Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 196 The gods are alarmed and the saints are horrified!

Chapter 196 The gods are alarmed and the saints are horrified!
I saw four peerless fierce swords standing quietly on the formation in the sky, exuding endless killing energy.

As the Zhuxian sword formation took shape, the blazing white light was dazzling, and then even the four Zhuxian swords above it were invisible, as if they had merged into the sword formation.

The dazzling white light illuminated the entire sky, and even the sun in the prehistoric era lost its color.

The entire sky above Mount Sumeru was shrouded in a peerless sword intent. Even the mountain seemed to be shocked by this peerless ferocious formation. The ground shook and the mountains shook, making a whining sound.

The creatures on Mount Xumi were even more prostrate on the ground, shivering, fearing that if Shao made any move, they would be torn apart by the sword energy that filled the sky and earth. Thousands of creatures with low cultivation levels were wailing.

"Is it the Zhuxian Sword Formation??!!"

Both Zhunti and Jie Yin had horrified expressions on their faces. They did not expect that in order to stop them, Tongtian would even set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

They knew the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. They heard that the Immortal Killing Sword Formation was the most powerful killing formation in the world.

The anger on Zhunti and Jie Yin's faces gradually faded away, and was replaced by solemn and dignified faces.

But now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be launched.

No matter how terrifying the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation was, the two of them still had to bite the bullet and face the difficulties.

Immediately after charging forward, Tongtian waved his big hand, and both Jieyin and Zhunti were included in the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

I saw that the Immortal Killing Sword Formation was like another world, completely different from the environment where it was before.

Even Zhunti Yinxun was revered as a saint, and there was inevitably a hint of panic in his heart. After all, there are no empty warriors under the famous reputation. The reputation of this Immortal Killing Sword Formation is so powerful that even the two of them have to be extremely grand. Be alert.

The two of them stood in a row, both looking into the interior of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. They saw only the shadows of swords filling the sky and the earth, and nowhere could they find the figure reaching the sky.

I saw that the sword shadows all over the sky were attacking and killing, and the murderous aura permeating the sword tip was as real as it could be seen by the naked eye.

I saw Zhunti grabbing one of the sword shadows with a pair of palms of his saint's body. He was obviously relying on his saint's body to compete with the front to see what the sword shadow was capable of.


Before Zhunti's palm touched the sword shadow, he was injured by the sword energy above it, making a gash in his invulnerable saint body, and blood burst out.

Zhunti was frightened and hurriedly locked his hands back, not daring to use his flesh palm to catch the sword intent.

At this time, Zhunti was even more afraid of the monstrous sword shadow and the murderous aura.

This must be because there are so many people with monstrous cultivation under this Immortal-killing Sword Formation who are bleeding so much that they can create such an astonishing killing energy.

With such speculation in their minds, Zhunti and the two of them did not dare to be careless at all. Even they felt threatened by these sword shadows, and they must not be ordinary.

After all, the lesson was right in front of them. Jieyin looked at Zhunti's palm in surprise, and was obviously extremely shocked.

What's more, this was just a single sword shadow. What made their scalps numb even more was that all the sword shadows in the sky were flying towards them.

Is this Immortal Killing Sword Formation really indestructible?

Both Zhunti and Jingyin didn't believe it. They were saints in the world, so what could trap them?

Then the two of them used their magic power and closed their eyes to deduce, and suddenly their eyes lit up.

"Senior Brother, I found the four Zhuxian Swords of this Zhuxian Sword Formation!!!"

Zhunti's excited voice sounded, and Jieyin looked at him and said, "Well, I also sensed the location of the Immortal Killing Sword before."

But then Jieyin looked sad and looked at Zhunti helplessly.

"But junior brother, how can you and I shake these four Immortal Killing Swords and break the Immortal Killing Sword Formation?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhunti seemed to be infected by the introduction, his face was extremely sad, and he seemed to be thinking about how to deal with it.

The two of them were using their bodies to resist the killing swords that filled the sky, and the other was thinking about ways to break the formation.

After a while, Zhunti's eyes shone with light.

"It's true that the two of us are in love."

Then the two of them pointed their fingers at the center of their eyebrows, and a ray of consciousness came out from it.

Then the two of them transformed into a lotus leaf and a bodhi tree, branching out into branches and lotus leaves.

It was to shoot that ray of divine consciousness towards the two separated objects.

Then two figures that were exactly the same as Jieyin and Zhunti appeared out of thin air.

Judging from the strength of the two of them, they actually have the realm of quasi-sage perfection, but it seems that they cannot last for too long.

It must not be as powerful as the previous Bodhi clone!

After all, it is a clone that has differentiated itself, not a clone that has been cultivated over time. The two are naturally incompatible.

"But this level of cultivation should be enough..."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then the four of them turned into streams of light and shot out in four different directions.

"Damn it, it still can't be broken."

"This avatar of the Quasi-Saint Perfection Realm can't even move the Immortal Killing Sword in the slightest."

"Even if you and I can shake two of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, it's still not enough."

"Yes, I can feel that the four Zhuxian swords are connected with each other under the blessing of this formation. Among them, one of the Zhuxian swords has been shaken and moved, and it will be restored by the other Zhuxian swords in a moment!!! "



Two more sword shadows whizzed down, killing both of their clones.

Then they turned into withered lotus leaves and old branches, and the two spiritual consciousnesses also emitted faint light and flew towards Zhunti and Jieyin.Both of their expressions became sluggish at this moment, and it was obvious that their clones were killed by the Zhuxian Sword, which had a considerable impact on them.

Zhunti and Jieyin were also frightened in their hearts, and then they shouted loudly: "Tongtian, are you afraid of the two of us? You put the two of us in this Immortal Killing Sword Formation but you don't dare to show up???"

This clumsy method of motivating generals also made everyone laugh.

But he still took one step forward and appeared in front of Zhunti and Yin.

"Why, if you can't break this Immortal-killing Sword Formation, are you starting to use your words?"

A faint mocking voice sounded, but it made the two of them even more unnatural.

For a moment, they could not find any words to refute. After all, what Tongtian said was indeed the truth, and they did not have the ability to break the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

They had tried it before, but they were horrified to discover the fact that it would take at least four saints to break the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Thinking of this, Lian Yin and Zhunti both looked downcast and felt defeated in their hearts. They were both saints, so why did Tongtian have such a killing weapon.

However, the only way to break the formation is to defeat the Tongtian Cult Leader.

After a moment of silence, the two of them made a decision.

Immediately, the two of them looked at each other with hard expressions.

I saw Zhunti open his mouth, and a green lotus flew out, with a sharp sword on it, and slashed towards the sky.

And that Jieyin also appeared behind him, summoning the blossoming golden lotus of the great avenue. The golden lotus swirled with golden light and pressed towards the leader of Tongtian Cult.

Tongtian smiled casually, how could he not understand what they were thinking, he took a sword shadow and killed the lotus sword and the golden lotus.

Seeing this, Zhunti raised his hands in vain, and another white lotus appeared in his palms.

Tongtian was a little surprised when he saw this Zhunti Taoist with a lotus tongue and a sword-carrying white lotus in his palm, but he didn't take it too seriously. Several sword energy formed a blood-red wave of energy and slashed towards Zhunti.

Jie Yin transformed into twelve golden lotuses of merit and went to help Zhunti, but for a while the battle was inextricably linked.

The saints are fighting fiercely here, and the terrifying energy also spreads to the outside world through the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Even the secrets of Jiang Chen and his group, which were originally covered by the sky, were now shrouded in mystery, and were no longer as difficult to deduce as before.

Halfway up Mount Sumeru.

All the Buddhas in the sky stopped fighting with the Jie Jiao disciples, and the protectors no longer looked at Jiang Chen warily.Everyone looked at the depths of Mount Sumeru in horror, where there was a qi that made people's hearts and minds tremble, making these people unable to breathe.

Although it was just a wisp of energy coming out of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, how could others be able to resist the energy swept out by the Saint's War?

All the Buddhas and Jiejiao people present stared blankly at the place where the terrifying energy came from. Only by personally feeling the fighting aura emanating from the saint can they truly feel their own insignificance.

Below the saints are all ants! ! !
Except for Jiang Chen, who looked thoughtfully at the battlefield through space, he felt the aura of Master Tongtian and Taoist Zhunti.

"Has it started?"

He murmured in his mouth, and then flew towards Duobao and the others to protect these fellow disciples. The Jiejiao people who were still shocked suddenly found that there was a figure in front of them - their senior brother Jiang Chen.

Then the mood gradually calmed down, as if that back figure could stand up to the sky and the earth, making everyone feel at ease inexplicably.

Wa Palace.

Nuwa suddenly looked towards the west with her beautiful eyes, with surprise and shock in her eyes.Close your eyes and deduce it.

"Is it Jiang Chen from the human race again?" A low sigh sounded.

Xuandu Cave, Bajing Palace.

I also suddenly opened my eyes and smiled helplessly.

"My junior nephew is capable of making trouble, but he has an appetite for junior brother Tongtian."

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun was instructing the disciples such as the Twelve Golden Immortals on how to cultivate. Suddenly, he put aside all the disciples and went to the retreat. He pinched his fingers and deduced, and there was a hint of shock in his heart.

"What a good Jiang Chen, seriously."


A beautiful shadow is also looking to the west.

His heart was shocked, "Fellow Daoist Jiang Chen, you are going to break the truth this time!"

Those who competed far away from the ancient west directly felt the atmosphere of a war between saints.

Everyone was horrified. After standing still for a moment, they all rushed towards the west.

Suddenly, thousands of immortals made pilgrimages! ! !

"After so many years, the saint saw that the war started again!"

"I don't know the reason for this!"

A group of powerful people rushed to the Western Sect not far away. Looking at the halfway point of Mount Sumeru, they saw many suppressed Buddhas, as well as Jiang Chen and his party.

"Is this Jiang Chen leading the Jie Jiao to attack the Western Sect??"

"Do you remember when Jiang Chen announced that he would visit the Western Sect?"

"How could I forget! I didn't expect that he would really come!"

(End of this chapter)

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