Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 182 Fantian seal is completed, and all the secrets come out!

Chapter 182 Fantian seal is completed, and all the secrets come out!
A hundred years passed by in a flash.

Jiang Chen closed his eyes tightly and sat motionless in the cave. The Dao fire in his palm had been burning for hundreds of years. There was a copper-green lump on it. Judging from the material, he knew it was top grade. After all, there were so many intermediate innate spirits. Bao and Houtian Lingbao were put into it as materials.

I saw the lumps inside gradually taking shape, slowly condensing from a group of irregular lumps, and finally turned into a square block.

At this time, Jiang Chen also slowly opened his eyes. Even though Jiang Chen's weapon refining powers had reached great perfection, it took a hundred years to refine the treasure to this level. He was a little amazed in his heart. The magical power of weapon refining is extremely mysterious, and even if you have reached a great level of cultivation, the process is still quite difficult.

Looking at the rudimentary Fantian Seal on the Dao Fire spurting out from his palm, his eyes were slightly condensed, as if he was not satisfied with the refined treasure. Although this Tianseal and Yang Zi looked mighty, Domineering, but lacking a sense of smoothness and agility.

"By the way, sleek and smart!!!"

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes to refine again. He saw that the upper part of the square thing above the fire slowly melted into a pool of green liquid.

Then the liquid gradually condensed into a spherical shape, with three-quarters of the spherical shape on the remaining half of the square, and finally condensed and shaped into a delicate green stone seal.

The second seal Jiang Chen was refined according to the theory of a round sky and a square earth. The upper part is in the shape of a three-quarter sphere with a simple copper-green luster. It looks mysterious and ancient, with a smooth and agile feeling.

The lower part is a half-square stone, which is also as mysterious as the upper part. However, the square stone is different from the smoothness and flexibility of the spherical stone above. Instead, it has a simple atmosphere. It seems to be able to suppress everything in the world.

Although the upper and lower parts are refined and formed separately, and their shapes are also round and square, which is a huge difference, there is no sense of dissonance when put together. Instead, they are full of coordination. A stone seal with a round sky and a square surface has the words flowing on its surface. Then, it seems that the mind can be sucked in during the slow rotation.

That strong sense of weight seemed to make the spiritual energy of the surrounding world flow very slowly.


Just as the Fantian Seal was completed, a thunder exploded, and the thunder continued
The sky above Jin'ao Island was filled with dark clouds, and thousands of disciples of Jiejie Sect came out of their cultivation to look at the sky.

"What's going on? The sky outside the East China Sea is clear, but why is it like this above Jin'ao Island?"

"This seems to be heading for Senior Brother's retreat??!!"

Many disciples of Jiejiao were all shocked and confused. After confirming that Tianlei was going towards their senior brother, they were all a little worried.

"Would you like to ask Master to take a look? Will Senior Brother be okay?"

"Probably not. Senior Brother's current strength has already reached the heavens and the earth, so how can he be afraid of this thunder?"

The disciples of the Jie sect were chattering among the discussions below. They were all afraid that something would happen to their senior brother.Before they could wait, they went to report to their master, and saw that their master had already arrived, staring in the direction of Jiang Chen's cave.

Many disciples gathered around him. "Master, senior brother, will everything be okay?"

Without waiting for Tongtian's answer, the sky thunder struck down, and its destination was Jiang Chen's cave. A white-robed figure appeared out of thin air, opened its big mouth, and swallowed the thunder directly.


Jiang Chen roared angrily, like a thunderous warning? ? ! !

"Eldest brother is so, so strong!"

There was a sound of exclamation, and the disciples who were new to Jiejie and didn't know Jiang Chen very well now also had great admiration for their senior brother, and no longer had any doubts about his brilliant achievements.

"Boom! Boom"

The sky thunder continued to strike, as if Jiang Chen was irritated, but Jiang Chen swallowed it all, and thunder arcs flashed across his body, making a crackling sound.

The disciples of Jiejiao below were already stunned and speechless.He could only stare at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, a look of shock on his face.

Fan Tianyin was born, and the sky thunder came down to destroy this heaven-defying acquired treasure. Jiang Chen directly swept out of the cave and swallowed up all the thunder. Because a hundred years ago, Jiang Chen had a black sky when he broke through to the quasi-sage perfection. The thunder fell, which directly allowed Jiang Chen to perfect the law of thunder. Therefore, not only was this thunder no threat to him, but it became a great tonic for him. "Master!"

Jiang Chen held the Pantian Seal in his hand, flew towards the Tongtian Cult Leader, and greeted him respectfully.

Tongtian smiled and nodded in response.

"You're a stubborn disciple, and you made such a big noise for me if you didn't pay attention."

"Master, please take a look at this thing."

"This thing has such a thick aura! It's like a towering mountain lying in front of you!!!"

"This is a spiritual treasure that my disciple has refined over the past hundred years in seclusion. I call it Fantian Seal. What do you think of it, Master?"

"Haha, okay, okay! Haha, if you use the Heavenly Seal, even the sky can be turned over by it!"

Tongtian obviously admired this treasure very much.

"You kid, you have mastered the magical power of weapon refining to this extent. You really put your master to shame!"

"This is a preparation for studying in the Western religion. Disciples don't dare to be careless!"

The master and apprentice had another conversation, and Jiang Chen said goodbye to Tongtian and returned to his cave.

Now that the Fantian Seal has been successfully refined, the time to "visit" the Western Sect is getting closer and closer.

There was a look of reminiscence in his eyes, as if he had other means.

Thinking back then, when he accidentally discovered the six-winged golden cicada and the six-winged blood-winged black mosquito in the sea of ​​​​blood, they were on the verge of being reborn. Jiang Chen also gave them the opportunity to enlighten these two people and gave them... A message was left in the body, and it seems that it can be put to use now.

Immediately, two divine thoughts came out.

Also at this time, Western teaching.

A monk with a jade-like face sat cross-legged in the pool of merit, as if he had not moved here for tens of thousands of years.

Suddenly, his eyelids trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes. As if he was not used to the brightness of this world, his eyes narrowed into a thin line.Thin lips parted slightly.

"Is it senior?"

There was uncertainty in his tone. After all, it seemed like a long time ago. It was the first time I felt like this since I was born.

"That's right, it must be that senior. I won't remember it wrong. Did senior tell me to do this?"

Meanwhile, a dark place.

A sinister-looking Taoist suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is it that senior? Hehe, you have some fun."

He licked his dry lips, then laughed twice, then fell silent again.

(End of this chapter)

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