Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 174 The Dao Mark of the body, the power of vitality!

Chapter 174 The Dao Mark of the body, the power of vitality!
"Fellow Daoist Jiang Chen is really smart, and he can think of such wonderful tricks."

Sage Nuwa praised her heartily, but Jiang Chen felt a little guilty.

"This is still stealing your idea. Even if I don't come behind you, you can still think of it." Jiang Chen also muttered in his heart.

Then I stopped thinking about it.

He looked at the turtle and said, "Fellow Taoist, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Aogui was also solemn when he heard this. He was already prepared in his heart, so he raised his eyes and looked at the four poles of the sky.

"Fellow Taoist, please don't forget your promise. After the Yuanhui, you will set me free and help me transform!!!"

After leaving these words, I saw that the turtle's figure began to expand infinitely, and its body extended infinitely. Finally, its body actually merged into the ancient sky, and its limbs stayed at the four edges of the ancient world. Supporting the four poles of the sky, moss and stone skin slowly grew on the limbs, making it look like a real mountain.

At this point, the heaven and earth are positioned, the floods return, the fire in the sky is extinguished, and the world is peaceful.

This natural disaster has been completely resolved, and light rain began to fall from the sky, moistening the newly formed land below. There was a gentle breeze and drizzle, and the people from the human tribe below who had been hiding for several years came out to welcome this new world.

Each tribe also put aside their prejudices and sang and danced in the rain, celebrating together. People set up bonfires in the rain. Jiang Chen taught the humans how to make fire tens of thousands of years ago, so the humans were very skilled in making fire.

Dancing, singing and laughing around the fire.

Not long after, the light rain stopped, and a five-color divine light hung in the sky. It turned out to be a rainbow. It was obviously caused by the saint Nuwa using five-color boulders to patch the sky. It added more light to this ancient world. Colorful, people cheered and drank below, celebrating the success of patching the sky, their faces filled with a sense of joy at surviving the disaster.

The sunny weather after the rain is just like people's mood at this time, sweeping away the haze in their hearts during the previous catastrophe.

Suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and thick clouds of multicolored merits descended from the sky in the direction of Buzhou Mountain. A trace of them merged into the four ends of the world. It should be that the descending merits were separated by the turtle holding up the sky.

All the rest fell on the heads of Saint Nuwa and Jiang Chen. The colorful merit clouds gathered together, attracting the attention of all sentient beings in the ancient world, who came to watch one after another.

"Sage Nuwa has great virtues, and Saint Emperor Jiang Chen has unparalleled merits!!!"

Many creatures below were kneeling on the ground, worshiping, and shouting.

Since Jiang Chen went to look for Aogui before and brought it to Buzhou Mountain, he persuaded Aogui to be willing to hold up the sky. Sage Nuwa also had merit in mending the sky. Jiang Chen and Nuwa mended the sky together and saved all living beings from water and fire. , one has the power to support the sky and relieve the worries of this ancient world.The merits are overwhelming.

Therefore, half of this piece of colorful merit was divided by Jiang Chen. When the merit entered his body, a mysterious power of merit filled Jiang Chen's body, making Jiang Chen's whole body feel full of power and comfortable. A roar resounded throughout the wilderness! ! !

As all the merits were absorbed, a full force of vitality emerged from Jiang Chen's body, as if he could become immortal.

"Could it be that he has the ability to become a saint in advance?" Jiang Chen said to himself in surprise. You must know that saints are basically immortal, because they have engraved their own ways in this wild world. As long as the way of heaven is immortal, saints will not die. .Of course, this is also relative. It is impossible to say that at the level of Taoist Hongjun, even a saint can forcibly erase the saint's Tao and kill him! ! !

"When I was reincarnated tens of thousands of years ago, a cloud of merit came down to help me break through to the mid-stage state of the quasi-sage. Now this cloud of merit is countless times more than what I got that time, and there will definitely be more. Even greater benefits.”

Jiang Chen thought.

After all, the merit that time mainly fell on Hou Tu, and it directly helped Hou Tu break through to the realm of a saint, which shows how powerful the merit is! ! !

Now, it is a great merit to mend the sky and hold it up. Moreover, this time Jiang Chen died in person and made a great contribution, solving the worries of future generations and supporting the heaven and earth from falling. This is a great merit! ! !
Therefore, this cloud of merit can be said to be the one where Jiang Chen has gained the most merit!
Even the merits he gained from helping the human race create writing when he was still weak are incomparable to the merits he has now. The overwhelming merits accumulated in Jiang Chen's body, and Dao patterns were carved in his body. Dao patterns are a He looks like a villain. If you look carefully, you will be shocked to find that this Dao pattern is exactly what Jiang Chen looked like when he was shrunk. The Dao pattern is lifelike and solemn, like an innate god. It exudes the majesty of the Great Dao, just like Jiang Chen. Chen Chen has already integrated into the avenue at this time.

There is a vague connection with the avenue, and the extremely strong vitality force that was generated in the body just now must have come from this. This vitality force probably represents the vitality of the avenue!
Although he didn't know why such a power appeared in his body, he just thought that this was the benefit brought by the cloud of merit, and he didn't bother to think about these things anymore. In short, Jiang Chen also had an extremely powerful vitality by chance.It can be regarded as providing a strong layer of protection for it.

In a place of chaos, Hongjun suddenly woke up while meditating. His eyes suddenly opened, with a look of surprise in his eyes. Just now, he felt a force of vitality draining from the heaven, and he didn't know where it went.After some deduction with his eyes closed and his fingers pinched, he actually saw a five-color merit cloud descending on the body of a white-robed young man.

"A disciple of Tongtian? He is an interesting little guy. He is actually able to absorb the vitality of heaven. He is the first person to achieve this step before becoming a saint."

Feeling the power of vitality in his body and the Dao lines engraved on his heart, Jiang Chen was also somewhat satisfied with the results of his trip.In addition, I have some premonitions in my heart that the benefits of this meritorious deed are far more than that. The power of vitality and the pattern are both incomprehensible things. I need to find a quiet place to think and comprehend, but here is Too noisy.

Then he stood up and prepared to leave this place.

As soon as he got up, he saw Nuwa staring at him with surprise, and she was also startled.

"Is there something wrong with Saint Nuwa?" Jiang Chen then asked calmly.

Nuwa looked strange and immediately withdrew her scrutinizing gaze.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang Chen is truly a gift from heaven. Although his strength level has not improved yet, his energy has obviously become several times stronger! He must have had a great opportunity!"

He praised his junior, feeling complicated in his heart, and stopped talking.He just looked at Jiang Chen with interest.

"Since I have nothing to do, I'll take my leave first."

Jiang Chen said goodbye perfunctorily, thinking only of leaving as soon as possible to find a quiet place to retreat. He could feel that a breakthrough was not far away.

After saying this, without waiting for Nuwa to respond, she took advantage of Kong Xuan and disappeared into a stream of light.

(End of this chapter)

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