Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 180: Want to go to Buddhism, prepare for war!

Chapter 180: Want to go to Buddhism, prepare for war!
"Master, my disciple wants to go to the West to teach!!!"

Jiang Chen's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he coldly asked the leader of Tongtian to resign.

"Oh? Go directly to Zhunti's lair?"

Leader Tongtian also glanced at Jiang Chen in surprise, and was a little surprised by the fierce murderous intention and astonishing courage shown in this disciple's words. It seemed that this Zhunti had offended some great little guy.

But this kid is really a troublemaker. Wherever he goes, trouble will happen. He is undoubtedly a troublemaker.

Then he laughed boldly and said loudly: "Okay! Okay"

Tongtian said hello several times, obviously extremely satisfied with Jiang Chen's courage!
As a disciple of his own, he is so courageous, so how can he, as a master, be outdone by his disciples!

"Since you said so, I will go with you as my master. We will go to the Western Sect and spend the morning there to see what the Western Sect can do to us master and disciple!!!"

The laughter reached the sky, shocking the powerful ones below who dared not speak.

Only master and disciple Tongtian dared to say such words.There are two saints in the Western Sect, and they actually want to make a breakthrough. If other people say such things, they will definitely laugh and ridicule, but Saint Tongtian does have the capital to say such things.

To say that the most domineering and fierce person in the ancient world is none other than Saint Tongtian.

And this Jiang Chen has obviously inherited the unrivaled domineering power of his master, Tongtian. His aura of looking down on the world, and his arrogance of not putting saints in his eyes really shocked the world.

Coupled with his unique talent that is unprecedented and perhaps unprecedented, such strength is worthy of such arrogance! ! ! !
Therefore, when they heard the conversation between Jiang Chen's master and his apprentice, although these ancient experts were extremely shocked, they couldn't think of any rebuttal in their hearts. Their mouths were dry, so they opened their mouths, and finally turned into a faint exclamation. .

Jiang Chen's master and disciple obviously had no interest in the thoughts in the minds of these powerful men. After they had the thoughts in their minds, they took a step forward and turned into nothingness, leaving only those who were in shock in this world. of great power.

Before leaving, Jiang Chen waved his hand and took away Kong Xuan, who was injured and unable to move.

A few breaths later, there was a fairy mountain above the East China Sea. Jiang Chen and his master, Master Tongtian, were stationed above. Jiang Chen just felt a familiar aura here, so he came to this mountain.

The leader of Tongtian Cult saw Jiang Chen coming here, so he also came to take a look. He saw that the mountain was full of vitality, and the trees in the forest were lush and green. There were many mortal creatures among them, but they looked very intelligent and had not yet seen them. Being able to cultivate into a spirit monster, there is an unusual aura in his eyes, and the leader of Tongtian Cult is also amazed when he sees it.

And the sky above was shrouded in clouds and mist, and it looked like a fairyland on earth. If those acquired methods were excluded, even Master Tongtian's Jin'ao Island was inferior to this place.

Jiang Chen was also a little curious, this nameless fairy mountain was quite interesting.

The master and the disciple no longer used their magical powers, but instead walked towards the top of the mountain like a mortal without any cultivation. This feeling of the master and the disciple climbing the mountain together like a mortal was an experience neither of them had ever experienced.

The two looked at each other and smiled. The atmosphere was a bit warm and calm. Only Master could make him forget those intrigues and fights in this ancient world and return to his original and true state.

The two walked in the mountains, pushing aside the thorns blocking the road like mortals, or taking detours, enjoying the freshness and fun of being mortals.

When the two of them reached the top of the mountain, they felt an inexplicable pleasure in their hearts even though their current cultivation levels were shocking and they were among the top.

But before their feelings could ferment, they were attracted by a huge multicolored sacred stone standing on the highest edge of the mountain top.

"Isn't this the sky-repairing stone refined by Saint Nuwa when she was refining the sky?"

Jiang Chen was also a little surprised. No wonder he felt a familiar feeling when he passed by this place before. It turned out to be a five-color sacred stone. When the sage Nuwa mended the sky, Jiang Chen was looking for the turtle, and later brought it directly to Bi Na. Following Turtle, she rushed to the ruins of Buzhou Mountain. At that time, Nuwa had apparently completed patching the sky, and was just missing the last and most critical step.

Although Jiang Chen didn't directly see the true appearance of the Sky-Mending Stone back then, he was so close to it and was very aware of the aura, which is why this scene happened now.

"So this rumor is true."

Jiang Chen murmured softly. "This is an extra stone when Nuwa mended the sky."

He only heard Tong Tian say something, which seemed to be an answer to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled and responded softly.

"The disciple knows."

Then he stood there thoughtfully for a long time without moving, as if he had questions in his mind.

Because as far as he knew, this might be the birthplace of a person in later generations' legends, but he had been observing here for a long time and found no trace of life fluctuations, as if he was a dead thing.

I couldn't think of anything, I was irritated, and I was ready to leave immediately.

He still hesitated for a moment before leaving, but finally turned around and put his hand on the five-colored sacred stone, sent a spiritual thought into it, and then left with Tongtian.

After Jiang Chen and Tongtian left this world, they didn't notice that the five-colored sacred stone gave off a faint light, and the stone body trembled slightly. .

Above the East China Sea, Jinao Island.

"Welcome to you, Master, Senior Brother!!!"

"Welcome to you, Master, Senior Brother!!!"


The Jin'ao Island was so lively. Thousands of disciples of the Jie Sect knelt down on one knee to pay homage to the Tongtian Cult Leader and Jiang Chen who had just appeared in the sky above the Jin'ao Island.

Tongtian looked at the disciples below with a smile on his face, happily stroked his beard, said no need to be polite, and disappeared from everyone's sight in a flash.

The disciples of Jiejiao below all rushed up with excited faces, surrounded Jiang Chen, and asked questions.

"Senior brother, I heard that you wounded all the Taoist Zhunti and made him run away in a hurry?"

"Senior brother, you are so amazing. When will I reach your level of cultivation!"

"Excuse me, with your talent, I'm afraid you can't even compare to my senior brother!"

A basin of refreshing cold water is poured down.

"Ha ha."

There was laughter, but there was no malice in it.

Jiang Chen was surrounded by the crowd, and he smiled slightly when he saw these junior brothers and sisters playing and playing, as if he was much younger and felt much more relaxed.

I greeted these junior brothers and sisters one by one, and casually gave some guidance to some of the junior brothers and sisters who came to ask about the method of cultivation. In the end, those Jiejiao disciples who came to ask questions had a look of enlightenment on their faces, and they had obviously gained a lot of benefits.

Jiang Chen had learned almost all of Tongtian Master's magical powers, and there was no problem in pointing them out when they were confused about their practice. He was thinking about other things, and soon after he made a confession, his figure flashed, We headed towards Master's residence - Biyou Palace.

All the Jiejiao disciples licked their lips, with unfinished expressions on their faces.
(End of this chapter)

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