Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 175: Cultivation changes, Jiang Chen is in danger?

Chapter 175: Cultivation changes, Jiang Chen is in danger?
A few months later, the beings of the primitive world began to come out one after another. When the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, there were countless casualties, and the remaining people were all in hiding. Among the creatures of the primitive world, those races with powerful status were almost killed or injured. Almost exhausted!

Now that the heaven and earth have been repaired, these creatures have come out to move around and see the light of day again.All the beings in the ancient world were extremely grateful and admired Jiang Chen and Saint Nuwa. Suddenly, Jiang Chen's name spread throughout the entire ancient world. According to word of mouth, Jiang Chen was on par with Saint Nuwa and treated as an equal!
The remaining human races even worshiped Jiang Chen and built the Holy Emperor Temple and Nuwa Temple at the foot of the mountain.

The two temples are lined up side by side. For Saint Nuwa, the human race has a sense of awe for the creator, known as the Mother of the Earth; for Saint Emperor Jiang Chen, these human races sincerely admire and love Nuwa. Although the Saint created the human race, the person who has always protected the human race from being bullied by the demon race and other powerful races has always been their Holy Emperor - Jiang Chen! ! !

Therefore, even if the realm of the Holy Emperor they love and loves has not reached the realm of a saint, there is no doubt that the Holy Emperor is more important to the human race.

The Holy Emperor created words to help the human race continue to inherit; deepened the relationship between tribes and taught the human race how to make fire. From then on, the human race was separated from the era of eating hair and drinking blood, making the human race stronger and stronger. The power of one person is to promote the intensification The development of human race.

Both the Holy Emperor Temple and the Nuwa Temple have been worshiped for generations, with an endless stream of worshipers and incense. The Holy Emperor Temple is even more powerful than the Nuwa Temple.

Of course these are all things to say.
In a corner of the ancient world, on a huge island outside the East China Sea, a huge five-color peacock descended, with a white-robed figure on its back standing with hands behind its back.


A long scream came out, and the perfect aura of the Quasi-Sage spread out, frightening the indigenous creatures on the island to tremble, and the birds and beasts even whimpered and hid, daring to come out and move.

Jiang Chen searched for this island for a long time before he found the most suitable place for retreat. This place is located outside the East China Sea, and he doesn't know the exact location. It's like the end of the wilderness!

Jiang Chen felt an extremely strong force of vitality here. He flew to the ground and took a breath of the air on the island. It was moist and fresh, and the rich force of vitality was mixed with it. His body and mind were smooth, sweeping away the hard work of searching for months. feel.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but nodded, extremely satisfied with this place.

The whole body was twisted, and there was nothing in the place for an instant. At this time, there was a white-robed figure at the top of the island.

He looked around and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Kong Xuan, you are here to protect me! Don't let anyone interfere with me!"

With a casual command, he summoned the Wuji apricot yellow flag and hung it above his head. The black and yellow energy poured down, protecting Jiang Chen's whole body.

Then he sat down directly, closed his eyes and entered the cultivation state.

Kong Xuan responded respectfully and flew to hover over the island. His eyes were sharp and he scanned the surrounding situation, as if if there was any movement, he would thunder and kill the trespassers.

There are no years in the mountains, and no Jiazi in cultivation.

Tens of thousands of years and years are gone at the snap of a finger.

On this day, Kong Xuanzheng was bored as usual, turning into a human form, hiding his cultivation, and playing with the little monsters on the islands.

When I first came to this island, I didn’t know that the master would be in seclusion for so long. Therefore, in 2000, Kong Xuan guarded Jiang Chen as if facing a formidable enemy, never leaving. After all, it was the first time that he completed the master’s retreat alone. The tasks assigned must not be taken lightly.

After 2000 years passed, Kong Xuan was also ready to live on the island for a long time. His strength had reached the state of perfect quasi-sage. He did not know how many years had passed but he had not reached the final step, so everything was left to chance, except for the ritual training. In addition to the five-color divine light of his innate spiritual treasure, he does not practice in seclusion.

The long-term guarding also made him a little bored. Now he would rather have someone to cause trouble so that he can have some fresh fun. These ghosts of loose cultivators in the mountains are really too weak. Kong Xuan can no longer lift them up. interest of.

"Boom!" Suddenly a thunder exploded out of thin air with great force. Kong Xuan also looked seriously at the sky, and saw that the sky directly above the island was slowly splitting. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was just the clouds above the island that were splitting. Revealing the abyss-like crack at the back, Kong Xuan casually dismissed the monsters with a solemn expression.

Staring intently at the top of the island, could it be that the owner is about to leave seclusion? ? ?

Or does the master have enemies chasing him here?In shock and confusion, Kong Xuan transformed into his real body and rushed towards Jiang Chen's retreat with a roar.


The huge body seemed to have hit something.It was directly bounced thousands of feet away! ! !

"What is this? Someone is here to attack the owner??!!"

Thinking of this, Kong Xuan's eyes instantly turned blood red. Tens of thousands of years had passed, and he had already admired Jiang Chen. How could he tolerate someone hurting Jiang Chen under his nose?

Without any explanation, he rushed forward again with red eyes.


Still the same result, as if it was blocked by something.

The clouds in the sky completely split, revealing the dark abyss behind.Just listen to the roar of thunder constantly coming from inside, as if something terrible is brewing inside.

Not long after, the power of thunder that had been brewing for a long time erupted. The thunder turned pitch black and struck the highest point of the island, where Jiang Chen retreated.

Kong Xuan's eyes were about to burst, and he rushed towards Jiang Chen's retreat.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


Flying out again and again, the entire island was riddled with holes smashed by Kong Xuan.

At the top of the island, Jiang Chen still closed his eyes tightly, and the figure that had been sitting cross-legged for ten thousand years was motionless, as if he had passed away.

Only the Wuji apricot-yellow flag above the head still shines with brilliance, proving that its owner is still alive.


The first thunder struck Jiang Chen.I saw Wuji Xinghuang Banner suddenly erupting with an unprecedented burst of light. The black and yellow energy seemed to be turned into substance, absorbing the terrifying black sky thunder, filtering out the impurities and being absorbed by Jiang Chen's body. Absorbed.

At this time, Jiang Chen was in a very strange situation. Half asleep and half awake, he could only follow his body's instinct to absorb and comprehend the black thunder that entered his body.

At this time, Jiang Chen was too powerful, and he had already attracted the energy of heaven and earth to destroy this human race holy emperor with astonishing qualifications? ! !
"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The thunder continued, and the sky above the entire island had turned into a sea of ​​thunder. Thunder continued to strike down, as if it was angered, and would not stop until it killed the monk below! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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