could he not make Di Jun heartbroken?

Dijiang had no reservations at this time. As the seals continued to take shape, the single eye of the huge divine beast in the void was fully opened. Suddenly, the power of desolation completely erupted. The vast wilderness was filled with deathly silence, desolation and Loneliness.

Even Di Jun felt that his magic power was draining away at this moment, and he immediately used an inexplicable method to protect himself.

Before Di Jun could speak, another scream came out. Just hearing the sound, Di Jun was suddenly startled, his body shook, and he disappeared in place.

Just because that voice was made by Bai Ze.

In an instant, Di Jun appeared next to Demon Saint Bai Ze. However, he was a step too late after all. At this moment, Bai Ze was already like a flying corpse, with all the life in his body drained, and he was just another corpse.


Emperor Jun looked up to the sky and shouted, furious.

Bai Ze can be said to be the demon saint who has made the greatest contribution in the heaven. Countless yuan will come, and the demon clan faces countless battles. Bai Ze has always taken the lead, fighting bloody battles, and dedicated himself to the heaven for him.

Emperor Jun suddenly heard, tens of millions of years ago, Bai Ze was also a giant. Emperor Jun wanted to conquer the latter. He once said that he would submit to the heaven and wait for this emperor to unify the world in the future and share the eternity with you. Glory, because of these words, Bai Ze went through life and death for heaven, becoming invincible along the way.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jun suddenly felt endless sadness in his heart.

"Brother, I didn't expect that you still haven't waited for the day when our demon clan will be unified!"

"Forget it, this emperor will avenge you!"

Di Jun said softly, handing Bai Ze's body to a demon general beside him.

Emperor Jun was called the Emperor of Heaven, and he was the only supreme being in the world. Naturally, he would not be considered a brother to others, but at this time, he called the dead Bai Ze his brother, which showed the endless grief and overwhelming hatred in his heart.

Furthermore, Di Jun felt even more sad when he thought that the tenth prince of the Golden Crow, whom he loved most, also died in the wilderness.

He turned his eyes and glanced at the huge one-eyed phantom of the divine beast in the void. It was dressed in a gorgeous robe and the hair on the top of its head was windless.

"Haha, Di Jiang, are you the only one in the Wu clan who has this method?"

"Donghuang Taiyi, follow me and sacrifice your body to the magic circle!"

Di Jun laughed sadly, and at this moment, just like the twelve ancestral witches of the witch clan, he began to burn his own essence and blood to strengthen the formation.

After losing two demon saints in a row, Donghuang Taiyi was naturally in great mourning. Hearing this, he burned his essence and blood without hesitation.

In an instant, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi turned into two scorching suns and flew into the Zhoutian Star Formation.Three Yangs are rising! ! !

The sky and the earth were eclipsed in this moment, leaving only three rounds of scorching sun across the void.

Visions continue, and the star array in the sky changes again.

I saw countless ancient gods and demons manifesting in the great formation. The strange thing is that this time, countless gods and demons did not escape from the formation and start killing. Instead, a fight between the gods and demons actually started. scene.

That's right, in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, countless ancient gods and demons were actually fighting each other at this moment.

"What's going on? Is Di Jun crazy?"

"Yeah, this is so weird. The ancient gods and demons didn't deal with the formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods, but actually killed each other!"

All living beings were hiding in the dark in fear, avoiding the power of desolation, while still paying attention to the scene. When they saw this scene, they were suddenly shocked and confused.

But before they had time to think about it carefully, they knew what Di Jun's intention was.

At this time, the fighting between the gods and demons in the Zhoutian Star Formation had already come to an end. Countless gods and demons were seen falling, and only one was left in the end.

It was a huge wolf, with a faint light flashing in its lantern-like eyes. It howled loudly, and the sound shook the whole place, which was horrifying to hear.

Its originally white fur was now covered with dazzling blood, and its sharp fangs even hung with a piece of minced meat, which belonged to an ancient divine beast that it finally tore into pieces.

At this moment, all living beings suddenly realized that the beast of desolation summoned by the witch clan was unmatched, and Di Jun, through such bloody fighting, created a killing beast to deal with the beast of desolation.

I saw the killing wolf leaping up and jumping out of the magic circle, howling angrily. Endless ink clouds gathered in the sky, and extremely thick thunder could be seen in it.


The thunder fell, like a psychic, and struck directly on the huge head of the beast of desolation. A burst of green smoke floated, and the power of the latter suddenly weakened a bit.

However, the beast of desolation had its eyes wide open at this time, and the power of desolation also caused great harm to the killing wolf.

The power of the Killing Wolf is also constantly weakening. However, every time it roars, a thunderbolt of ten thousand feet will strike down, and the desolate beast will continue to shake.

The thunder seemed to be endless, falling continuously. After a while, the beast of desolation was extremely sluggish and its figure was illusory.

At this moment, the killing of the Sirius was almost at its limit, and the thunder it caused was less than a hundred feet. It no longer roared, its huge body turned around, opened its mouth, and pounced on the beast of desolation.


With the last loud noise, the two huge phantoms turned into nothingness.

However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Emperor Jun's angry shouts suddenly came out from the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

"Kunpeng, you are seeking death!"

(End of this chapter)

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