Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 181 Take stock of yourself and refine the Heavenly Seal!

Chapter 181 Take stock of yourself and refine the Heavenly Seal!
The ordinary Jiejiao disciples were still immersed in the return of their master and senior brother at this time, and the glorious achievements of senior brother made their blood boil. A good man should be like senior brother. Even if he is a saint, he will dare to challenge! ! !
Unlike ordinary disciples who were immersed in joy and excitement, Jiang Chen still felt a little depressed before the war. If it weren't for his master who dared to stand aside, his current strength would not be enough to win. After all, he had just been promoted to the quasi-sage perfection state not long ago.

But that Zhunti Taoist has been in this realm for countless years, and he is inherently disadvantaged in terms of experience. What's more, when he goes to teach in the West, he will be fighting on their home court, which is not good for him.

But for his previous decision, he did not regret it. The Taoist Zhunti attacked him several times, and he only survived because of his master. In that case, if his master had no time to take action, then he would inevitably There would be an extremely heavy price to pay. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen was filled with murderous intent.

I was thinking about how to deal with it, and soon I arrived at Biyou Palace.

"Disciple Jiang Chen pays homage to Master!"

Jiang Chen came in and said respectfully.

"You stubborn disciple, how come you are becoming more and more outspoken, yet you are so polite to me?" Tongtian laughed and cursed.

"But your senior brother's reputation in the sect is getting higher and higher now!" Tongtian said with a look of relief on his face. He has always been extremely satisfied with Jiang Chen as a disciple.

Thinking back to those days, when he had just become a saint, Jiang Chen, who was still a mortal, dared to question the saint. He only accepted him as his disciple for the sake of Sanqing's reputation. Who knew that this kid actually showed off to him on the spot? What do you call talent?Now he can actually compete with the saint. Even though he is his master, watching him grow up to this point step by step makes him sigh and sigh in his heart.

"Master?" Jiang Chen called out softly when he saw his master staring at him without saying a word after finishing speaking.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay. I just remembered some things from the past, and I felt a little sigh in my heart."

Leader Tongtian also came to his senses, laughed, and explained.

"Are you here because of the Western teachings? Don't worry, your teacher is here, so you can feel free to go for it!"

There was boundless domineering in his words, and he really had extremely strong confidence in his own strength, as if the two saints of the Western religion were made of mud, and they didn't take it to heart at all.


Jiang Chen was also shocked by his master's domineering power, and then a warm current surged in his heart. His master would not hesitate to fight against the two saints for his own sake. Although his master said it simply, How can the saint be so easy to deal with? Even with the strength of the master, it must be difficult to defeat him easily.

"At that time, Master only needs to stop the Taoist who is guiding him, and the Saint Zhunti will be left alone with the disciples!" Jiang Chen thought for a moment and said softly.

Tongtian frowned when he heard this.There was a trace of worry between his eyebrows. After all, he is a true saint. Disciple, please don't underestimate that man too much. He reminded Jiang Chen sternly.

Then Tongtian looked at Jiang Chen, as if waiting for his answer.

Jiang Chen shook his head gently and said: "Disciple has never underestimated that Zhunti, but the last battle with that Zhunti was very helpful for the disciple to consolidate his strength. What's more, as the master's disciple, how can he go forward? Are you afraid of wolves or tigers?" Being handed over by Jiang Chen, Tongtian was a little bit dumbfounded.This kid is really smart, and he convinced himself in just a few words.I was also a little speechless in my heart.

"You kid, you know how to trick someone."

He said something like reproach, and then waved his hand as if accepting his fate: "That's all, it's all up to you, you kid never lets me worry."

Jiang Chen also smiled bitterly when he heard this, but he was even more grateful to Master Tongtian in his heart. Ever since he came to the ancient world, he had followed his heart and had no taboos in doing anything. However, no matter what trouble he caused, Master would always come out to help him immediately. He wiped his own ass without any complaints. To his master, Jiang Chen already regarded him as his father.

"Master." Jiang Chen showed rare emotion and looked at Tongtian gratefully.

"Okay, you naughty guy, get out of here quickly. I don't want to hear you being so polite!"

He smiled and cursed before sending the guests off directly.

Jiang Chen also laughed, shook his head helplessly, and then said goodbye to Tongtian.

Returning to his cave, Jiang Chen's eyes were sharp. Since he told his master that he was going to intercept the teachings, he had to make complete preparations. He had just broken through to Quasi-Saint Perfection, and it was impossible to increase his strength level in a short time. The only methods of power are magical powers, laws and spiritual treasures.

Shen Tong himself has basically learned all the magical powers of the Sanqing Dynasty, but it may not necessarily be miraculous when facing a saint. As for the law, he also has a new and complete law of thunder when he breaks through. When he fought with Zhunti last time, he used thunder The law paralyzed him for a moment, and as a back-up move, he could win by surprise.

Finally, there is the spiritual treasure. My own spiritual treasure is simply the dream of all prehistoric monks. The god-killing spear transformed from the rhizome of the Chaos Supreme Treasure, three of the six lotus seeds of the Chaos Green Lotus, the twelve-level reincarnation The purple lotus, the twelfth-grade karma red lotus and the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus are each top-notch innate spiritual treasures.

There are also three poles among the five flags of heaven and earth, Wuji apricot yellow flag, Qinglian treasure color flag and Xuanyuan water control flag, as well as the Hetu Luoshu obtained from the Lich War.No matter which one of them is taken out, it will cause looting by those powerful people in the wild.

There are also 36 Dinghai Pearls, Book of Life and Death, Kongtong Seal, etc.But when you go to the West to teach, you must have more trump cards, the better. This time you go to the West to teach, you must make Na Zhunti pay the price! ! !
After thinking in my mind, I understood that since Buddhism is branded, I must take action domineeringly and defeat the Western religion from the front. In addition, the Western religion has two saints. Doesn't the saint claim to be integrated with the way of heaven? Then I will You have read through it all day and made a decision in your mind to start looking for materials to refine.

He took out the broken body of Buzhou Mountain during the Lich War, and prepared to refine a suppressive object that is the most powerful in the world, in order to suppress this Western religion in front of all sentient beings! ! !

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen even thought about the shape of the treasure to be refined, and then started refining it directly. This was the first time that he refined a treasure by himself when he reached the quasi-sage perfection. Years ago, I entered the wilderness for the first time and became a disciple of Master Tongtian of Jiejiao. At that time, the Sanqing family had not yet been separated.

At that time, I didn’t know how many magical skills I had downloaded and learned, such as Yuanshi Tianzun’s magical weapon refining skills. Jiang Chen had already mastered the facial weapon magical skills hundreds of thousands of years ago. If Jiang Chen’s strength at this time was If he reaches the next level and reaches the saint level, his weapon refining level may be even stronger than that of Yuanshi Tianzun! ! !

Moreover, at this time, Jiang Chen also thought about the treasure he wanted to refine. It was a heavy object that suppressed all things in the world. Let's call it - Fantian Seal! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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