Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 176 The ancient world was shaken, and the saint appeared!

Chapter 176 The ancient world was shaken, and the saint appeared!
Countless jet-black thunders struck the Wuji Xinghuang Flag, and the Wuji Xinghuang Flag continuously filtered out impurities and were absorbed by Jiang Chen inside. The aura around Jiang Chen's body was getting stronger and stronger.

Tiny black lightning arcs flashed and danced all over the surface of the body.

"Zi la, zi la"

The sound of the thunder arc flashing made people's scalp numb. If this thunder struck an ordinary monk, he would be turned into ashes in an instant! !
Kong Xuan below seemed to be exhausted. He lay motionless on the ground. Looking at his master, he was relieved to find that Wuji Xinghuang Banner seemed to have blocked Thunder's offensive. He must have blocked him before. The invisible barrier is just the power of law erupted subconsciously by the owner to automatically protect the owner.As soon as I thought about this, I felt even more in awe of Jiang Chen.

The thunder in the sky seemed to have exhausted its strength. Not only did it not kill anyone after being struck for so long, but it became stronger and stronger. It also lost its temper. The sea of ​​thunder dissipated, the clouds in the sky condensed again, and the top of the island returned to its usual appearance. , those monsters and other creatures on the island who were so frightened that they fled in all directions and did not dare to make any noise just now dared to come out and take a look.

Seeing that the terrifying Lei Hai was no longer there, he felt relieved, but for a moment these spirits hid in panic again.

It turned out that the majestic spiritual energy of heaven and earth had condensed again above the island. Such a large amount of spiritual energy of heaven and earth were all gathered in one place, and it was extremely rich. The collision between the spiritual energy produced a violent rotating force.

The rich spiritual energy condensed into a liquid, and driven by the force of rotation, a waterspout leading to the sky was formed.

Jiang Chen's eyes widened and he let out a low drink.


I saw that the Wuji apricot yellow flag was no longer protecting Jiang Chen's head, and was taken into his body by Jiang Chen.Even the unknown energy around him that had previously blocked Kong Xuan disappeared.

Then the waterspout transformed from the innate spiritual energy connected Jiang Chen's Tianling Cap to the top of the sky like a furious dragon, roaring into Jiang Chen's Tianling Cap.

This spiritual energy was continuously flowing into Jiang Chen's body. It was impossible to see the tail of this water dragon. It was really taller than the sky.This scene lasted for several days.

Since Jiang Chen had previously removed the protective spiritual treasures such as the Wuji Xinghuang Banner, this magnificent vision attracted the attention of the entire prehistoric monks.

Nine Netherworld Mansion
A huge light curtain tilted down, and there was a white-robed figure sitting cross-legged in the void. The entire aura of the world turned into an angry dragon and merged with this figure.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang Chen is unpredictable!"

Pingxin stood in front of the light curtain, his beautiful eyes were filled with brilliance, and he sighed in admiration in his heart.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.
Yuanshi's eyes flickered, the light and darkness never faded, and he suddenly sighed heavily.

Wa Palace.
Nuwa also came back from her thoughts. Over the years, she found a trace of her brother's remnant soul, which has been kept in the Wa Palace for nourishment. It has not been born for thousands of years!
He glanced at the direction of the East China Sea with complicated eyes, and then continued to focus on the faint soul light group in front of him.No longer pay attention to external matters.

Western teaching.
A strange look flashed in the eyes of a thin Taoist with a yellow complexion and his brows furrowed slightly. He was none other than Saint Zhunti.

Beside him, Saint Jieying looked sad, and now he even showed a look of sorrow.

After a moment of silence, the thin Taoist with a yellow face turned into a wisp of fresh air and disappeared. The person beside him stopped talking, with a sad look on his face, and also disappeared here.

at the same time.

In an unknown place, a majestic figure sat cross-legged in the void, with a fierce momentum, like a peerless and fierce sword, the sword energy soaring into the sky.

I saw this domineering figure straight up, stepping out of the space and disappearing, leaving only a piece of silent nothingness and a long-lasting laughter? ! "I am such a stubborn disciple, so I really don't want you to worry about being a good teacher!"

Although he was speaking in a blaming tone, his tone was full of pride.

All in all, at this time, the great powers in the entire prehistoric world are all rushing towards the direction beyond the East China Sea. The long-quiet prehistoric world seems to be getting lively again, and the center of this storm is Surprisingly, it was Jiang Chen! ! !

At this time, Jiang Chen reached the final moment of breakthrough, and huge spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured into his body. Even though Jiang Chen's current strength felt a little swollen, his face was red from holding back, and the black thunder arcs on his body were beating, which actually helped Jiang Chen. Together with the dust, we absorb the vast energy between heaven and earth!

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and held on for dear life. He could feel that the vitality in his body was getting stronger and stronger, and the Dao patterns in his body were becoming clearer and clearer. Even the black thunder that had been absorbed by him was forcibly absorbed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. With his bloody nature aroused, Jiang Chen could feel that his incomplete Law of Thunder was gradually becoming perfect.

Suddenly, a sharp light shot towards Jiang Chen who was concentrating on breaking through. Seeing this scene, Kong Xuan below felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He could no longer move and could only watch the sharp light. Interrupting the master's breakthrough.

"How dare you??!!!"

A domineering voice sounded, and a majestic figure appeared out of thin air. The monstrous sword intent soared into the sky. Just standing there, it seemed as if the world should be trampled under its feet!
"Zhunti, are you looking for death? How dare you hurt my beloved disciple!!!"

It was the Tongtian Cult Leader who came to block the blow just now? !

Those powerful people who rushed here were extremely shocked.

"Jiang Chen is really loved by Saint Tongtian. Saint Tongtian, who has not been born for tens of thousands of years, was born specifically for Jiang Chen!!!"

A voice of exclamation came out, sighing.

"Yes, Jiang Chen must be the only one who can make the Tongtian Saint so nervous!"

Another voice sighed.

"You all just think that Jiang Chen is valued by Saint Tongtian, but you don't investigate why Jiang Chen is so loved by Saint Tongtian?"

The person who spoke was none other than Zhen Yuanzi. At that time, he knew that Jiang Chen was a mortal, but he dared to directly contradict the saint. How could such courage be beyond the reach of ordinary people?

What's more, in just tens of thousands of years, Jiang Chen has already reached such a state that he can be called the number one saint.

Who else can match this peerless talent?
Zhen Yuanzi knew Jiang Chen's past quite well. He was blackmailed by Jiang Chen and gave away a few ginseng fruits, which was particularly vivid in his memory.

As soon as his words came out, there was a moment of silence.

Even though the people present were all the top powers in the world, they couldn't help but feel ashamed. Compared with Jiang Chen, they had practiced for countless years and could be considered as trained as dogs.

He also no longer lamented why Jiang Chen was so favored and loved by Saint Tongtian. For such a talented person, these were all normal.

(End of this chapter)

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