Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 197 Visiting Buddhism with Jiejiao!

Chapter 197 Visiting Buddhism with Jiejiao!
All the powerful people were stunned.

"It's Jiang Chen, he's really here!"

"Yes, at that time I just thought he was young and frivolous, and I didn't know how terrifying the power of a saint really is. As he grows up in cultivation, he should give up this idea."

"Hehe, let me disappoint you! He is not a young and frivolous person, he is really here this time!"

"Yes, looking at this scene, it must have been a big battle before."

Among the powerful people, Zhen Yuanzi also smiled quite proudly and said: "I know that this Jiang Chen will definitely join this Western religion. Is this boy's courage beyond the reach of ordinary people? Back then, the mortal boy asked the saint If you had seen this scene, you would definitely not think that Jiang Chen would not join the Western religion."

Hearing these words, many powerful people rolled their eyes and secretly cursed.

"You can be proud of this for so long."

Zhen Yuanzi, however, didn't take it seriously at all, with a very proud look on his face.

In his opinion, Jiang Chen could be regarded as growing up step by step, and he had gifted Jiang Chen with the fruit of the supreme spiritual root - ginseng fruit.Presumably, Jiang Chen's current success is due to his own achievements in life.Naturally, there is also a different sense of accomplishment in my heart.

However, Zhen Yuanzi automatically ignored the fact that he was forced to give away the ginseng fruit due to Tongtian's power. He gave it away anyway, and he didn't care whether it was voluntary or not!
Jiang Chen had no idea what the town Yuanzi was thinking at this moment.

Even if he knew, he would just laugh it off.

After all, there is indeed a reason why Jiang Chen grew up so fast.

Of course, those are things for later, let's not mention them for now.

At this time, Jiang Chen stood at the front of the Jiejiao crowd, killing the protector who was suppressed by the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls, and then took back the Dinghai Divine Pearls.

With a wave of his hand, 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls came whizzing over, strung in a circle and hovering over the heads of the Jiejiao disciples. The whole body was emitting light, and a light curtain poured down from the bead body. The light curtain protected Zhujie taught everyone not to be affected by the saint's energy that overflowed from the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Many great powers in the distance were shocked when they saw that under Jiang Chen's Sea-Dinging Divine Pearl, a Western cultivator who was in the late-stage quasi-sage realm was killed.

"Jiang Chen is so bold that he actually directly kills the Western Cult Protector!"

Among them, there was a powerful person who was shocked by Jiang Chen's thunderous method and stammered.

"Tsk, what's all the fuss about? Since Jiang Chen has already been labeled as the Western Cult, it doesn't matter whether he kills the Western Cult's protector or not, okay? He's already offended to death anyway."

A scoffing voice sounded, seeming to laugh at the shock of the previous person.

"Fellow Taoist, even though you said that, if you didn't kill this Buddhist protector, but just injured and suppressed him, you should still have room for maneuver."

Another suspicious voice came out.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, my dojo is near the Western Sect. I was already paying attention when the sound of fighting was heard here."

Halfway through the sentence, the man glanced at the others and whispered: "This Jiang Chen had already beaten to death the ancestor Bodhi, the clone of Saint Zhunti."


The sound of gasping for air rose and fell and could not disappear for a long time.

"Is what you said true?"

"Jiang Chen has really killed Patriarch Bodhi, the clone of Saint Zhunti??"

His breathing became much faster, and his tone was full of surprise and trembling.

"Of course, I can still lie to you. What do you think, fellow Taoists, that Jiang Chen killed this Western cult protector?"

The man from before also had a proud look on his face. He looked at these powerful people in stunned silence and felt a strange pleasure in his heart.

Everyone had the same level of cultivation, but when he told them these things and saw their surprised expressions, he was the only one who could keep his composure. This undoubtedly made him feel a sense of joy for no reason.

"Looking at it this way, Jiang Chen's move is understandable."

"Yes, after killing the clone of a leader, the relationship is completely sealed. There is no room for maneuver."

Some powerful people were sighing, shocked in their hearts by Jiang Chen's courage and superhuman combat power.

Looking at the shocked powerful people, the monk whose dojo was near Mount Sumeru smiled again and released a second bombshell.

"Where did this go? Do you know how Jiang Chen killed Patriarch Bodhi?"

After asking this question, he smiled and said nothing.

This whetted the appetite of the other powerful beings, and when they urged him to speak quickly, the guy slowly cleared his throat.

"Jiang Chen directly punched and kicked Bodhi Ancestor like a ball. In the art of transformation, Jiang Chen completely defeated Bodhi. In the end, Jiang Chen directly penetrated Bodhi with the God-killing Spear, shocking Bodhi. burst"

I saw this man spitting all over his mouth, and after speaking, there was still a look of unfinished expression on his face.

The powerful Taoists around him had been shocked into silence.

"Torturing and killing?" "It can be said that there was no suspense in the battle at that time. It was completely one-sided."

"Is this Jiang Chen already so terrifying??"

"This Bodhi has the perfect strength of a quasi-sage, yet he doesn't even have the slightest strength to resist."

"Don't forget that although Patriarch Bodhi's level of strength is that of a quasi-sage, he is a clone of a saint. He has the energy of a saint, which is far beyond the reach of an ordinary quasi-sage!"

Taking in another big mouthful of cool air, these great experts were shocked so many times that they were all a little numb.

Let’s talk about Jiang Chen.

I wanted to help Master reach the sky, but I was worried about leaving all the Jie Jiao disciples here alone.

Since he was worried that Master Tongtian would suffer a loss if he fought against the two saints alone for a long time, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Looking at the group of Western religious protectors, Thunder took action, and a bit of cold light arrived first! !

Jiang Chen only saw a flicker, and his figure appeared among the protectors. A protector who had been killed before went out. At this time, there were seven Buddhist protectors in the field, all of whom were late Quasi-Saints and perfected Quasi-Saints. Cultivation.


There was an uproar among the powerful people fighting outside Mount Xumi. They did not expect that Jiang Chen would dare to take the initiative to attack in the face of so many quasi-sage consummation and quasi-sage late-stage powerhouses.

Those Western religious protectors were also shocked. Even though they had advanced cultivation, they had already planted the seeds of fear towards Jiang Chen in their hearts. They were really scared.

But after all, they come from the same sect, and the magical powers they have cultivated all have combined attack methods, and they can resist them for a while.

Jiang Chen held the God-killing Spear in his hand, and released the perfect momentum of the Quasi-Saint from all over his body, sweeping across the world and the wasteland. He actually forcibly overwhelmed seven powerful Quasi-Saints with one person? !

In his hand is the god-demon spear, which can be used to chop, smash, stab, and pick.The murderous aura on it was brought into full play by Jiang Chen.

The surrounding Western guardians were beaten so hard that they didn't dare to get close, and they were all in the limelight for a while.
The monks watching the battle and all the Buddhas in the sky were frightened by Jiang Chen's power.

Seeing how fierce Jiang Chen was, the Buddhist protectors dared to fight with him. They all retreated tens of thousands of feet, not daring to step forward.


There was complete silence. Jiang Chen alone suppressed the Western cult so that it did not dare to step forward. This kind of power must be No. 1 in the world! ! !
When Jiang Chen saw these protectors giving in, he stopped pursuing them.I was thinking about how to force Zhunti out to reduce the pressure on the master.

Then he took a step forward and said loudly: "Jie Jiao, Jiang Chen, specially brought Jie Jiao to visit Buddhism!"

The tone of voice was not high, but it shot straight into the sky like thunder.

Afterwards, all the immortals and Buddhas from the Jiejiao Church confirmed what Jiang Chen said, and they all took a step forward and shouted one by one.

"Jie Jiao has many treasures, and I specially accompany my senior brother Jiang Chen to visit Buddhism!"

"There is nothing wrong with intercepting teachings. I am here to visit Buddhism with my senior brother Jiang Chen!"

"Jiejiao Zhao Gongming, I am here to visit Buddhism with my senior brother Jiang Chen!"

"Jie Jiao Turtle Spirit."

"Jie Jiao Yun Xiao."

"Intercept teaching."

In an instant, the sound shocked the whole world and caused a sensation in the world. The friendship between the disciples was also unparalleled in the world! !

"Why, haven't you given up yet? In this Immortal Killing Sword Formation, it's impossible for you two to defeat me alone."

Tongtian mocked.

Zhunti and Jieyin on the opposite side also looked ugly. They had already tried their best to take it seriously, but they still couldn't defeat Tongtian. It seemed that they really wanted to be taught by Tongtian to do whatever they wanted in the west.

"Zhunti, have you thought about it? Should you continue to be trapped here, or should you go out and have a discussion with that disciple of mine?"

"Okay, then let me out."

Zhunti gritted his teeth and then cupped his hands towards Jie Yin.

"Senior brother, please wait here quietly while I go out and suppress that Jiang Chen!!!"

Halfway up Mount Sumeru.

A ball of Bodhi's pure air filled the air, lingering in the air, but in the end it turned into a Taoist with a yellow face and a skinny face.

Just when he heard the words that shocked the world, he glanced at the young man holding a magic gun standing in mid-air and the suppressed Buddha around him, and his face turned livid with anger in an instant!
"Jiang Chen, you are looking for death!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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