Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 212 Successful Enlightenment!Great saint!

Chapter 212 Successful Enlightenment!Great saint!
I saw Jiang Chen sitting cross-legged between heaven and earth, like a real god, the real god of creation. The 36 worlds are constantly changing according to Jiang Chen's thoughts.

Jiang Chen is still evolving the 36 worlds and advancing the progress of the world. At this time, Jiang Chen is doing better than ever before.

In this world, he felt that he was a real god, an undefeated existence, and that all the power in the entire small universe could be used by him.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the void, refining the earth, water, fire and wind. The earth is matched with earth. The earth and water are matched with gold. Water is matched with water. The water and fire are matched with wood. Fire is matched with fire. Earth, water and fire are the symbols of the five elements that are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Wind is not among the five elements. Inside.

It is an independent thought of a living being, a gas, a flowing object, and a spiritual consciousness.

As long as there are births and restraints among the five elements, there is no restraint among the five elements of Dharmakaya.

Since then, this small world has had the Five Elements and Twelve Destinations, and the rules of the world have been established.

The monks outside Mount Xumi were gathering more and more at this time. In the end, Mount Sumeru of Nuoda was so crowded that they couldn't even find a place to stay.

All the powerful monks came here to witness this most magnificent event in the world.

However, they saw that Jiang Chen was actually like a creator god, creating the world out of nothing, refining the earth, water, fire and wind, establishing the five elements, and giving the will of heaven.

In this world, Jiang Chen is the real god, superior to the way of heaven. The whole world is just Jiang Chen's control over life and death in a single thought.

He originally wanted to continue to advance the world process, but it was too energy-consuming to advance the world process just now.So now I am exhausted.

Absorb the power of this world and gradually improve your own state.

"This power is so wonderful..."

Jiang Chen lightly shook his hands and then smiled with satisfaction.

Although he has not yet attained enlightenment and become a true saint, half of his foot has already penetrated.

Thirty-six figures in white robes stood up at the same time, looking faintly outside the great wilderness. The previously broken space that the great wilderness pointed out had been completely repaired.

In the horrified eyes of all sentient beings in the prehistoric world, they saw that the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls were all broken and opened, completely forming a small world of 36 squares on their own, integrated into the prehistoric world, but independent from the prehistoric world.

And the ruler that measures the sky has also become the rule of every world.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and stepped lightly.

Just stepping out of the 36-square small world in one step, 36 figures stepped out together, which seemed quite strange. Finally, under the surprised eyes of all the people, the 36 figures merged into one figure.

It's like a fusion.

And just when Jiang Chen stepped out of the small world and the 36 figures merged into one, the entire prehistoric world was stagnant.

The abyss-like aura slowly rose from his body, and a great aura of great energy spread out, and the supreme aura swept across the world!

"Saint! this the breath of a saint?!!"

"Is he really sanctified?"

"This energy is unmistakable. Only saints have such energy."

"Even before, Jiang Chen's combat power was enough to compete with the saint, but he was slightly at a disadvantage, but the energy in his body could still be felt as if he was only a quasi-sage, but now it's different!"

"This is a real saint's qi machine, there can be no mistake!!"

Countless monks and powerful monks were swallowing their saliva secretly. Anyone who saw a junior who had practiced for tens of thousands of years attaining enlightenment and becoming a saint would be like this, and would be shocked and speechless.Previously, in the world he opened up, he could feel his own power flowing continuously, taking all the 36 worlds into his body to warm and nourish him. At this time, Jiang Chen was his own way of heaven.

And when those 36 small worlds merged into a large world, it was when Jiang Chen stepped into the true realm of a saint.

Feeling the small world in his body that formed its own universe, Jiang Chen also smiled with satisfaction. The 36-square small world and the original Dao pattern in Jiang Chen's body complemented each other and nourished each other.

Those small worlds nourish the body's Dao patterns, and the ontology Dao patterns also flow with brilliance and promote the process of the 36 worlds, forming a virtuous cycle.

The overwhelming power coming from his body gave Jiang Chen a feeling of invincibility. He didn't know if it was his illusion, but now Jiang Chen believed in his heart that no matter which saint he was, he could. Fight and win!
While Jiang Chen was sighing in his heart, the momentum that swept across the vast world indeed became more and more intense, and finally shocked all living beings in the vast world, as if the voice of the Great Dao descended.

"Congratulations to Emperor Tianqi Rensheng for becoming a saint of the Great Dao!"

The mysterious sound of heaven seemed to resound in the hearts of all living beings, and then there was no warning.

All sentient beings in the prehistoric era were as blessed as souls, and they bent down to salute one after another, while those monks with low strength were so suppressed that they could not even breathe, and did not even dare to raise their heads.

Jiang Chen looked at the congratulations from the voice that sounded like the way of heaven, but there was no trace of complacency in his eyes. If Jiang Chen wanted to attain the great way, why should he care about the title and congratulations of the original way of heaven? Given time, he would definitely be able to surpass this prehistoric way of heaven. Above!

Just like he is above the heavenly way he created the world.

Jiang Chen stood with his hands behind his back, arrogantly looking at the sky, his eyes were calm, looking at the vast world, his eyes were filled with depth.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

"This energy, someone has become a saint! Jiang Chen is so tyrannical, even I can't wait for you. Junior Brother Tongtian, you really make people envious!"

Yuan Shi felt the power, and he stopped paying attention after he sent the twelve disciples who were sitting down to help out.

But when Jiang Chen used his strength to prove the Tao, he felt a chaotic power, and then he turned his attention to the Western religion again.

What shocked him was that Jiang Chen was not the sage of Heavenly Dao who was the same as him, but the sage of Dao Dao? !
At the Bajing Palace, I closed my eyes and was awakened again.

I, who had always been calm and calm as water, had a face full of shock.

"The avenue. It's the avenue!"

In the Nine Netherworld Mansion.

Ping Xin also had beautiful eyes, looking at Jiang Chen with complex admiration.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang Chen, you have finally reached this point. Do you want to continue to carry forward the style of God Father?"

Wa Palace.

Nuwa penetrated the space and looked at the white-robed boy on Mount Xumi. Her heart was trembling with excitement. She felt a terrifying power from Jiang Chen. At this time, she was in a dream state. feeling in.

"Is he really the human race I created?"

Amid the chaos, a majestic palace floated in it. A majestic figure in the hall had a restless aura around him, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were filled with incredulity.

"how is this possible??!"

(End of this chapter)

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